A major reason cancer is so frustratingly difficult to cure is that by the time it can be detected, it is often very advanced, and like all advanced diseases, much more difficult to treat. In a person with advanced cancer, uncontrolled angiogenesis keeps cancer cells growing and allows them to spread. However, without angiogenesis, cancers can’t grow and become dangerous.
This is why the microscopic cancers that form in our bodies all the time are mostly harmless. These cancers aren’t even visible on a standard X-ray or body scan. So, to effectively prevent cancer, angiogenesis needs to be brought under control before the tumor can get a foothold. This is where everyday diet comes into play.
Every day it seems a new diet fad hits the news, often endorsed by a celebrity or TV personality. How can you decide which diet is best for you? There is a variable amount of research backing each of these diets. One diet that has been carefully scrutinized in clinical trials is the Mediterranean diet.
As its name implies, the Mediterranean diet is derived from the eating patterns of the people who live on or near the Mediterranean Sea, such as in Greece, Italy and Spain. The traditional Mediterranean diet includes a high intake
of whole grains, fruits, vegetable, nuts, and olive oil; a moderate intake of fish, poultry and (low sugar) wine, and a low intake of dairy products, red meat, processed meat and sweets.
Adherence to a Mediterranean diet is associated with not only weight reduction but also a decreased risk of death from heart disease, cancer and all from all causes, particularly in individuals who get moderate exercise and avoid smoking. Both cancer survivors and individuals at risk of cancer may benefit significantly from adhering to a Mediterranean diet in combination with other healthy lifestyle behaviors. With its abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables, summer is the perfect time to make those changes in your diet to convert to a Mediterranean pattern.
Unlike all those diets with fancy names this diet has no name. If it did, It would be called it the logical diet, because it uses logic, no gimmicks. When I learned cancer needs methionine to build its protective protein barrier … that cloak that makes it “invisible” to our immune system? I learned that the best source of methionine is animal protein, I took animal protein out of my diet.
Beta Glucans and Cancer
The rapid growth of cancer in healthy individuals can over-activate an individual’s immune system. Beta glucans bind and activate specific innate immune cells including macrophages, antibodies, and natural killer (NK) cells so that it can trigger an immune response. The ability of beta glucans to modify the attack of immune cells on invasive agents supports an efficient and stronger immune response.
Beta glucans are also prime immune cells to recognize complementary immune defense compounds. The antibody antigen response is coupled with beta glucan for a biologically synergistic response to kill cancer cells. The coupling of these 2 defense tools may even be a stronger therapy than chemotherapy or radiation. Furthermore, the ability of beta glucans to work in cooperation with antibody complexes poses no adverse health reactions as do conventional cancer treatments.
Beta glucans effectively stimulate an immune response from T-cells, NK cells, cytokines interleukin (IL) 1 and 2, as well as macrophages. Research supports the ability of beta – glucans to reduce the growth rate of cancer cells all while stimulating a stronger immune response to foreign invaders.
Specifically, NK cells are crucial to inhibiting cancer growth and are solely responsible for detecting and controlling tumors. NK cells seek and destroy tumor growth. https://thetruthaboutcancer.
Preview YouTube video Dr Gonzalez and Carol Alt Cancer Interview

Galectin-3 is also present in various cancers and linked to sugar and cancer spread. Research suggest that Modified Citrus Pectin (MCP) helps against that and is found in the peel/zest of a lemon skin. Whereas Dr. Herbert T. Nagasawa states, Glutathione is a major antioxidant in the body responsible for maintaining cellular redox homeostasis. Which means it maintains the body pH to normal as- well- as brings oxygen to the cells.
Watermelon has an abundance of glutathione especially in its green rind try juicing it minus the green skin!! The rinds, peels, stems, leaves and seeds and many fruits and vegetables can be safely consumed and often contribute valuable nutritional impact and phytochemicals to your diet. Can I eat fruit if I have cancer? YES!!!
Watermelon rinds and seeds are examples. Watermelon rind contains more of the amino acid citrulline than the pink flesh.13 Citrulline is converted to arginine in your kidneys, and this amino acid is important for heart health and maintaining your immune system.
Black watermelon seeds are also edible and actually quite healthy. They contain iron, zinc, protein and fiber.

by Hilde Larsen :)
Wanna heal FAST?? Don’t!!!
Personally, I do not recommend the long fasts. I don`t care what it is named, called or who is doing it. When you are looking for long term healing, be smart.
Be strong, diligent and persistent, but also be smart.
Jumping on board a long and rigid regime, in desperation for quick results, can be detrimental.
In short, the body is an alchymist.
You have to let go of the old paradigm of though, and look at it from another angle. We are not sick because the body does not get its nutrients ( although it doesn`t). Bare with me: When your cells are bathing in acids, corrosive and degeneratice acids, the number one concern is always to move the lymphatic system, to clean the pipes, to let go of ths shit so to speak, for any healing to start.
The body, when clean, need very little nutrients. It is very eficient, although everything you say about carbs, lipids, to an extent true, iit becomes our mental trap. What we have learned about proteins, about lipids, seems to all be false. All we need to do is to eat ripe amazing fruits and greens, from nature, all raw, and we will never lack one single nutrient.
A balanced diet, as we have been told IS one, does not exist. One simple food is balanced. Every single orange is balanced. perfectly for us to thrive on. This post, however, is about long term fasting, where the detoxification process will kick into a gear very few can handle. The results being binging inbetween, leaving the bowy and the state of emotional health worse off.
I see this all the time.
You might be desperate to get well, and it is tempting to jump on a wagon of restrictions way beyond your emotional and mental capacity.
This results in a jo-jo type of detoxification that might hurt you more than it will benefit your journey.
First of all:
If you are not already filtering, and have daily large bowel movements, you are putting a strain on your organs and glands. A lot of acids are released, circulating your system.
Second of all:
The body will look at this new situation as a crisis, as the mental and emotional preparation might not be in place. By that, I mean that when you are not in a place of fully embracing the experience, you will feel uneasy and might end up even more imbalanced after the fast.
Third of all:
Knowledge is power, and the lack thereof can result in quite the opposite of power. A longer restricted fast requires not only knowing your body but also knowing your weaknesses and emotional standpoint.
Fourth of all:
As a result, more often than not, I see a lot of binging and cravings after ending the fast. hereof the jo-jo statement. Going all in, then out, then in, to then go out again, is confusing, to say the least. the body, the whole system is beyond confused, and the body is going from trying to dig deep, to being hit with a toxic overload from cooked or raw hell.
Fifth of all
The road to amazing optimal health on all levels requires YOU to be able to sustain your journey. By that I mean, you need to be able to go at it for several years. not on and off, only ON: Not that my clients don`t embark on shorter fasts, dry fasts, and other amazing kick ass protocols.
Believe me, they do, AND they thrive and heal doing them.
Long term is the PLAN.
Slow and steady wins the race.
Mindful detoxification also means smart detoxification.
I am about success, not the protocol.
I want you to HEAL, permanently.
I want you to learn and grow into your OWN trust and sovereignty
So my friend.
Keep a steady sustainable pace.
Anything else:
Tiering for the body,
exhausting for YOU.
Preview Cancer is curable now with a rebound air and exercise!

It is not said without any reason that water is life. Therefore, it is really important that you drink a large amount of it during the day so that your body can function normally. However, what happens to your organism in the morning, that is once you wake up when you drink a glass of water on an empty stomach?
1. Helps remove the toxins from the body
While we drink water it has a natural effect on digestion. During the night our body recovers, that is it tries to throw out all the toxins. When you drink a glass of it on an empty stomach in the morning you will remove all toxins from the organism. Moreover, you will feel fresher and you will be healthier.
2. Improves the metabolism
Drinking water on an empty stomach can increase the speed of the metabolism up to 25%. A faster metabolism means a better digestive system. What is more, drinking it right after waking up cleanses the large intestine. In that way, the absorption of the nutritional ingredients is easier.
3. Serves for healthy weight loss
When you drink water on an empty stomach in the morning, your body gets rid of the toxins and the digestion improves. Therefore, you will not feel so hungry and the food cravings will reduce. That will help prevent the concentration of extra weight which is caused by over-eating.
4. Reduces the acids and the digestive problems
Bad digestion contributes to higher acid levels in the stomach. That happens when acid goes back again through the alimentary canal. However, when you drink water on the empty stomach those acids dilute, and their bad effects are reduced.
5. Improves the look of the face and the tan
Dehydration results in early wrinkles and deep pores in the skin. However, drinking a glass of water on an empty stomach boosts the blood flow in the skin, which gives it a shiny, healthy look. Furthermore, consuming a lot of water during the day means your body releases the toxins. Therefore, the look of you face and your tan will be improved.
6. Healthy and shiny hair
Apart from dehydration having a bad effect on the skin, it also has a bad effect on the hair growth. Drinking a lot of water nourishes the hair from the inside to the outside, because the lack of water intake can make the hairs fragile and thin. Consuming a glass of water on an empty stomach can have a really positive effect on the quality of your hair.
7. Strengthens the immune system
Consuming water on an empty stomach helps cleanse and balance the lymph system, that is it improves the immunity. The strong immune system will keep you safe from different diseases and will prevent diseases that occur seldom.

Also, while people do lose weight, this is a side effect of removing the toxic and extraneous matter that have been stored within your fat cells. By doing so allowing your body to achieve superior health. Juice feasting cleanse is not a diet, it heals, it nourishes, it feasts and regenerates your whole body. https://rawjuiceguru.com/
It is impossible to eat the high doses of vegetables and fruits that are in our juice feasting cleanse. Raw Juicing, will not only, eliminate the need for munching and chewing high quantities of greens and vegetables, it also minimizes the body’s digestive effort, since nutrients are absorbed into blood stream within minutes. Juicing breaks done fibers in the vegetables, making it easier to abosorb all the nutrients.
Scientists have identified over 5000 different enzymes plus many more that our bodies utilize. Live enzymes are the catalyst for every human function. They also perform 1000 important life supporting functions. They help repair our DNA help digest food, and help as assimilate the nutrients within food among many more. Dead processed and cooked foods have few, if any, live enzymes. Why? Because enzymes die when they’re heated above 118 degrees. Studies have shows that there is a strong correlation between eating animal protein and the incidence of cancer, heart disease and other illnesses.
With Juice Feasting cleanse its all about the live enzymes, amino acids, minerals and vitamins. Our Raw juice contains lots of fiber because of the juice extraction method we use. Its a misconception that Raw Juic e does not contain fiber and varies on the juicer you use. Juicing is a nutrient dense way to alkalize body & infuse cells with high dose phytonutrients. By not eating solid foods u allow body to conserve energy & utilize it to heal u at base of the problem, NOT just the symptom.
Cleansing re-balances and cleans the sludge, mucus and toxins in our bodies so we can adequately absorb nutrients. It balances out our pH scale, letting our bodies be slightly alkaline, which is 7.3 pH level. One of the most important results of giving putting your cells thru juice cleanse is it will help to maintain pH balance of your body. And also has been scientifically proven, you are less prone to disease and other ailments if your body is slightly alkaline.
Benefits of Our Juice Cleanse:
• Resets your metabolism
• Boost energy
• Stronger, shinier hair
• Better Sleep patterns
• Regular Bowel Functions
• Remove Metals from your body
• Get glowing skin and brighter eyes
• Restoring hydration, alkalinization and oxygenation
• Eliminate aches and pains
• Reduce bloating and water retention
• Remove acidity, mucus, molds, fungus and bad bacteria from body
• Rebuild your immune system
• Improve fertility and menstrual cycle
• Balance hormones for both sexes
• Your body will covert food into energy much better
• Eliminate bad breath, body odor and cellulite
• Increase Libido and Energy
• detoxify your cells
• Less irritable
• Eliminate heavy metals
• Improve digestion
• Reduce and stop cravings and bad habits
• Will make you look youthful and young
• Delete Skin Problems like acne, eczema, psoriasis, dry skin and so on
• No more depression and Angel
• Improve memory and concentration
• Reverse Cancer Cells
• Helps you recover from radiation or chemo
• Helps you recover from stroke
• Treat Diabetes type 1 and type 2
• Treat High blood pressure
• Shrink Fibroid and more
A cure results when the energy blockage is released on the deepest possible level. When the emotional & energy blockage is released, the acute healing mechanism will eliminate the blockage through the appropriate channel of elimination. When the blockage on the emotional level becomes acute, it may be experienced as anger, resentment, bitterness.
The same blockage becoming acute on the physical level may be expressed as fever or an angry, red, raw rash. Fever, rash, pain, pimples, boils, mucous discharge, pus, loose stool, constipation, chills, cough, anger, grief, depression, sadness, etc. are expressions of acute healing. As Dr. Kuhne stated, “Dis-ease is the presence of foreign matter in the body.”
Yoga For Anxiety and Stress. Awaken The Force! Move from the darkness into the light! Yoga has your back! In this practice video Adriene guides you through breath and body practices that serve you when you feel bad. Learn breathing techniques and spinal work that will assist you in moments of stress. Find release, create space and process yo’ stuff. Bookmark this video. Yoga to the rescue! Enjoy.
Preview Yoga For Anxiety and Stress