Some can solve the Rubik’s Cube in minutes why can’t everyone 
Robert M. Schoch, a Ph.D. in geology and geophysics from Yale and an associate professor of Natural Science at a unit of Boston University, has written about his belief in psychokinesis. His book “The Parapsychology Revolution: A Concise Anthology” takes a deep dive on the subject, with evidence pulled from the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Lab (PEAR).
PEAR conducted studies on extrasensory perception and psychokinesis starting in 1979. The lab’s founder, Robert G. Jahn, told The New York Times in 2007, “If people don’t believe us after all the results we’ve produced, then they never will.”
Scientists have found out that the power of mind can affect a variety of devices and liquid media such as highly precise chronometers, lasers, electrical generators of electromagnetic radiation, emulsions, colloids, water, etc.
In recent years after a number of experiments on telekinesis, Dr. Robert G. Jahn (the head of the Laboratory of abnormal studies at Princeton University) managed to proves that human by his psyche can affect material objects. It was verified after thousands of experiments, which involved hundreds of men and women of all ages and professions. Subjects had to move a pendulum, placed under a transparent plastic cap. Five subjects were able to do it at any time and distance.
Technology for Telekinesis
Something eye catchy that I came across during research on the topic stated :
“Monkeys can be trained to move a cursor on a computer screen by thought alone, according to US researchers. This technology may enable patients with paralysed or amputated limbs to control robotic prostheses neurally.”
The universe is full of mysteries that challenge our knowledge and understanding. Telekinesis, is it true? .. You decide.
Biological basis for telekinesis?
The history of telekinesis is a history of frauds and fakery, both proven and suspected. Even many researchers studying psychokinesis admit the data fall far short of scientific standards of proof. But they face an even bigger problem: there is no known mechanism by which the human mind could move or bend material objects. Even if our brain waves could somehow influence objects, the laws of physics demonstrate that the waves don’t extend beyond a few millimeters from the skull.
People who claim to have telekinesis are mostly a thing of the past. Of course, if people really did have the ability to move objects with their minds, they would likely not waste their time being tested in laboratories but instead becoming rich in Las Vegas altering dice rolls at craps, or as top sports stars fixing golf shots.
Houdini exposed them
Harry Houdini, best known for his amazing magic and escape acts, tirelessly investigated and exposed fake mediums, and even wrote a book about it, “Miracle Mongers and Their Methods.”
As the public grew wise to the fake psychics, the phenomenon diminished — until the 1930s and 1940s, when a researcher at Duke University named J.B. Rhine became interested in the idea that people could affect the outcome of random events using their minds.
Rhine began with tests of dice rolls, asking subjects to try and influence the outcome through concentration. Though his results were mixed and hardly robust, they were enough to convince him that there was something mysterious going on. Unfortunately for Rhine his experiments failed a crucial scientific test, that of replicability: other researchers were unable to duplicate his findings. Errors were found in his methodology, and the topic faded away.
Psychokinesis popped back into the spotlight again three decades later with the emergence in the 1970s of a charismatic Israeli spoon-bender named Uri Geller.
Geller became the world’s best-known psychic superstar and made millions traveling the world demonstrating his claimed psychokinetic abilities. Though he denied using magic tricks, many skeptical researchers, including James “The Amazing” Randi, observed that all of Geller’s amazing feats could be — and have been — duplicated by magicians. Randi famously quipped, “If Geller is bending spoons with his mind, he’s doing it the hard way.”
Real evidence finally?
In 1976, several children who claimed to have psychokinetic powers were tested in controlled experiments at the University of Bath. Perhaps taking a cue from Geller, they claimed the ability to bend metal objects such as spoons. For a while the results seemed promising, and experimenters believed they might finally have found real scientific evidence of psychokinesis. Unfortunately, the children were caught cheating on hidden cameras, physically bending spoons with their hands — not their minds — when they thought no one was watching.
Other frauds were also discovered; proof remained elusive, and once again the “mind over matter” phenomenon faded away. Unlocking Your Truth radio show episode (podcast) regarding Energy Healing, Another Alternative.
The Egely Wheel
I then started to wonder what this energy looked like and how could it be used other than for combat. So I explored kirlian photography for 12 years until I found PIP/NEV. During this time I also came across the Egely Wheel. Finally a device that was invented to actually train you to project and control energy from your hands and fingers!!!!
The above picture is of me with my left hand trying to turn the wheel, having a severe left brain activation my resources were focused on analytical tasks and not imagination. So there is no definite energy pattern observed, as the wheel did not turn.
The above picture is of my right hand, pretty much straight after the left one. You can see the small green, purple and red lines coming out of my finger tips! this is the energy, chi, prana, ki….whatever you would like to call it! The wheel was spinning very fast at this stage. Notice in the bottom left of the picture a pool of orange/red energy is formed……this is also projected from the hand! The wheel will turn the fastest of the part of the brain that is being used the most. Perfect balance is left and right brain hemispheric synchronisation, in which the wheel turns equal for both left and right hands.
For years I had been able to capture what this energy looked like but now I could see it had an actual effect on matter!!!! by physically moving an object from using intention alone.
So enter the Egely Wheel a small device thats main component is a very light wheel that sits atop a small polished ruby. This is the first device ever made that can actually train you AND measure Chi or energy using a measurement called VQ or vitality quotient. Your hand is placed close to the wheel and you simply think “turn” or imagine that water is spraying out of your hands. It’s as simple as that.
The egely wheel then measures the speed of the wheel and small LEDS light up as the wheel turns faster. A rotation of 200% is a healthy level while 400% is exceptional talent, very few people in the world can achieve this. With consistent practice you are able to activate this energy at will, feel what your actual physical cues are and then control it. You are then able to first move the energy in and around your own body and then actually transmit it to others!
I have already started my 4 year old son William on it. On his first try he was able to make it spin faster than most adults!!! he is very happy about that.
The above picture is of Will turning the Egely wheel with his left hand, he has a strong red energy coming out of his finger tips, and energy pooling around the wheel itself.
In the advanced stages of training you can control two wheels at the same time…..THEN two at the same time while making them go in different directions. What is also interesting is that if you are getting sick – well before physical symptoms occur the wheel will slow down or won’t move at all. The wheel is turned by thought alone…..if you have a fever and radiating heat, the wheel will not budge one bit.
The Egely wheel has won many international invention awards and allows you to develop the skill of telekinesis without the years of martial art or healing training.
Preview Egely Wheel Vitality Meter-Chi measure
Preview White Noise Healers Reiki Telekinesis