The Living Matrix — The Science of Healing, uncovers new ideas about the intricate web of factors that determine our health. We talk with a group of dedicated scientists, psychologists, bioenergetic researchers and the holistic practitioners who are finding healing potential in new places. Tapping into the power of informations, Leaders in science are examining the body through the lens of also quantum physics. They have discovered we’re far more than biochemical machines. Instead, our cells are senders and receivers of information, controlling our health in ways we never imagined.
The Living Matrix – The Science of Healing, uncovers new ideas about the intricate web of factors that determine our health. We talk with a group of dedicated scientists, psychologists, bio-energetic researchers and holistic practitioners who are finding healing potential in new places.
Tapping into the power of information, Leaders in science are examining the body through the lens of quantum physics. They’ve discovered that we’re far more than biochemical machines. Instead, our cells are senders and receivers of information, controlling our health in ways we never imagined.
In the film, researchers and others who faced health challenges put the science in perspective when they tell their stories. The family of a young Greek boy with cerebral palsy tries to improve his quality of life through reconnective healing. A British woman, also diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor, immerses herself into neuro-linguistic programming. An American woman runs out of options to treat her chronic fatigue syndrome, and as a last resort, begins using an information-based therapy. All 3 make remarkable recoveries.
Science-based healing or “miracle cures?” How can we account for these cases, and many others like them? Modern biochemical medicine has no framework for explaining these events, often dismissing them as spontaneous remissions” or the result of some kind of placebo effect.
5 year old Dimirti was born with cerebral palsy, there is no medical cure for this condition.
When Dimirti was born the doctors told us he may never be able to walk, never be independent, that what he had was a chronic disease, Certain damage to his health, he might never recover from. We had not tried any alternative. Personally I trusted nothing but the standard approaches, Until some people we trusted, because we knew them well, told us about Eric.
Preview PLACEBO CURES Proof – The Living Matrix (FullMovie)

The Science of Healing.
Exploring how Healing happens from Consciousness to Brain to DNA and beyond.
Psychotherapist Sunita Pattani interviews Physicist and Molecular Biologist Jazz Rasool. Jazz will explore how healing begins and progresses through the body as well as what gets in its way.
Starting from simple shifts in perspective Jazz takes a journey through the mind,heart and body following the cascade of changes all the way from neuronal firing in the brain to the change in symptoms brought about by shifts in DNA activity. This is interleaved with exploration of spiritual shifts and effects that link into the physical changes as well as the role of how emotional intelligence influences physical wellbeing.
We’ll be exploring
^ The Physics, Physiology and Psychology of Energy
^ The Role of Intention, Attention and Tension
^ The Role of Perception and Perspective
^ The Role of Relationships, and ‘Self-Wealth’
^ The Placebo Effect, Healing yourself
^ How the Relaxation Response serves the Placebo Effect
^ The Nocebo Effect, Harming yourself
^ How the Stress Response serves the Nocebo Effect
^ The role of the Sympathetic Nervous System
^ The role of the Parasympathetic Nervous System
^ Hormone pathways
^ The Amygdala, Hypothalamus and Pituitary organs
^ Mind-Gene interaction and Epigenetics
^ Psycho-Neuro-Immunology
^ Hypnotherapy, Activating the Relaxation Response
^ Emotional and Social Intelligence and a Healthy Society.
^ 3 top tips to start you Mind-Body Healing process
Listen in to this breakthrough Radio show and Shift your Perspective and your Health.
Jazz Rasool
The Science of Healing
With Dr. Esther Sternberg
A NYC Urban Zen PBS Documentary Screening
The Science of Healing follows author and medical researcher Dr. Esther Sternberg to a village in Greece, where her own story of illness and recovery inspired her research into the role the brain and the emotions play in healing, a role the ancient Greeks understood well and used in their practices.
In this compelling PBS documentary, we learn how the brain helps us to heal emotionally and physically. Dr. Sternberg looks into the roles of light, vision, and environment in restoring health using advanced brain-imaging technology. At Philadelphia’s Monell Chemical Senses Center, Dr. Sternberg learns that what we smell can have a profound effect on mood, stress, and the immune system. She also learns why the Mediterranean diet may be effective in recuperation.
IMPORTANT Watch The Complete Episode: The Science Of Healing With Dr. Esther Sternberg
Professor of Physiology Dr. Moni Fleshner of the University of Colorado researches the effects of exercise on immune function, while Dr. Julian Thayer studies the impact of music on the brain. At the University of Wisconsin, Dr. Richie Davidson, using MRI scanning, finds that meditation significantly improves the immune system’s response to the flu virus. And at Columbia University, Dr. Tor Wager researches the placebo effect, revealing that expectation and belief have a provable bearing on healing.
The screening will be followed by an expert panel including:
Dr. Esther Sternberg, Chief of the Section on Neuroendocrine Immunology and Behavior at the National Institute of Mental Health
Dr. Woodson Merrell, Chairman of the Dept. of Integrative Medicine at Beth Israel
Medical Center
Dr. Joy Hirsch, Director of the Program for Imaging & Cognitive Sciences at
Columbia University Medical Center
David Kamp, Fellow of the American Society of Landscape Architects,
Founder of Dirtworks
Preview Emotions, the brain and the body (p1).

JOSHUA TONGOL is a young man with an interesting story. He was born with only one hand that he wrestled with for most of his life. For years he went from one healing crusade to another to receive healing but to no avail. He became utterly disappointed and confused concerning the idea of miracles.
By the age of 17 he began his eight-year tirade against the Christian charismatic movement. During that period, he considered himself “open but cautious” toward any claim of miracles.
During his college years he was diagnosed with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and suffered from a herniated disc (sciatica) in his back. He experienced a tremendous amount of physical and emotional pain. Although he desired to be healed, he was still a hardcore critic of faith healing. What was about to happen next changed his life forever.
In 2006, Joshua was challenged by a modern-day miracle. He was so convinced of its authenticity that he began his own journey–investigating to find out whether or not miracles still occur regularly today. He read every book he could find on the topic and met with different people who operated in these so-called “supernatural gifts.”
Eventually, Joshua began praying for the sick and started seeing results for the very first time–including his own healing from both his GERD and back injury.
In recent years, Joshua discovered the universal power to heal resides in every human being–that it doesn’t belong to just one group, religion, sect, or even to one special person. In fact, the principles of healing are woven into the very fabric of the universe and are available to anyone, anytime, and anywhere.
As he often says, “The Universe plays no favorites.”
Josh is the host of The Flipside podcast where he shares hilarious stories, though-provoking questions, and insights about God, philosophy, faith, doubt, healing, pop-culture, and whatever else is on his mind!
As a rising thought leader, Josh is a popular speaker who has spoken to thousands of people throughout the United States and abroad. He’s a frequent speaker on topics such as religion, spirituality, and personal development–offering new paradigms relevant for our day and age.
He has been interviewed on popular blogs such as The Huffington Post and He has appeared as a guest on, which is found on the #1 Christian radio station (99.5 KKLA) in Los Angeles. He has been featured on The 700 Club Asia, and also had his personal story written about in Biola University’s The Point magazine.
REMEDIOS (REMY) JOSE TONGOL was born and raised in Kuwait. She is an amazing young woman who Joshua fell in love with the first day they met in the Philippines. She is a source of joy in his life. They are the best of friends. And her sweet and gentle spirit continues to touch many lives.
Preview How to Heal Your Body Using Your Mind! (POWERFUL!)

Preview How to REPROGRAM Your Subconscious Mind

YPreview: You’ll Never See Healing the Same Way (MUST WATCH!)