MY Solution:

Indeed from my research, watermelon has a great amount of glutathione. Glutathione can protect us from cancer. It is an antioxidant. Other fruits that also have glutathione and are rich in antioxidants are berries, oranges, pomegranate, apricots, prunes, avocado, grapefruit, strawberries and peaches. Cinnamon, asparagus, legumes, nuts, spinach and bell peppers can also make our skin healthier.
We often hear glutathione when we talk about skin lightening products. What we don’t know is we can eat cystine-rich food because our body uses cystine and converts it to glutathione. Cystine-rich food includes dairy products such as cheese,yogurt and chicken breast. With cystine-rich food and foods rich in selenium, the production of glutathione in our body is increased. Tuna, beef, chicken, turkey, eggs, cheese, and Brazil nuts are good source of selenium. Brazil nuts are especially rich in selenium, which helps increase the body’s production of glutathione. Other foods rich in selenium include tuna, beef, walnuts, eggs, cottage cheese, and turkey.
To make our skin more beautiful, we can eat food with B-complex. Watermelons also contain Alkaline Water which is all the rage these days. Alkaline water removes toxins and acidity from the body. Some say it also reduces food cravings that leads to weight loss.
Aside from glutathione and alkaline water, watermelon is also rich in beta carotene, potassium, vitamin A, and vitamin B. Personally, I am surpised at how much we can get from watermelons as I reckon it is only made up of water. From now on, next to bananas – let’s add watermelons in our fruits baskets!
What is CoQ10?
CoQ10 is also known as co-enzyme Q10, Q10, vitamin Q10, ubiquinone and ubidecarenone. It is a compound that is naturally produced by the body. The “Q10” simply refers to the group of chemicals that make up the co-enzyme.
CoQ10 is used by the body’s cells to produce the energy they need to grow and stay healthy. CoQ10 also consists of an antioxidant property that protects the cells from harmful free radicals.
Free radicals can cause damage to the DNA of a cell which is often linked to the cause of cancer. CoQ10, protects the body is from the harmful effects of free radicals; hence, reducing one’s risk of developing cancer.
CoQ10 is found in all of the body’s tissues but is more concentrated in the heart, liver, kidneys, pancreas and lungs. CoQ10 is also found in: anchovies, broccoli, beef, salmon, sardines, mackerel, soy oil and peanuts.
As a person gets older, the amount of CoQ10 tends to decrease due to a decline in production levels or a deficiency of vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 can be obtained from chickpeas, avocado, roast beef, fish, chicken breast, tomato and sunflower seeds.
CoQ10 was discovered in 1957, but researchers didn’t discover its benefits as an anti-cancer agent until 1961. Since, numerous studies have been conducted to determine CoQ10’s role against cancer.
How does CoQ10 work against cancer?
During its first discovery in the 1960s, it was ascertained that patients suffering from myeloma, lymphoma and other types of cancer – such as: head and neck, breast, lung, pancreas, colon, kidney and prostate – had lower levels of CoQ10 in their blood. Studies suggest that CoQ10 can be used to help boost the immune system. As a result, CoQ10 became one of several adjuvant therapies for cancer. An adjuvant therapy is an auxillary treatment given after the primary treatment to augment the patient’s healing process.1 Since CoQ10 is a powerful antioxidant, it may be able to prevent the growth of cancer cells single-handedly.
There were some animal and laboratory studies conducted to test the effectiveness of CoQ10. Most of these laboratory studies aimed to identify the chemical structure and physiology of CoQ10 in the body. Based on animal studies, CoQ10 dramatically improved the immune system; hence, enabling the body to fight certain types of infection, as well as cancer. Another animal study reveled that CoQ10 effectively protect the heart muscle from cell damage caused by the anticancer drug called doxorubicin. Additional animal and laboratory studies determined that analogs of CoQ10 inhibited the growth of tumor cells. 2
Consequently, researchers investigated the effect of CoQ10 in human cancer patients. CoQ10 was tested as a protective agent among cancer patients who were taking the anticancer drug, doxorubicin. Doxorubicin is an anthracycline drug which is said to induce cardiac toxicity by interfering with the energy-generating biochemical reactions of the heart muscle’s mitochondria. The mitochondrion are considered to be the cell’s powerhouse, giving energy to the entire body system. Results showed that cardiac toxicity was lessened with CoQ10 supplementation.
Based on a study in Denmark, 32 women afflicted with breast cancer were given a nutritional supplement program consisting of vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids and CoQ10 along with their primary treatment. Results of the study showed that the participants used fewer painkillers in their treatment and they didn’t lose weight. It was also reported that there were six patients who showed signs of tumor regression and all participants survived at least two years after their treatment. However, this study was not well-designed in that it didn’t have a comparison group. Therefore, it is not clearly understood whether the cause of tumor regression was as a result of the implementation of CoQ10. 3
Another study was performed in Canada to ascertain the effects of a combination of supplements, including CoQ10, among 90 women with breast cancer. The women in this study were given high doses of vitamins, minerals, and CoQ10 along with their standard treatment. When their condition was compared with 180 women who were not taking the high doses of combination supplements there was no significant statistical evidence pointing to the singular effectiveness of CoQ10 as an anti-cancer agent. 3 Nevertheless, the above human studies did suggest that CoQ10 plays an important role against cancer when combined with other supplements.
Vitamin C Tricks Cancer Tumors into Killing Themselves
Lead author Dr. Lewis Cantley and his team learned that amounts of vitamin C equivalent to what you might find in about 300 oranges is enough to impair the growth of both KRAS and BRAF gene-mutated colorectal tumors. This army of antioxidants literally enters the malignant cells, prompting an attack response marked by so much oxidative stress that the cells burn out and die.
And they do this in a rather interesting way that was previously inexplicable by science. Rather than attack cancer cells directly, vitamin C compounds appear to convert into another oxidized substance known as dehydroascorbic acid, or DHA. The DHA tricks cancer cells into accepting it for entry. Only once it gains access, this DHA is converted back into ascorbic acid (a type of vitamin C), causing cancer cells to essentially commit suicide.
“The current study reveals that DHA acts as a Trojan horse,” reports Medical News Today. “Once inside, natural antioxidants in the cancer cell attempt to convert the DHA back to ascorbic acid; in the process, these antioxidants are depleted, and the cell dies from oxidative stress.”
Linus Pauling was Right: Intravenous Vitamin C Cancer Therapy is the Way to Go
This is where the groundbreaking work of the late Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling, a biochemist from Oregon State University, comes full circle. Pauling was among the first within the scientific disciplines to flesh out vitamin C’s many potential uses in modern medicine. This included its effectiveness as an intravenous treatment for cancer and various other major health conditions.
As it turns out, intravenous administration of vitamin C delivers far more of this important nutrient into the bloodstream than oral consumption, bombarding affected tissues and cells with disease-eradicating doses of this powerful, natural medicine. Pauling and his colleagues first pioneered this technique by administering it to more than 1,000 cancer patients, with incredible success.
Despite facing a constant tide of ridicule and slander from his less progressive colleagues, Pauling forged ahead. They laid the groundwork for what is now considered by many forward thinkers in the medical profession to be the gold standard for high-dose vitamin C therapeutics as a viable treatment for chronic and degenerative disease.
“[Ewan Cameron] and Pauling found that vitamin C helped cancer patients live about four times longer than cancer patients not given vitamin C,” writes Dr. Ronald Hoffman of the Hoffman Center in New York City, a clinic that utilizes high-dose, intravenous vitamin C drips as part of its progressive cancer treatment protocols.
How Intravenous Vitamin C Cancer Therapy Works
This isn’t to say that taking vitamin C orally is of no beneficial effect. To the contrary, high-dose oral intake of vitamin C at tapered doses (Dr. Hoffman says blood levels “max out” at about 500 milligrams (mg) doses) can help maximize your body’s immune system and aid in tissue repair. But when it comes to effectively treating cancer, intravenous administration is the only way to go.
Bypassing the body’s digestive buffers allows intravenous vitamin C to spur the production of hydrogen peroxide deep within bodily tissues. And with the help of disease-fighting white blood cells, this “peroxide-mediated” vitamin C, as Dr. Hoffman puts it, performs unique and key functions in the targeting and eradication of cancer cells wherever they might be lurking in the body.
Even the National Cancer Institute (NCI) is onboard with the science behind IV vitamin C therapy. It admits, based on laboratory studies, that vitamin C is capable of helping to slow the growth of cancer cells in the prostate, pancreas, liver, and colon. Both animal and human studies have also shown that IV vitamin C therapy can help block tumor growth and improve patient quality of life.
“IV vitamin C, when administered by a trained, experienced physician, is safe and well-tolerated, even at doses as high as 100,000 mg (100 grams) per day,” notes Dr. Hoffman. “Proper blood tests must be done to ensure that it is well-tolerated, and the patient must be monitored. Doses must be gradually adjusted upward.”
My advice if you currently don’t have cancer is to up your oral intake of vitamin C for prevention purposes. Citrus fruits are great for this, but “superfoods” like camu camu berry and acerola cherry are even better. Camu camu is said to have some of the highest natural, food-based levels of vitamin C − upwards of 2 grams of vitamin C per 100 grams of fruit!
If you or someone you love does have cancer, you may wish to investigate the merits of high-dose, IV vitamin C therapy as a possible cancer treatment option.
Vitamin D, a steroid hormone that influences virtually every cell in your body, is easily one of nature’s most potent cancer fighters. Receptors that respond to vitamin D have been found in nearly every type of human cell, from your bones to your brain.
Your organs can convert the vitamin D in your bloodstream into calcitriol, which is the hormonal or activated version of vitamin D. Your organs then use it to repair damage, including that from cancer cells.
Vitamin D is actually able to enter cancer cells and trigger apoptosis or cancer cell death. When JoEllen Welsh, a researcher with the State University of New York at Albany, injected a potent form of vitamin D into human breast cancer cells, half of them shriveled up and died within days!
The vitamin D worked as well at killing cancer cells as the toxic breast cancer drug Tamoxifen, without any of the detrimental side effects and at a tiny fraction of the cost.
Many cancer treatments cost hundreds of thousands of dollars for a course of therapies and most are well in the five-figure cost range. You can actually get perfect vitamin D levels for free if you had access to sunshine in the sub tropics year round, but even if you purchased oral supplements, a year’s worth of treatment would be well under $100.
In mice, too, cancer tumors shrank by more than 50 percent, and some altogether disappeared, when vitamin D was injected.
These findings add to the growing knowledge that vitamin D is a key player in cancer treatment and prevention. If you want to see for yourself, you can browse through over 800 references showing vitamin D’s effectiveness for cancer here.
Cancer’s Silver Bullet?
Intake of vitamin D3 and calcium could potentially prevent 58,000 new cases of breast cancer and 49,000 new cases of colorectal cancer annually in the United States and Canada, according to a complex computer prediction model.
This model also predicted that 75 percent of deaths from these cancers could be prevented with adequate intake of vitamin D3 and calcium.
Theories linking vitamin D to certain cancers have been tested and confirmed in more than 200 epidemiological studies, and understanding of its physiological basis stems from more than 2,500 laboratory studies, according to epidemiologist Cedric Garland, DrPH, professor of family and preventive medicine at the UC San Diego School of Medicine.
Dr. Garland is widely regarded as the leading epidemiologist on vitamin D and its relation to health. He led one of the latest studies on vitamin D for cancer prevention and proposed a new model of cancer development — dubbed DINOMIT– that is centered on a loss of cancer cells’ ability to stick together.
The model is a departure from the older model of cancer development, which centers on genetic mutations as the earliest driving forces behind cancer. According to Dr. Garland:
“The first event in cancer is loss of communication among cells due to, among other things, low vitamin D and calcium levels. In this new model, we propose that this loss may play a key role in cancer by disrupting the communication between cells that is essential to healthy cell turnover, allowing more aggressive cancer cells to take over.”
Vitamin D May Help Prevent 2 Million Cancer Deaths a Year!
Earlier studies have shown that optimizing your vitamin D levels could help you to prevent at least 16 different types of cancer including pancreatic, lung, ovarian, prostate, and skin cancers. But now we’re starting to see more evidence that the type of cancer in question may not be all that important, because vitamin D appears to play a key role in the development of ALL types of cancer!
Vitamin D’s protective effect against cancer works in multiple ways, including:
• Increasing the self-destruction of mutated cells (which, if allowed to replicate, could lead to cancer)
• Reducing the spread and reproduction of cancer cells
• Causing cells to become differentiated (cancer cells often lack differentiation)
• Reducing the growth of new blood vessels from pre-existing ones, which is a step in the transition of dormant tumors turning cancerous
A study by Dr. William Grant, Ph.D., internationally recognized research scientist and vitamin D expert, found that about 30 percent of cancer deaths — which amounts to 2 million worldwide and 200,000 in the United States — could be prevented each year with higher levels of vitamin D!
How to Use Vitamin D to Lower Your Cancer Risk
Making sure that your vitamin D levels are optimized is one of the simplest, yet most profound, things you can do to protect your health. It will likely be many decades before health policy catches up to what the evidence has already revealed, and widespread recommendations for increased sunlight exposure and vitamin D levels become the norm.
But you don’t have to wait, as you can optimize your levels right now.
The ideal way to optimize your vitamin D level is by exposing your skin to appropriate amounts of sunlight on large areas of your skin. Unfortunately for most of you there simply isn’t enough sun exposure where you live for half of the year or more
However, even when the sun is shining many people are modern-day cavemen and spend the majority of the day inside at work or in your home. Not many of you are regularly out in the sun.
You typically need enough sun exposure to turn your skin the lightest shade of pink. If you have enough skin exposed you will produce about 20,000 units of vitamin D. Exposures any longer than turning your skin the lightest pink will not produce any additional vitamin D and may potentially lead to premature skin aging and increase your risk of skin cancers (so don’t overdo it).
If you struggle with getting enough sun exposure during certain parts of the year, I also advise using a safe tanning bed (one that has the harmful emissions shielded) to have your own body produce vitamin D naturally.
A third option is taking a high-quality vitamin D supplement. You’ll only want to supplement with natural vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol), which is human vitamin D. Do NOT use the synthetic and highly inferior vitamin D2.
A Reminder Why You Should Not Take Cod Liver Oil to Get Your Vitamin D
A few years ago, I changed my recommendation on sources of vitamin D. I previously I recommended cod liver oil as a dietary supplement to support healthy vitamin D levels. However, based on more recent findings, I have updated my recommendations regarding cod liver oil, as it may not serve you as well as previously believed.
My previous recommendation was based on the fact that cod liver oil contains vitamins D and A in addition to healthy omega-3 fats. These vitamins are essential for most everyone who cannot get regular sun exposure year-round.
But more recent research has discovered that the ratios of these two vitamins may be of paramount importance in order to extract optimal health benefits, and unfortunately, modern cod liver oil does not supply these vitamins in healthy ratios to each other.
A new study in the British Medical Journal found that vitamin A, even in relatively low amounts, appears to thwart vitamin D’s association with reduced rates of cancer, in this case colon cancer.
As reported by the Vitamin D Council, the study shows that the benefits of vitamin D are almost entirely negated in those with the highest vitamin A intake. This is the largest study to date confirming vitamin A can impair vitamin D’s beneficial effects.
So in addition to not getting your vitamin D from cod liver oil, you should typically avoid synthetic vitamin A supplements along with your vitamin D either, as it appears to seriously negate its benefits.
How Much Vitamin D Do You Need?
Based on the most recent research, the current recommendation for dosage via oral supplementation is 35 IU’s of vitamin D per pound of body weight.
So for a child weighing 40 pounds, the recommended average dose would be 1,400 IU’s daily, and for a 170-pound adult, the dose would be nearly 6,000 IU’s.
Vitamin D Dose Recommendations Age Dosage Below 5 35 units per pound per day Age 5 – 10 2500 units Age 18 – 30 5000 units Pregnant Women 5000 units WARNING:
There is no way to know if the above recommendations are correct. The ONLY way to know is to test your blood. You might need 4-5 times the amount recommended above. Ideally your blood level of 25 OH D should be 60ng/ml.
However, it’s important to realize that vitamin D requirements are highly individual, as your vitamin D status is dependent on numerous factors, such as the color of your skin, your location, and how much sunshine you’re exposed to on a regular basis.
So, although these recommendations may put you closer to the ballpark of what most people likely need, it is simply impossible to make a blanket recommendation that will cover everyone’s needs.
The only way to determine the correct dose is to get your blood tested since there are so many variables that influence your vitamin D status. I recommend using Lab Corp in the U.S. Getting the correct test is the first step in this process, as there are TWO vitamin D tests currently being offered: 1,25(OH)D and 25(OH)D. The correct test your doctor needs to order is 25(OH)D, also called 25-hydroxyvitamin D, which is the better marker of overall D status. This is the marker that is most strongly associated with overall health.
Optimal Vitamin D Levels Explained
The “normal” 25-hydroxyvitamin D lab range is between 20-56 ng/ml. As you can see in the chart below, this conventional range is really a sign of deficiency, and is too broad to be ideal.
In fact, your vitamin D level should not be below 32 ng/ml, and any levels below 20 ng/ml are considered serious deficiency states, increasing your risk of cancer and autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis, just to name a few.
The OPTIMAL value that you’re looking for is 50-65 ng/ml.
This range applies for everyone: children, adolescents, adults and seniors.
Evaluation of Potassium Values in a Cancer Patient Population
Abstract and Introduction
- Potassium imbalances are potentially life-threatening, consequently, values found outside of the normal range will typically invoke immediate therapeutic action, and a detailed search for an underlying cause.
- A wide variety of clinical conditions are associated with aberrant potassium metabolism, and patients with cancer are at particular risk for both those found in the general population, as well as those that are tumor- or treatment-related.
- It is important to recognize that factitious, or pseudohyperkalemia, an in vitro phenomenon that does not reflect the true status of the patient, is not uncommon in patients with cancer, a consequence of marked leukocytosis or thrombocytosis associated with some malignancies or secondary to therapy.
Disturbances of potassium metabolism, if left untreated, can have potentially life-threatening consequences. Symptoms, which are generally cardiac and neuromuscular in nature, tend to occur as values become increasingly out of the normal range. Clinical conditions associated with such electrolyte imbalances in the general population are common, and include renal failure from various causes, side effects of medications, disturbances of acid-base balance, and endocrine disorders.
Patients with cancer are at risk for electrolyte disturbances from these chronic disorders as well as those that are tumor — or cancer therapy-related. These include tumor lysis syndrome, chemotherapy side effects, and tumors producing ectopic hormone. Given the relatively increased risk, and subsequent close monitoring for electrolyte abnormalities, it is important to recognize that factitious, or pseudohyperkalemia, is not uncommon in this patient population. Failure to recognize this in vitro phenomenon can lead to unnecessary and potentially harmful interventions.
Psuedohyperkalemia can be diagnosed when the serum potassium exceeds that obtained from plasma by more than 0.4 mmol/L. It is typically seen when there is marked leukocytosis (often greater than 100 x 109L-1) or thrombocytosis (frequently greater than 1,000 x 109L-1). Proposed mechanisms include in vitro release from the unusually large mass of platelets or leukocytes during the clotting process and an abnormal fragility of neoplastic leukocytes or platelets.
Because the clotting process is involved, plasma potassium values, which can more closely reflect the true status of the patient, can be within the normal range even when those obtained from serum appear to be lethal.
When it occurs, this effect is roughly proportional to the severity of the thromboctyosis or leukocytosis, and serum results frequently normalize with resolution of the high counts.
As such, it has been reported most frequently in acute and chronic leukemias, and myeloproliferative disorders such as myelofibrosis and polycythemia vera. It has also been reported to occur occasionally as a secondary complication with solid tumors, and less commonly, in benign reactive conditions. Be careful of electrolyte imbalances
Although there is no evidence that vitamin B12 alone reduces the risk of breast cancer, population studies have shown that women who get more folate in their diet have lower risk of breast cancer. Vitamin B12 works with folate in the body, so it may help reduce breast cancer risk. Another preliminary study suggested that postmenopausal women who had the lowest amounts of B12 in their diet had an increased risk for breast cancer.
So what´s the connection with cancer?
A number of research studies covering cancers such as colon, stomach or breast have linked the disease to lowered B-12 levels. (For example – Cho, Sang-Woon; Nutrition Review 57 – ´Women with breast cancer have lowered B-12 levels´).
But the issue is not only that B-12 directly, or through its stimulation of some third party like folic acid, might somehow cause cancer. A second issue is that orthodox and some complementary cancer treatments actually can make matters worse.
For example, it is now becoming clear that extracting the B-12 molecule from our foods is difficult without the help of certain Beneficial Bactteria in the intestine. Low levels of Beneficial Bacteria have been proven in Clinical Trials to reduce vitamin B-12 production and absorption. Unfortunately estimates suggest as many as 70 per cent of the adult UK population already have an imbalance of intestinal flora due to chlorinated water, antibiotics, lack of whole foods in the diet, too much salt and alcohol etc.
However chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery all employ drugs and antibiotics which can worsen the imbalance and further reduce the digestion and absorption of vitamin B-12. In this case the medical mantra of ´just eat 5 helpings of fruit and vegetables per day´, could be rubbish, if you cannot release the goodness. Supplementation in the short term with vitamin B-12 and other B vitamins like folic acid seems essential. To restore assimilation from your foods in the longer term, supplementation with multi-strain probiotics seems equally important. You can read more about Beneficial Bacteria by clicking here.
Sadly, the whole orthiodox treatment programme for cancer in the UK, ignores all the research and clinical trials in this area, resulting in a greatly worsened state of healthy gut bacteria, underproduction of essential vitamins, and increasing levels of toxins (like nitrosamines, heavy metals and oestrogenic products) the good bacteria help chelate and excrete these toxins too).
According to the authors of ESSIAC ESSENTIALS [p. 45], the following reactions may occur when treating cancer that demonstrate how Essiac works:
- a) swelling–occurs when metastasised cells gather into the primary tumour.
- b) cottage cheese effect–resembling curds and clear liquid, occurs as the cancer breaks up and discharges from either the body orifices or from localised cysts or swellings. A jelly-like substance can also be discharged or coughed up from the lungs.
- c) more frequent passing of urine/defecation and other inexplicable discharges–occuring as the body detoxifies. If the symptoms are severe, with related nausea and pain, stop taking the formula for a few days until all the symptoms have subsided. When you start drinking it again, take half an ounce every other day, gradually resuming the original dosage. Remember that all diseases have a life cycle and a rhythm of their own, so follow your own judgement according to what your body is telling you about the dosage it needs.
- d) aching ‘on site’ and headaches, linked to the detoxification process, have been noted as sometimes occurring when taking Essiac after surgery. Treat as for (c) and drink more water to flush out toxins from the body.
- e) fever or chills–sometimes occurring when the Essiac starts working directly on the cancerous cells.
The Truth about ´Vitamin´ B-17
Separating B-17 Myth From Reality
Amygdalin or laetrile? B-17 as a cancer ´cure´ is one of the most controversial subjects in ´Alternative cancer medicine´. Is there research to support it as an alternative cancer treatment? Is there research to support it as a complementary therapy? Is there research to support B-17 as a cure for cancer? Here we bring you one of the most comprehensive and accurate reviews on the Internet today (Written by Editor, Chris Woollams, M.A. Oxon, Biochemistry).
The controversy was re-opened in October 2014 when researchers (Makarevic et al; PLOSone) showed that natural B-17 (amygdalin) dose-dependently reduced growth and proliferation of cancer cells in vitro (See Cancer Watch – Click Here).
B-17: Laetrile is not the same as Amygdalin
Firstly, let´s get one thing straight: Beware the articles that talk of eating pips and seeds and call the active ingredient Laetrile. The writers are making a simple, but fundamental error. How many more will they make?
It is important to differentiate the use of natural amygdalin from Apricot Kernels, and Laetrile, which is a concentrated, synthetic drug.
But, when it comes to B-17, confusion exists everywhere and absolute rubbish is often talked, even from supposedly ´top´ websites.