For inner grace, seek out the good in people.
For courage, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.
Some… things will never change. The loving care of human beings will never become obsolete.
People, even more than things, need to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed and redeemed.
As you grow older, you discover that you have two hands:
one for helping yourself, the other for helping others. ~ Sam Levenson …
- Danielle Hughes, from Hunts Cross was diagnosed the second time in 2015 – three years after undergoing a double mastectomy.
The mum-of-two found a lump under her arm and was told by doctors her cancer had reached stage four – meaning it is incurable but can be managed – leaving her with a life expectancy of five to 10 years.
The 32-year-old, who has tumours in her lungs, is undergoing treatment by the NHS – but in a bid to make sure she’d be around for her children. Also visited a cancer clinic in Blankenburg, Germany for alternative therapies.

She said: “I found a lump under my arm and went to the hospital and found the cancer is back in my lymph-node under my arm, and a nodule on my pectoral muscle.
“I had to be induced to have my baby girl Sienna a few weeks earlier than expected. I’ve had surgery to remove both of thoese but a CT and PET scan has picked up bumps on the lining of my lung, a lump behind my sternum which means it’s now stage four.
“I can’t even think of leaving my two children, Louis who’s seven and Sieanna who’s one, without a mum. I can’t bear to think about it.
“I was researching online and I came across quite a few people who have beaten cancer using alternative methods. I’ve changed my diets and I’m taking lots of different supplements.”
After researching the clinic in Germany, Danielle’s friends and family held a charity night and raised enough money to pay for a visit to the German clinic.
“So many people in the community have come together, it’s really touching. I had some great results that my two main tumours shrunk and I’m so happy.”
“On my visit to the clinic I met a woman who has been going there for 20 years, once a year, so I took that as a really good sign.
While not endorsed by the NHS, Danielle claims that the treatments – magnetic field therapy, thermotherapy (which uses heat to target cancer cells) and vitamin injections – have shrunk her two main tumours but now wants further visits which she hopes could extend her life expectancy.
The former support worker has now started a Go Fund Me page in order to raise the money for several return visits – which could cost in excess of £10,000 each.
She said: “I’m on hormore medication from the NHS, and with that it keeps my cancer stable and I might live for five to 10 years, and I’m going to continue to take that.”
Danielle was diagnosed with breast cancer for the first time in 2012 and had to undergo a double mastectomy and re-construction.
“I was always under the impression that all of my tumours are on the right side. I found out that some of the nodules are on the left side. I’ve only been concentrating on my right side when having the treatments so my plan now is to carry on with treatments in Germany and treat both sides.
“I’m hoping to go there possible in March or April.”
You can donate to Daneille’s fund Read More: here.
Preview NHS Improvement – Living with and beyond cancer

in the UK May 2016 for Cancer Research UK