Some people have mistakenly blamed Einstein’s theory of relativity for the decline in morality seen today. In fact, Einstein proposed a view of nature in which absolute space and time were replaced by absolute velocity of light. He also preferred to call his theory the ‘invariance’ theory, but the term ‘relativity’ stuck.
The basis for morality is the absolute truth of the Word of God, which contains God’s rules for holy living. These have been undermined, not by Einstein’s theory of relativity, but by the teaching of evolution , wherein man rejects the absolute truth about God and our need to live in a right relationship with Him, and man himself decides how he wants to live.
Science can only tell us what is, not what oughtto be. For example, science tells us that shooting a man in the heart will (normally) kill him, and that certain sexual practices promote the spread of AIDS, but it cannot tell us whether these actions are right or wrong. For this we need a divine Lawgiver.

Personally I Prefer Not To Talk About Religion:
Don’t talk about the Creator, talk with the Creator. #spirit
Creating a space with less negative energy and less negative thinking is important, but don’t forget to daring journey or undertaking outside. Reconnecting to nature while you retreat into a place of stillness with fewer people and less electromagnetic pollution energy field and no media no body can help you open up to the natural flow of the Universe.
It gets you to disconnect from your regular space of life to negative energies so you are more in tune and live in truth peace with yourself
The more meditation one does, the more cosmic energy one receives And This energy will flow through the entire mind,body,spirit of the True Self AND MEET YOUR HIGHER SELF Psychological Problems and Stress Causes Dis~ease!!!!
- It helps in removing all psychological issues like depression, anxiety, mental illness physical diseasesIt helps in proper blood flow and reduces the workload of your heart
- It helps in lowering lactate and co stroll or diabetes which are often associated with stress and anxiety
- It can help in reducing THE WEIGHT of body over weighted body
- It creates higher skin resistance and helps protecting from skin cancer its heals cardiovascular diseases
- It enhances the psychological self by increasing the feelings of self-actualization, and self realizing
- It also improves memory learning power and skills boast confidence
Please, can you explain that to me; what’s spiritual Ego?! Why spirit needs Ego?! I don’t want to judge someone about it but I really don’t understand it! Why Spirit needs Ego?! Alltime I’ve learned from Kryon, Ramtha, Ptaah & Metatron, they are said about Ego;
Ego is fake self! Also I agree with them totally about Ego!
The evolution of Human; Homo-sapiens/Homo-erectus and now… The End of 0ur way, Humanoid and Zombies. This evolutional situation has overturned all laws of physic rules. So No understanding, no mercy, no compassion, no forgive, no respect, no emotion, no spirit and no Love! And I wonder now, what’s happening to Humanity?! Why the whole world is in this situation?! Could it be Ego or Fear and Money or Greed
Karma is a part of Nature, not a punishing God. Its about correction from error and finding balance and gaining wisdom and compassion. Anything less like judgement or being pursuaded into things that exist outside of laws of integrity and Natural law, will need reckoning. You only have yourself to blame, if you dont like Nature or your higher self teacher. Figure it out NOW to stop your digression and your future self from having to abduct. Trans humanism is a lie and trap.
The paradox is that if the time traveler goes back to the past, it may also prevent his grandfather and his grandmother from being But if she wasn’t born, she wouldn’t have gone back in time anyway, Einstein’s theory of relativity and also the theory of general relativity has led to the idea of traveling in time. According to the theory of relativity,
space and time are different yuzleridir, so it’s called space-time continuum. According to the theory, the faster you move, the slower it can be slowed down.
(the matrix )
The grandfather paradox says that, should a time traveller go back in time, he would mistakenly prevent his grandparents from meeting, and therefore prevent his own birth. But, if he had never been born, there is no way he could have travelled back in time to begin with. Albert Einstein’s special and general relativity theories have led physicists to believe that time travel could be possible. Special relativity says that space and time are aspects of the same thing, called the space-time continuum. It says that time can speed
up or slow down relative to how fast you are moving, relative to something else.
The country in the high evolution, Turkey, we salute you! We’re the high-light konseyiyiz. It was a long time ago, when you were a in, a evolved clip. Your love and your loved ones are in the presence of your honored presence in your common sense of mutual energy, and we salute

We hear the prayers of a coklarinizin, and we hear that You want an answer!

And that’s what it is.

Your song is your life, you see, it shapes everything you feel. If you want to change your own truth, change the music, and you will be the candidate of the dusunuzun The one who created the truth. And it is the shower that will save us from the suffering of of the bodies, the suffering of fear and the suspect head.
If you’re an individual, you must be brave.

Your music shapes your existence and anything you see, touch and feel. There is a human mass that sings a chant of sorrow and projects a world on the edge of a precipice.
You can live in paradise or in hell. It is up to you. Have the courage to sing a unique melody, outside of the chorus, like a solitary bird.
Have the courage to dream a beautiful dream.Stefano D’Anna
The mind is just like a thief. It is stealing your happiness by making you run after things and ideas that make you suffer all the time. Bring it back to the present each and every time you find that it is wandering somewhere else.
~ Papaji
This is my favorite Mj Video with a strong message the whole world should listen to and we all would Have a Happy New Years . The “Heal The World” short film furthered Michael Jackson’s goal of making art and music that would inspire worldwide peace, love and tolerance, by showcasing a diverse group of children united in their abilities to love unconditionally and their wishes for a brighter future.
Heal the World is off Dangerous, Michael Jackson’s eighth studio album, released on November 26, 1991 as his fourth studio album released under Epic Records. Dangerous has sold over 30 million copies worldwide, 7 million albums were shipped in the United States alone, and has been cited as one of the best-selling albums of all time.
Pass it on

Laura is a Intuitive Astrologist, Global Alchemist, Cosmic Mythologist and is the great-granddaughter of Dwight David Eisenhower. She is on a profound mission to reveal our true origins connected with the ‘Magdalene’ and ‘Gaia-Sophia’ energies of love and wisdom and works to liberate us from the Military Industrial Complex, the Archonic systems and false power structures.. These forces connect many dots that are coming into our awareness, now more than ever, as our solar system aligns with the Galactic plane.
While residing and traveling independently in over 20 cities in the U.S. and abroad, she developed an excellent knowledge base in frontier health, Exopolitics, alchemy, metaphysics and ancient history, and also has degrees and certifications in science, wilderness expedition leadership, natural healing and building. She has masterfully woven together the esoteric and alchemical aspects of nature with our ancient roots, hidden history, the present world, and our future potential.
For more than 15 years, providing clairvoyant readings and transformative healings for individuals with the assistance of many divination tools and astrology. Focusing on chakra systems, Laura has also advised on topics such as soulpath, abduction, mind-control, core issues, relationships, past lives and physical ailments. She has been strategizing to solve the roots of major world problems including epidemics, war, environmental degradation and injustices that have been a result of the misuses of power of the shadow government. For more than 15 years, she has been providing clairvoyant readings and transformative healings for individuals with the assistance of many divination tools and astrology.
Focusing on human chakra systems, Laura has advice on topics such as soulpath, abduction, mind-control, core issues, relationships, past lives and physical ailments. She has been strategizing to solve the roots of major world problems including epidemics, war, environmental degradation and injustices that have been a result of the misuses of power of the shadow government. Laura works to free us from the 3-D holographic time-loop and guide us back to the Pleroma, the totality of divine powers. With great passion and courage, she is helping to return Sacred Union, Divine Wisdom!!!!

Preview YouTube video Laura Eisenhower

(Message from Magnetic Service/Cosmic Entity) Sep, 2015

(Similar to the Bashar channeling by Darryl Anka)