Dawn Eicher: My Young Adult Cancer Story
Posted on January 27, 2015 (c0pied with Dawn’s consent.)

You’re Never Too Young for Colon Cancer, with Dawn Eicher
I had bleeding on an off since 1998. I was only 21 and my doctors didn’t think there was anything to be concerned about after I had a clean endoscopy. I told every doctor I went to about my bleeding. For years I was dubbed “too young” and they assumed it was “just hemorrhoids” and nothing serious, especially not cancer.
Fast forward to June of 2012 and I was a pregnant, healthy 35 year old having her second child. I started noticing blood, mucous, thinning and pain when I used the restroom, but was assured by my OB/GYN it was “normal” at six months along and it was just pregnancy related hemorrhoids. I was prescribed suppositories and sent on my way. Three months later I gave birth to our beautiful baby boy, but my symptoms worsened. Again, no exam or scope, just given more suppositories and sent home.
Two more months and NO improvement! I was miserable and the doctors were giving me no answers. I made two appointments, was ignored again by my OB, but finally my primary doc agreed we should look into it further with a tiny scope in her office. She was not comfortable diagnosing it herself, but knew it didn’t look normal and fought to get me a colonoscopy. Finally on April 1st, 2013 I was diagnosed with colorectal cancer on the day of my colonoscopy. Worst April Fool’s Day ever!
I had an 8cm tumor almost blocking my rectum, 2cm from my anal verge. Scans the following week would confirm the worst – I was stage IV with mets to my liver. It was metastatic and it had spread! How could this happen? Even my docs just kept saying “You’re too young!” I was devastated. Wife to a wonderful husband, mother to a six month old baby boy and a two and a half year old toddler girl, our lives were turned upside down. I couldn’t imagine leaving my children behind, so we started the fight for my life.
Dealing With Cancer After Treatment Ends, With Dawn Eicher
The fight began with so many scans and tests. In a matter of two weeks I had my chest port for chemo, prepared for radiation and had an ovarian transplant to move my ovaries out of the radiation field. I wore a pump 24/7 filled with 5-FU chemo and went to radiation appointments five days a week for 8 weeks. I experienced third degree burns from the radiation and unbearable mouth sores from the FOLFOX, which were met with more radiation and chemo after healing, and finally surgery to remove the primary tumor.
I had a temporary ileostomy (which I called “Thelma and Louise” because I wanted to throw it off a cliff), a devastating recurrence, liver resection, gallbladder removal and through my continued chemo, I started the process of adjusting to a “new normal.” I have now heard NED (no evidence of disease) for two rounds of scans. It’s been eight months cancer free and we are celebrating like crazy! Now is the time to take action.
How have you chosen to get involved?
I have chosen to submerge myself in advocacy and support for other cancer patients and survivors because it gives me such joy and purpose, and I believe that impacts my recovery in a positive way. I even started a change.org petition in early January urging a lowered screening age and have been able to get 35,000 signatures so far!
Updated 12/28/2016: 80,727 signatures
I know personally I get such a sense of fulfillment when I’m able to help another starting out on their journey. Anything I can do to make it easier and less frightening, also making them feel they are not alone, brings a wonderful sense of accomplishment. I would hope it has the same effect on other advocates. Give it a try!
How did cancer change your life?
I choose to live in the “now” and I’m enjoying every second! I am not letting cancer rule every aspect of my life. It controls a great deal of it, but it does not own me! I am hoping to be one of the lucky people who survives stage IV disease. You don’t have anything if you don’t have hope and I plan on beating this beast. It’s important to me to get the word out that you are never too young for cancer, and people need to know the signs. I am an advocate for early testing and pushing your docs for tests if something isn’t right. Go with your gut (no pun) – if something feels wrong you are your own best advocate! Also Get screened and tested, don’t put it off! Keep current on your health checks, and insist docs pay attention when something isn’t right. I don’t want anyone else to go through this and I am rooting for all of my friends fighting this ugly battle.
Cancer has changed my life in every way possible. It has opened my eyes to a world I did not know existed. I used to believe cancer happened to “other people” and that I was not at risk because I was young and healthy. I had no family history nor did I have any close friends affected by cancer. Cancer was simply not on my radar.
Since my stage IV diagnosis, dealing with the hardships and life threatening aspects of this disease have made me a better person. I’ve always been compassionate, but it’s given me a greater amount of empathy and care for those suffering around me. It’s made me pay attention to those struggling with chronic and terminal diseases, and has given me the desire to get involved whenever possible. I will never be happy I was stricken by cancer, but has it impacted me in a positive way as well? Absolutely!
What would you tell someone who was newly diagnosed?
Don’t listen to the statistics and don’t compare yourself to anyone else with this disease.
We are each unique, like a snowflake, therefore our disease cannot be predicted by someone else’s response or lack thereof. Also, statistics are based on data that is closely tied to Medicare stats and are typically five years behind. Researchers are making strides every day, so fight as hard as you can to survive. Live in the moment. Try not to worry about what might happen, and concentrate on getting stronger and remaining positive. Some days seem like it will never improve, but it’s always darkest before the dawn.
What would you like to see happen in the future in terms of colon cancer awareness?
I would love to see younger people be more aware that colon cancer CAN and DOES happen to their demographic.
I would love to see the stigma associated with colorectal/anal cancer removed, and replaced with facts and acceptance. Everyone poops. Everyone has a colon! Let’s take care of them and talk about it. Education and screening will save lives, and that is the most important fact. Let’s share our experiences with friends, family, neighbors and classmates – anyone that will listen because together we can put an end to this highly preventable disease.
Don’t forget, the Colon Cancer Alliance serves as a source of information about colon health. If you have additional questions about colon cancer screening or are in need of support, please contact our free Helpline at (877) 422-2030. We’re here to help.
Most recently 12/27.2016 Dawns stated on her Facebook Page:
Guess who is still in remission?? This gal!! So excited and relieved… Christmas miracle delivered!! It’s a rollercoaster of emotions before and after every scan, and with this one I was really holding my breath.
I have officially been in remission now for two and a half years, and in May of 2017 I will reach three years with no evidence of disease. This is a HUGE milestone as it increases my statical odds of survival to 90%. I will shift to the far end of the “survi…val bell curve” – from an 8% chance of survival to 90%!! Being a numbers person this statistical data helps me overcome some of the mental anguish regarding my future and what it holds in store for our family. A much more optimistic vision in sharpening with every clean scan and test, and for that I’m beyond grateful.
What a crazy and emotional journey cancer has been for our entire family. I feel so blessed to have been given this extended lease on life, and I will do my best to use the rest of my time here on earth making it a better place, making a difference. I never realized before diagnosis how precious time is; how every second should be enjoyed and cherished.
There have been many celebrity deaths this year, some very recently. We lost people most of us never even knew and it’s devastating. Now, imagine being a stage IV cancer survivor with many friends who are not as fortunate as you. On average … I lose one person I know and care about every week. One particular woman I had become very close with over the past three and a half years since diagnosis. She was recently stolen by this disease. She was only 43 and has two young boys and a husband who loves her, family, friends and patients that will miss her. I will miss her friendship intelligence, kindness and eternal optimism always. And I still haven’t been able to come to terms with losing her and write about her passing; it’s just too painful right now.
Many patients that were diagnosed after me are now gone or on hospice. It breaks my heart for their families. I will never give up trying to help those fighting this disease, advocating for prevention and cures, and I will never EVER give up hope and the belief that ANYTHING is possible. Please send hope or prayers to those who are still in the fight and for the families who have lost someone they love. They are starting the New Year in a very different way and they are all very close to my heart. Many of my friends are currently in pain and/or waiting for cures. Please pray or hope for medical advances this year so more will survive this wretched disease and send them healing vibes. I want ALL of us to prevail and to beat colorectal cancer.
As always, thank you all for your love and support over these past three and a half years. We couldn’t have done it without you! Love to you all
Much Love., Dawn Eicher
Despite the odds this girl is still standing “… yeah, yeah, yeah”!!
Preview YouTube video Elton John – I’m still standing (with lyrics)