This is the very reasoning geoengineering goes on in our skies everyday practically UN-noticed with persistent streaks that most people think are contrails. Those are not contrails they are nano particles of aluminum, barium, strontium as well as other very toxic chemicals. They use this technology disguised as “cell phone towers” which in fact are scalar towers used to interrupt the hearts abilities to make these connections, and greatly hinders your cognitive performance. Please connect the dots folks this is NOT conspiracy look it up for yourself we need you ALL in this fight for our lives. ALSO Go to geoengineeringwatch.org to Learn more. Thank you.
Living organisms persist by virtue of complex interactions among many components organized into dynamic, environment-responsive networks that span multiple scale dimensions. Biological networks constitute a type of information and communication technology …
Most ignorant people are those that know everything!!! A dogmatic mindset,”don’t ask for the answers to life cuz they barely understand the questions”.
Therefore, Learn how to unlock your heart’s intuitive intelligence here: www.heartmath.com/ce-coherence-building/ We perceive time as one directional consciously, but are we limited by perceptions? Trust you gut it’s your second brain and trust your heart there’s intuition in it. If you haven’t had a gut feeling or heard the phrase follow your gut then your truly out of the loop…
The second brain in the stomach is the enteric nervous system, it is purely for auto rhythmic contraction and expansion of smc. It isn’t some second person capable of critical thinking, perception and reasoning like you are thinking. The bacteria that’s involved in our emotion via hormonal balances and nutritional means. Every organ has its own intelligence. And yes the heart’s is very strong in relation to others.
A women intuition seems to be stronger than males just for the fact they were raised to be more in tune with their feelings when its not the “manly way” . It may sound silly, but I believe so much In intuition and “gut instinct” it’s literally what I’ve based my decisions on my entire life, vibes don’t lie aha check this out, kinda cool

So, that’s why I know something out of the ordinary is going to happen before it does. May not know what is on its way, just that something positive or negative is coming – like a heads up, so I don’t overreact. With me, the more traumatic the event the longer I get to get used to the idea before it happens.
The Bible says ‘write on the tablet of your heart’. We all thought that was a nice poetic saying, but it is science and almost 3 thousand years old as well. I remember starting to tune into my heart and the intuitive nature…I would follow my heart … To exactly we here it told me to go….testing it out going for walks, driving…turn right, left, stop. It literally got me into my dream career!
In the 1990’s with the advent of cardio science it became The heart is not intelligent and it does not have memory. It is a muscle just like the ones on your leg. you are wrong. It has the second highest concentration of nerve endings after the brain. This is where memory is.
In the limbic response sequence and the way we are wired…it’s accurate to say I feel, therefore I think. Our intelligence with life always has a feeling registered first. Trick is to learn how to feel this. Slowing down and being present helps. 

What they haven’t discussed here is, you will see images or events or people based upon the feelings that you are creating on an unconscious level.
It’s not the heart that is predicting the future, it’s your feelings that attract what you are going to bring into your life.
I’m not sure about most of the hoopla or the company but there is clear and factual scientific relation between the brain and the heart along with the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. The chemicals released in the body through conscious and subconscious memory combined with the heart rate’s ability to help create more adrenaline or norepinephrine and acetylcholine is all I need to know to see I could use this tool as an affordable portable biofeedback device and gather data on myself.
Surround yourselves with people who lift you up

Let’s hear the testimony of transplant heart recipients.
I heard that some of them get new tastes not understanding why until they check with relatives of donors who tell them that it was so and so what they like to eat or drink.
As if the heart as a memory?
states: As a Nurse specialist in 30 years of experience in different field my early scientifically sceptical reactions to strange things happenning in many patients has changed to a more open approach albeit still inspired by sciences . I am not anymore dismissing possibilities that what I was so certain were with my limited knowlegge were in the domain of wishful thinking or myths. I have learned since …. that our perceptions are multiples and what we think is reality which is basically based on our 5 senses is not at all the reality by itself. Some perceptions are not related exclusively within… the 5 senses and some perceptions are not at all related to any of our 5 senses.
But even our 5 senses do not give the full perceptive range of each of them. For example the eyes do not perceive. UV and yet UV light change ” imperceptibly ( unconsciously some would say, ) the colour …. or tone …. of say a flower petal where the cells are orientated in a different angle. Compare that with bees and butterfies and many insects and birds that are able see different shades of colour that the UV enhances we are equivalent to them as the colour blind people ard to us. Not to speak of taste, smell, anc hearing…Our reality is a brain organized system that is basically a compromise and sufficient for functioning in our lives but it is absolutely not the full real world as it truly is.
My point is we also do not know our own reality, we have other interaction between our body and the world out there and our brain is train to pay attention to the pattern already learned and the system of 5 senses we recognize easily… In truth there is other resources unexploited because our brain is either untrained …or at the earliest stage of learning as dismiss them as less important or irrelevant. Since the five senses were already taking so much of our time and energy to the brain to process an already large amount of information/ perceptions.
We have no idea how we could interact with a reality that we are blind too for so long.
We have no idea what is the real world outside of what our brains tell us is!
Do not be alarmed:
1. I did not say that I believe that the heart has an intelligence as the brain but I ask the question to consider memories and perceptions that are processed by the brain are coming from all sources and that organs and parts of any living body seem to contribute to that in ways that we do not completely understand and know.
2. I did not imply that all I said was proven scientifically but I meant to say that science does not dismiss things or prove things simply on beliefs or disbeliefs but the first steps are observations, researches, listening testimonies, and so on…
3. I repeat simply what the many modern scientists have declared when they researched the Quantum physics: That no matter so logical and “proven” and conveniently useful for many aspets of our civilisation and our lives our concepts of the reality is tainted and the real Universe is not what we think it is.
4. If a Shaman from an ancient tribe tell me that a specific well has evil spirit and not to drink it it has to me the same effect as if a scientist test it and tell me that this well contain a high level of Arsenic, so yes the shaman has a strange explaination but the result is identical: do not drink that water from that well…
The practice of nursing and treatment is not affected by an open mind and willing to hear others views and you are very naive to think a health professional for 30 years would practise without following strict guidelines and disregard hundred years of medical researches and discoveries for the few little theories coming out on internet.
Simply refer to our human view that the Photon is both acting as a particle and a wave : both proven and useful but it demonstrate that it is us the observer who give 2 unmatching conclusion and results!
Apply this to our interpretations of other field of knowledge I simply reaffirmed that we should not dismiss what seem inconceivable as many time in history things that were impossible are not used in daily life. I was simply sharing that by my experience in Nursing. I have seen unbelievable things happenning that defied the knowledge and the sciences as we thought we knew of the world. I am not at all saying that I am for one side or the other of this debate, just that sometime we dismiss too fast some useful testimonies because they do not seem to fit our “beliefs” our sciences or those who speak do not use a scientific terms or vocabulary.
Do not die with Your Music Still in You! Do not be fool by appearances, at first sight the greatest diamonds always look as rough chunks of glass but after being cut, chiselled and polished they are becoming thing of marvellous beauty and more precious than gold!
The Divine Universal Consciousness, God & Nature, call it what you want by a thousand different names shows its creativity in multiple ways, forms and colors and at all scales and every second to billions of years (by humans standards). How come then our religions seems to teach about a dull god who is all black and white that is frozen in cages of words call sacred books. I do not know about you, however, I prefer to walk on a beach like that and listen to the silent voice in my soul and heart telling me: I Am What I Am , Here and Now and every where and I Love Me For That!

Trust your instincts. 
You are strong.
Merry Christmas. 

Preview YouTube video Alan Watts~ Beauty of Love :D!

Alan Watts~ Beauty of Love :D!
Preview YouTube video Alan Watts – How To Attract What You Love

Alan Watts – How To Attract What You Love