perts in Emotion 3 ger on Emotion and the Brain
You’re not just what you eat, do or think …you are what you believe
and cancer may not be just a genetic malfunction, or the chemicals we consume, breath or come into contact with!!!!
Think Happy Healthy Thoughts and You Will Be Happy & Healthy

SO HOW … does a belief literally heal?
Before answering these questions, we should start by answering the question, what exactly is quantum physics? In the movie “The Theory of Everything,” Steven Hawking’s wife Jane (played by Felicity Jones) compares the quantum world and the “big world” of general relativity by using peas and potatoes as examples. If the universe were only made up of planets (potatoes), then the mathematics behind planetary movement and universal expansion would be fairly straightforward. After all, Aristotle, and later Ptolemy, both devised theories of how the universe was organized beginning in the 4th century.
Mankind has sought to understand the heavens since the time of the ancients. Therefore, humans have had hundreds of years to determine the physics that governs planetary movement and our cosmological position amongst trillions of other stars and galaxies. However, the universe is not composed solely of planets. It also contains very small atoms and subatomic particles (peas), which play by a completely different set of rules. It is only recently that researchers have begun to understand this strange quantum world and only more recently still that the quantum field has begun to expand out of physics into the newly developed field of quantum biology.
One part of the puzzle involves conditioning… without the expectation you can not heal.
When you think about the body’s ability to produce serotonin, dopamine and some cannabinoids scientist are researching how these psycho- active ingredients effect the brain. But it wasn’t until the early 2000s that scientist could evaluate their impact. Tor Wagner, then a Ph.D. student at the University 0f Michigan , put subjects in a brain scanner.
Tor then applied cream to both of each subjects wrists, then strapped electrodes that could deliver painful shocks and heat. He told the subjects that one cream could ameliorate pain, but the creams, in fact, were the same. After several rounds of conditioning. the subjects learned to feel less pain on the wrist coated with the “pain relieving cream.”
Conditioning provides an expectation and when you know what it feels like you won’t feel the strong shocks. WE self medicate simply, by expecting the relief we’ve been conditioned to receive. The right belief and experience work together, however, two years ago Leonie Koban introduced a new element to the experiment.
The volunteers looked at a screen and saw numerous remarks representing how previous participants had rated the pain. For the same stimulus , the subjects reported feeling higher or lower levels of pain based on what they were told previous participants had felt. The results was not surprising, in the 1950s a series of tests called the Asch experiment showed subjects give false answers in order to conform with the group.
Information we take from our social relationships has profound influences, [not only], in emotional experiences, [but also], on health related outcomes such as pain and healing. This impact of social groups could explain “why” Karl Marx defined “religion’ as the opium of the people. It can tap into the ability to access own stored belief and expectations.
Especially when we are surrounded by other likeminded believers. The group carries you and you carry the group all together. The expectation of healing continues unabated. Dealing with expectations is very tricky, for some, a strong belief that a treatment will heal an ailment can prompt the brain to tap into its own pharmacy. While negative thoughts can produce negative results.
Religious faith is hardly the only kind of belief that has the ability to make us feel better. Mike Pauletich first noticed he had a problem in 2004. Figuring he had carpal tunnel syndrome he went to his doctor. At 42 years old his doctor told him that within a decade he wouldn’t be able to walk, stand or feed himself that he had early onset Parkinson disease.
In time, Mike didn’t deteriorate as fast as his doctor told him he would, but for years he struggled with the disease and depression. AS talking and writing became increasingly harder. Mike, in 2011, turned to Ceregene, a company that was testing a new gene therapy. Parkinson’s is a result of a chronic loss of the neurotransmitter dopamine.
For Mike, Ceregene’s experimental treatment was to cut two holes, one in each hemisphere of the brain, through a patients skull and inject the drug directly into the target regions. Pauletich improvement after the surgery was impressive. Before the trial he had struggled to move around. After this procedure his shaking disappeared, his mobility improved and his speech became markedly clearer.
His doctor on the study, Kathleen Poston, was astonished. However, in April 2013, Ceregene announce the results of the trial: Neurturin had failed. Patients who had been treated with the drug did not improve any more significantly than those in the controlled group that received a placebo treatment.
Mike Pauletich during this trail at Stanford University believed he had surgery to alleviate Parkinson’s symptom’s. Later learning he received a sham surgery with the placebo. “Whether it was placebo or an expectation, it doesn’t matter to Mike (today, you can hardly tell that Mike has the disease at all.)
Don’t Ever Give Up Until The Miracle Happens !!!!
Most people want to live longer, healthier lives, right? The infinitely knowledgeable and epically controversial Dr. Jack Kruse comes on Bulletproof Radio to talk about how he thinks it’s possible to live an optimized life using a high fat diet and some serious biohacks. Have you ever accidentally turned the microwave on with metal inside and seen the sparks fly? On this episode, Jack talks about how many people are microwaving their own cells without… knowing it and how certain lifestyle choices can put your health at major risk. He talks fervently about how important it is to live a Bulletproof lifestyle and even how to hack your flying experience. You’ll also learn about the dangers of EMFs, how physics dictates biology, and what he thinks is the most nutritious food to pack a punch out there. Bring a pencil and enjoy!
Dr. Jack Kruse is a respected neurosurgeon and CEO of Optimized Life, a health and wellness company dedicated to helping patients avoid the healthcare burdens we typically encounter as we age. He is a member of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, the Congress of Neurologic Surgeons, and Age Management Medicine Group. As a neurosurgeon, Dr. Kruse’s research has been published in respected dental and medical journals. His popular blog, JackKruse.com gets over 150,000 unique worldwide visitors per month.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ns1VlEmrnMo
Here, Dr. Dispenza Goes In Further Depth To How His Life Altering Accident, Led Him Into A Journey
Of Teaching Ones To Heal Themselves Using Science & Spirituality. AKA; The Law Of Consciousness.