Try A New Shoe Size

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I often wonder  whether if others are  there to teach me a particular lesson🤔                     but if they are thanks 🙂 💖
This blog is a lesson on how everything in your body works in unison… from your little toe up to your brain. Staying young means staying involved and active. Reading & listening to others. It never hurts to know what others are doing to stay healthy.
Ron & Nita’s is part of great traditional shoe store not your box store of improper shoe fitting.  This blog is about the sales lady that works there and some of her own  experiences she has seen through the years.
Once entering into this store you will soon realize  …it is in·trigu·ing  in many many different ways. They sell American Made Products. Secondly they offer personalized, friendly service and Take the time to talk to their customers with a greeting of Hello. Reading people they soon realize what type of proper fit your looking for.
What this sales lady taught me was if your shoe size is off size it can cause you all types  difficulty. From cramp toes that can cause someone arthritis pain,  bunions and corns to major hip or back pain. This may seem all common sense to you, but she explained the majority of her customers usually have the wrong size shoe when they enter into her store and will more than likely argue with her about proper fit.
Am…azing how it all works when one is open to change even if it’s a fraction of inch in shoe size. When one thinks about it …if a heel of a shoe wears thin it can influence how you walk and that in turn can determine if you have hip or back pain. Never Give Up on Yourself Was the message that I received  from her today.
Stiffening isn’t just another part of aging, she pointed out; it’s a death sentence. You’re nearly seven times more likely to die within the next six years(!) if you need both hands and knees to get up from the floor. We are creatures of mobility, so when we give up our ability to move, we’re signaling our body that it’s time to shut down.
Essentially when you refuse to not have a proper shoe fitting it’s much like giving up on yourself. When you give up on yourself you give up on your health and when you do that your hip and your lower back feels that effect. Which can cause you greater long term health issues when you think about.
This sales lady told us that 80% of her customers come in with improper fitting                  and proper fittings especially helps the elderly with arthritis
 When she gets through to them with a shoe that fits better they usually come back in a month later telling how much of their aches and pains has dissipated.  She told how her customers are always a… mazed how much better they feel when they get a proper shoe fitting. Just that fraction of an inch ….. can make all the difference in the world when it comes to misery and living healthy & happy!!!
Shoes: Finding the Right Fit

Information on choosing well-fitting shoes is also available in Spanish: Zapatos Zapatos (topic.cfm?topic=A00489).

The average person will walk thousands of miles over a lifetime. Unfortunately, many of these miles will be walked in uncomfortable shoes that do not fit properly.

Shoes that are too tight, too loose, or without enough support, can lead to unwanted stress on the feet, ankles, lower leg, hip, and spine. This ongoing pressure can cause pain and injuries that may limit or prevent participation in work, sports, and hobbies.

According to the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS), nearly 7 million Americans visited a doctor for foot- and toe-related discomfort in 2009. Fortunately, many foot-related problems can be prevented with shoes that are appropriate for an individual’s feet, body, and lifestyle.
Shoe Buying Recommendations !!!!

Style is often a key consideration in choosing a pair of shoes, but it cannot be the only factor. To reduce the risks of developing a foot problem, a shoe should conform to the shape of your foot, and it should correspond with activities you do, such as standing for long periods of time or walking long distances.

    • Because your feet may swell throughout the day (up to 8%), purchase shoes toward the end of the day to ensure maximum comfort.
    • Feet can grow as we age, so have your feet measured every year. Make sure you stand while having your feet measured, because the full weight of your body will expand your feet.
    • Do not buy a shoe based only on the size. The size may vary from brand to brand and style to style. It is important to try on shoes, and then to purchase the one that fits the best, regardless of the size.
    • You should have 1/2 inch of space between your longest toe and the tip of the shoe. Make sure that this distance is measured from your longest,  not your largest, toe.   If you are wearing  a shoe that is too long for your foot,  you may develop toe pain and blisters as your foot continuously slides forward toward the front of the shoe.
    • Walk around in the shoes on different surfaces to make sure that they are comfortable before purchasing them.
    • If your foot is too wide for a certain shoe, a larger size may not be a better fit. Although the larger shoe may be more comfortable in the width,  there may be      too much room in the toe box and your foot may slide back and forth in the shoe resulting in foot and toe problems.
    • A square or round toe box will provide more room and comfort by allowing the   toes to lay flat. A pointed shoe shape may crowd the toes, causing discomfort.

Purchase a shoe that conforms to the shape of your foot (i.e. curved or straight).

  • Do not buy a shoe that needs to be stretched by the salesperson, or requires pads to keep your feet from slipping.
  • Shop at a store that has a variety of shoe styles and prices. You do not need to buy the most expensive shoe, but you should purchase the one that fits your foot. A good shoe is a good investment. A shoe repair store can replace the soles of well-made shoes multiple times, allowing you to enjoy them for many years.  


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