November is synonymous with Thanksgiving in America, and it’s common during this month to hear talk of gratitude and why it’s so important. Adopting a gratitude attitude isn’t just something that sounds nice at Thanksgiving — it’s a lifestyle and mindset choice that will drastically change your life.
— Coolest Thanksgiving Poems —
Be Thankful
Be thankful that you don’t already have everything you desire.
If you did, what would there be to look forward to?
Be thankful when you don’t know something,
for it gives you the opportunity to learn.
Be thankful for the difficult times.
During those times you grow.
Be thankful for your limitations,
because they give you opportunities for improvement.
Be thankful for each new challenge,
because it will build your strength and character.
Be thankful for your mistakes.
They will teach you valuable lessons.
Be thankful when you’re tired and weary,
because it means you’ve made a difference.
It’s easy to be thankful for the good things.
A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who
are also thankful for the setbacks.
Gratitude can turn a negative into a positive.
Find a way to be thankful for your troubles,
and they can become your blessings.
— Coolest Thanksgiving Poems —
Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.
~Helen Keller
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Whatever we give our time… attention and focus to… be it right/ wrong/ good/ bad/ heavy/ light/ praising or complaining we ignite a vibration within us that emits frequencies which in turn are heard and read by the Universe’s natural Law of Magnetism aka Attraction. This Law knows no difference between our imagination… physical reality or our sensatio…ns from a movie… a book… music or real life… it just matches the frequencies with physical life results in our reality. Practice feeling vibrations that make you joyful however you can… real or imagined… it’s all the same ♡♡♡
You may not always know what to do… to say or how to be… but your feelings dwell within you for a reason. They are how your intuition connects you with your internal GPS. You may not understand them but they are your truth. Do yourself a favour today and begin following them. They will always guide you to your highest and best following the current easiest and lightest path of least resistance for you. Live Light… Shine Bright ♡♡♡
We are in the world and the world is within us. Our Imagination is the key player to living the life we desire. First you have to see it on the inside… desire it… raise your vibrations through faith and trust… love it… believe it… celebrate it… allow it to find its own way to you… receive it… live it! It’s just the way it works all the time ♡♡♡

As Einstein said “match the frequency of that which you desire and it can not help but to be matched… this is not pyschology… it’s physics!”
Each chakra holds our primary beliefs in regards to how we see, feel, receive and function in life. When we change the way… we look at things… the things we look at change.
Adjusting our chakras lead to shifts in our body and our physical life. Everything is Energy first… “everything is energy, it can neither be created nor destroyed but can be transformed”
~ Albert Einstein ~

I think, therefore I am not my passing thoughts.
I am the unchanging, spacious awareness; the
unseen watcher that exists before, between and
after my thoughts.
~Anon I mus (Spiritually Anonymous)
We live in a electro magnetic holographic field of infinite possibilities and potentialities. We too are electro magnetic by nature who emit frequencies… as in by design we are salt water electro magnetic vibrational liquid crystals suspended within the holographic field.♡♡♡
Our chakras are affected by our thoughts… feelings… emotions and by our beliefs. These can release a high (alkalizing) or low (acidic) vibration which in …turn affect our chakras and those areas of our body. A heavy dense area on our body has surely been affected by fear or lack of love vibration thus slowing down the energy of the particular chakra and causing stagnation in the corresponding body area. It can show up as weight gain/ illness (acidity). The reverse is also true. Light and loving (alkalizing) vibrations enhance our chakras and our body.

The greatest gift: Real love takes you from the
time-bound experience of personal love into the
timeless, expansion of universal love. In which
you become more of what you really are and
what you can become.
~Anon I mus (Spiritually Anonymous)
There is a stream that flows through us filled with all the joy and goodness that makes us feel vibrant. We know when we are in it because we feel light…bubbly…free…strong, joyous and alive. The key to accessing it is…. to focus on all the beauty and goodness in life…. it takes17 seconds of one pure thought to active manifesting… 68 seconds for it to manifest. We create our reality.Try it out for a day and see for yourself ♡♡♡
The secret to manifesting anything you want QUICKLY is to WANT ~ it and BELIEVE ~ it right now. That’s a big order for you, because so many of you have based your beliefs upon what already is. So if you’re basing your beliefs upon “facts” of what already is, and you’re checking your reality everyday, and you say, “I want this, but it hasn’t happened”, your REALISM causes you to offer two different vibrations, which means, what you want cannot come to you.”
Could I think too little about my desire, for it to manifest?
Actually, no, because as the contrast launches the desire, and then you do not offer any opposing thought, then you’re letting it in, and it will manifest.
Many of our physical friends really believe that they must find a desire and then hold tenaciously to it. And we say, you do not need to do that.
Let the variety of your life keep balance in your life.
You just concentrate more on holding yourself in the good-feeling place where you’re letting it in.
Vibrationally, never define yourself based on your circumstances. And never get fixated on outcome. If you do that, and you stay in your bliss, everything will rush your way. Very quickly. As they come in unexpected ways.
Just feel the abundance, feel the love, feel the bliss, feel the freedom, feel the sense of purpose, feel the sense of integrity, the sense of love you have, for yourself and this planet. Let all bliss follow you around everywhere you go. Bentinho-Massaro☆☆☆☆☆
Thoughts, Feelings and Emotions can create 2 to 3x more acid in our body (metabolic acid) than acidic food or beverage (dietary acids). Our metabolism is direct…ly influenced by our internal conversation with what we ingest (food, beverages, thoughts, ideas, feelings, emotions, perceptions and beliefs). Be aware and ingest conscously with only a peaceful loving harmonious focus of Appreciation ♡♡♡

Woo-hoo I just found me some thoughts when I was about out 0f concentrates. One happy girl!! “Click onto Donna Porteous to connect!!!”