On this day of your life
My wonderful friend,
You heal from a heart filled with LOve…
these are words from Paula’s own blood thirsting heart filled with sunshine & happiness️…
…that this is not a day for remembering violence, but for
memorializing your decision to heal every wound that
could cause it.
There is one question that no one will ask of those who use
violence to make their point: What hurts you so bad that
you feel you have to hurt others … in order to heal it?
This does not condone violence, but it can help us to
understand it — and to understand how to stop it. CwG
says, “No one does anything inappropriate, given their
model of the world.” Embracing the wisdom in those
eleven words could change the course of human history.
…that love, in fact, is the agent of universal synthesis.
Pierre Teilhard De Chardin said that, and he was right.
It is the energy that ties everything together…and
everything falls apart without it.
If your own life is “falling apart” at some level, maybe
it’s time to add some love. But don’t wait to receive it.
Act like you can’t wait to give it.
Smother life with love and watch everything come
together again!
I am so blessed and got the best birthday gift ever. My Germany blood tests came back…. NO circulating tumour cells found!!!! I am healing and am so thrilled… I did it my way and what ever happens in the end doesn’t matter. We all are born to this earth and die to this earth but will always have eternal life on a different plane. I am so grateful for the last two years and being flipped inside out and upside down. I have grown inside and no who I AM and what I want. I have been shown very clearly who has been a support and those that fell away. Life is a blessing and nothing happens by mistake. Thank you to everyone for continued prayers, love and just being there.
Translated roughly, it means “I bow to the God within you”, or “The Spirit within me salutes the Spirit in you” – a knowing that we are all made from the same One Divine Consciousness.
Paula Doyle-Weigel is a registered nurse from Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada. She was diagnosed with breast cancer 4 years ago and refused conventional treatment…s, opting instead for a number of alternative therapies, at Clinica CIPAG drcastillo.com & Sanoviv Medical Institute | Providing Alternative Holistic Integrative Health care including cannabis oil back home in Medicine Hat. Paula believes for extracting the medicine … As far as the solvents I use Everclear a grain alcohol. (Butane and isopropyl are toxic!!)
It took time to find out what worked for her, but today she is cancer free and now she and her husband help others through their own clinic. Way to go girl!!!!!!!!!!!
I recommend this 1/2 hour interview to anybody whom would like to hear Paula’s Theory with a half hour to spare
Paula realizes that your worry and your suffering breaks your spirit , and that you’re somehow damaged by what went down in the past. It makes it hard for you to fully let your light shine. But sweetheart, mere suffering cannot even come close to extinguishing your flame!
You have a gift and a light inside no matter what happened to you. In fact, some don’t understand that suffering makes your heart bigger, that you learn to love more, that your compassion muscles grow and your armor softens, th…at you’re not broken—you’re broken open! Don’t you realize that everything that ever happened is just giving you the opportunity to love more?

So-Just Bring it.
Amplifying your natural love,
Your Inner Pilot Light