Current research on the effects of meditative practices on breast cancer patients confirm that it really does work:
1. Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR) had a significant effect on sleep quality in Danish breast cancer patients;
2. Mindfulness-based Art Therapy decreased anxiety in women with breast cancer in an 8-week study;
3. The use of meditation and yoga improved long-term quality of life for African American breast cancer patients in a 2011 study.
Learning to harness the power of your mind can have numerous benefits – including accelerating your body’s ability to heal. I am so convinced of this fact that this process is a requirement for my coaching program. Unless you take proactive steps toward learning how to meditate and, even better, make a commitment to visualizing a positive outcome for your breast cancer journey every day, you may be missing the mark when it comes to truly healing.
I have a dilemma.
I want to break free from the tyranny of traditional medicine and drugs—and take control of my own health. But I don’t know how and if I try to learn …will those that know me stop knowing me !!
That’s my dilemma.
I wanted to give you this advance notice before telling you what the golden key is… so that if you’re at all interested in it, you’ll need to act on this right away, before it’s too late.
6.5 Million People Have Discovered How to Use Mind and Body Healing to Cure Virtually Every Disease
Our minds hold a vast reservoir of power to create perfect health. Jose Silva, the world-renowned mind empowerment pioneer, proved this through countless experiments.
Stunning Demonstrations of Instantaneous Mind and Body Healings
Silva would begin his mind and body healing classes by requesting a volunteer. In front of hundreds, Jose would first guide the volunteer into a healing brain state and then hypnotize him or her. Thereafter, he’d announce that the whiteboard marker in his hand was actually a red hot poker.
Then he’d press the marker against the volunteer’s hand, and instantly, a blister would form. With the audience in shock, Silva would then tell the volunteer that he could heal the wound in seconds.
Thereafter, he would proceed to put his hand on the wound, and the blister completely disappeared within seconds.
Back in 1944, when Silva did those experiments, he proved beyond his shadow of a doubt that the mind can heal practically any health problem. This phenomenon, which has come to be known as “mind-body healing” was regarded as a medical miracle in the 1940s—and it’s still a medical miracle by today’s standards.
Mind and body healing is the use of the connection between mind and body to overcome stress, illness, pain…and virtually any disease—including cancer.
“The most powerful single tool that I have to offer a patient”
Award-winning oncologist Dr. O. Carl Simonton has seen the power of mind and body healing firsthand. Simonton is the founder of the Simonton Research Institute, and a pioneer in the use of imagery therapy for cancer.
He was trained by the world’s global authority on a 3-step scientific approach to mind control concepts. “I would say that it is the most powerful single tool that I have to offer the patient,” he says.
Approximately 6,504,587 people from 110 countries have been trained in Jose Silva’s mind and body healing method — the same one praised by Dr. Simonton. They’ve discovered the healing power within and learned how to unleash their inner healer.
What If You Had the Ability to Heal Yourself—Without Medical Intervention or Drugs?
According to widely accepted statistical data, 85% to 90% of illnesses are caused by the mind. This is what is known as psychosomatic illness. By the same token, most illnesses can also be reversed by the mind .
Jose Silva devoted his entire lifetime teaching people how to heal their emotional states and their thought patterns to create physical health and well-being.
The first scientist to investigate the research of Silva was Dr. J. Wilfred Hahn of the Mind Science Foundation in California — based on what he found, Dr. Hahn enthusiastically endorsed Silva’s work. Since then, many more research institutions, universities, and scientists have given their full endorsement at:
• Duke University, North Carolina
• Trinity University, Texas
• University of Texas, Texas
• Wayland Baptist University, Texas
• C.W. Post Campus of Long Island University, New York
• Canisius College, New York
Effective mind and body healing is a step-by-step process which involves meditation…visualization .… and Alpha level exercises that are essential to awakening the mind’s natural healing ability. Once you master this process, it becomes second nature to use your mind to influence physical healing.
You will have the power to heal any form of illness or ailment, whether it’s diabetes…cancer…migraines…
How to Harness the Power of Your Mind
Those who have been trained in Jose Silva’s mind and body healing method have learned how to break free from the tyranny of traditional medicine and drugs—and take control of their own health.
You now have the opportunity to discover the health freedom that Silva’s students have already learned.
Your Golden Key to Perfect Health
With mind and body healing, it takes only 10 minutes a day to effectively…
• Liberate yourself from expensive and unnecessary medical procedures and side effect-laden medication.
• Attain the perfect health and vitality to focus on your aspirations, spend quality time with your friends and family, and enjoy your hobbies.
• Wake up every morning free of the debilitating aches and pains that hold you back from the quality of life you deserve.
• Overcome the depression and negativity that often comes with illness—and instead replace it with an unbreakable sense of positivity and motivation in your everyday life.
The Power Of Healing Imagery
Healing Imagery, also known as Visualization, involves visualizing the end result of your goal or desire while you are at the Alpha or Theta level of mind.
The concept of Creative Visualization has been around for decades. In fact, it gained renewed popularity in the 1970s when a Silva graduate by the name of Shakti Gawain wrote a best-selling book about it.
One of our most important rules for visualization is that it should be done in the present tense. For example if you’re looking to manage arthritis, you should visualize yourself free of arthritis, and feel the moment as if it is happening this instant and not some time in the future.
In other words, feel the sense of joy of being arthritis-free, rather than focusing on wanting it (which is essentially the state of ‘not having’ it).
The Silva Method teaches a variety of advanced visualization techniques and exercises that are designed to be easily induced yet powerful enough to facilitate the mind’s natural healing process.
Mastery Of Your Beliefs
In working with our students we have discovered that lasting success with any health-related goal—whether it’s to shake off a minor ailment or reduce the symptoms of a serious illness—can only happen when you condition your mind for 3 outcomes:
- Develop a deep desire for your goal.
- Wholeheartedly believe that this goal is possible.
- Fully expect this goal to happen.
We call this thought process Desire-Belief-Expectancy or D-B-E, and although it may sound simple on the surface, mastering it requires a significant level of control over your subconscious mind.
At the core of D-B-E is the placebo effect: the widely documented phenomenon in which a patient can trigger self-healing by the mere belief that they will be cured. The placebo effect can be so powerful that all modern drugs have to be tested against a placebo before they are released to the public.
In fact, many former treatments and drugs have been taken off the market when their healing properties were found to be solely due to the placebo effect.
Eric “Herbie” Watson Beloved Grand Eagle
Eric)- I Wrote this so we can see all of the corresponding ideas that the Silva method has in common with Tms healing!!!!-
1) Altering states or controlled meditative and loving states 2) Speaking to the problem 3) Also Focusing 4) Seeing yourself healed in visuals 5) loving yourself unconditionally 7) Thinking Clean 8) The neutralizing of anger and guilt through soothing and love of self 9) Becoming a loving and forgiving person to yourself and others 10) To go to your level means your level of mindfulness in the now While practicing focusing or any other mind control technique as visuals affirmations and meditations. 11) Using a mental screen and dis- association as in Hypnotherapy To change the meaning of the pain. 12) becoming a part of society again
Do you see more?
Jose Silva)- Many graduates report they use Mind Control in emergencies to reduce bleeding and pain. Example:Mrs. Donald Wildowsky was in Texas on a convention trip with her husband. According to the Norwich, Connecticut, Bulletin, she dived into a swimming pool and ruptured an eardrum. “We were miles from any town, and I didn’t want to make him leave in the middle of the convention,” she was quoted as saying. ” I went to an Alpha state, put my hand over my ear, concentrated on the pain area and said ‘Gone, gone, gone!’ “The bleeding stopped immediately and the pain left. When I finally got to a doctor, he was speechless with amazement.”
In self-healing, there are six fairly easy steps to take:
The first is to begin—in Beta—to feel yourself becoming a loving (and therefore a forgiving) person, and to consider love as an end in itself. This will probably require a pretty thorough mental housecleaning.
Second, go to your level. This alone is a major step Using Your Mind to Improve Your Health toward self-healing because, as I mentioned much earlier,at this level the negative work of the mind—all its guilts and angers — is neutralized, and the body is set free to do what nature designed it to do: repair itself. You may, of course, have very real feelings of guilt and anger, but we have found that these will be experienced only at the outer, or Beta, level and they tend to disappear as you practice Mind Control.
Third, mentally speak to yourself about step one:Express your desire to achieve a thorough mental housecleaning—to use positive words, to think positively,to become a loving, forgiving person.
Fourth, mentally experience the illness that is troubling you. Use the mental screen and see and feel the illness. This should be brief; its purpose is simply to focus your healing energies where they are needed.
Fifth, quickly erase this image of your illness and experience yourself as completely cured. Feel the freedom and happiness of being in perfect health. Hold on to this image, linger over it enjoy it and know that you deserve it—know that now in this healthy state you are fully in tune with nature’s intentions for you.
Sixth, reinforce your mental housecleaning once again, and end by saying to yourself, “Every day in every way I am getting better, better, and better.”
How long should this take and how often should you do it? My experience is that fifteen minutes is about the best length of time. Go through this exercise as often as you can, no less often than once a day. There is no “too much “Allow me to digress for a moment. You may have heard that meditation is a fine thing but that you must be careful not to become so enchanted by it that you do too much.
This, it is said, can lead to a withdrawal from the world and an unhealthy preoccupation with yourself. Whether this is true or not, I do not know. This is said of other meditative disciplines, not Mind Control. Our emphasis is on involvement with the world, not withdrawal from it—not with transcending practical problems or ignoring them, but with facing them head-on and solving them. You cannot do too much of this.
Jose Silva- The Silva Mind Control Method
The Silva Method trains you to access your subconscious, and readjust your D-B-E thought process for better alignment with your natural healing abilities. Crippling feelings of negativity and self-doubt are removed, while emotional ups and downs are stabilized.
Deep Mental Relaxation
Alpha level training has today become commonplace in the personal growth industry, but The Silva Method takes it one step further with Theta level training. We have created a variety of guided meditations and techniques, such as the 3 Fingers Technique, instantly guide you into both the Alpha level, and the deeper Theta level. These are designed to help you comfortably remain in these states for as long as necessary to achieve your intended goal.
Preview YouTube video Crisis in Consciousness

Trudy Beers, a hypnotist and reiki healer in Tribeca, NYC, talks about how important the mind is in causing and healing diseases of all kinds.
Meditation can be a tremendous tool to help heal cancer and other serious illnesses. How to use meditation in the healing process is ofter misunderstood and misdirected.
This video will also help explain the role of meditation in creating a new vibration for healing.allowing the energy of Universal Source, to be expressed through you, you heal. Meditation is a tool to help accomplish this. I just posted this video to help clear up the why and how to use healing meditations. I have also included a new powerful 8 minute guided meditation at the end of the video.
Meditation can be a tremendous tool to help heal cancer and other serious illnesses. However, meditation and how to use meditation in the healing process is ofter misunderstood and misdirected. This video will help explain the role of meditation in creating a new vibration for healing.
Preview Mind Over Cancer Meditation Intro – Mark S. Kearns

Preview O. Carl Simonton: The Healing Process (excerpt)
— Thinking Allowed DVD w/ Jeffrey Mishlove