Today is the Father of Tomorrow.
What we are today… is the result… of what we have been thinking and the way we have lived in the past. Those who act wisely today will have wisdom in the future to make wise decisions. Seeds of faith are always within us; sometimes it takes a crisis to nourish and encourage their growth. Susan L. Taylor
Believe in yourself ! Do the research find out the facts and trust your instincts always. If you think I am talking nonsense then go find the research yourself to prove it wrong.
You reap what you sow…. Hopefully you have sown a seed …..
When you hit a brick wall and struggle to find a solution or a way forward, don’t say “I cant” or “it’s not possible!”
It is possible! It’s bloody possible! It so …is! Dig deep and fight! Dig deep and find a way an even better way! Just do it just get on with it.
Do not stop and cry or feel weak or poor me! That’s all so yesterday and not you anymore! Stop and think right! Damn it! I am so going to do this! I am going to blow the bloody roof off it!!
I am celebrating, I am winning always winning, if not today then tomorrow will bring the results you need but never ever ever bloody give up!
Do you hear me!! It’s time for big chops! Big leaps! You know you are ready! Now just fly just leap and trust it’s your time!
Just open up to meet your magic your destiny your hearts desires! Steer your ship in the direction of all your dreams that magical sunrise!
Do not go around in circles anymore! Stop it!! Just bloody stop it!! Do Not sail into the storm that you feel comfortable with you, on auto pilot! Cause you feel you deserve it!! You deserve the best! The very best! Now bloody say it!
I deserve the best! Now own it! If you have people in your life not treating you that way, honoring you, loving you then kick them out of your life your vibration! Ice queens, Bullies, time wasters, jealous false low life’s!! Get rid of them!
Now time to support and love you!
Make that turn of the wheel TODAY!!!! you can do it! leave behind dark stormy nights and sail in the direction of everything that you want. Are you ready??
Good! Now fasten your seatbelt you are in for the ride of your life! But only if you want it! Truly want it! Expect the unexpected the wow moments, the OMG! Expected it all only this time it’s the amazing the jumping for joy moments!
Yes it’s your time and boy do you deserve it! This week watch out!! It’s time to celebrate! focus, fire up your belly, find the courage, find a new way! Just do it!
Sending you much love
Darryl Anne Mooney
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