From wheel chair to bicycle in three weeks (read my previous blog post):
So many people have asked me what do i think spread the cancer in my body? was it having my root canal removed? or something else. Wow! this is the million dollar question isn’t it! Maybe it’s the emotional aspect?
Cancer: Deep hurt. Longstanding resentment. Deep secret or grief eating away at the self. Carrying hatreds. CANCER: What’s eating at you? Deep hurt, secret or grief. With Long Standing Resentment. Harboring a festering negative emotion… nothing negative ever comes from being negative !!!!
Affirmation: I lovingly f…orgive and release all of the past. I choose to fill my life with joy. I love and approve of myself.
Thats Louise L Hay take on Cancer. I fully agree! I know with my tooth it literally got to the “root’ of all the toxic chemicals in my body and i feel a plug was taken out and all toxins just were released into my body. My immune system was under deep pressure and i also suffered huge trauma and emotional upset in March. Both flattened me.
Its not rocket science. I always say to anyone experiencing cancer the core of it is to heal the emotional connection first and everything else will follow.
This is a huge journey for me. Thursday was huge for me. i am so proud of myself for all i am achieving and continue to do despite my challenges!!! I am strong and a warrior. All i can do is share from my heart and heal myself and it would be wonderful to help others in the process.
I am documenting everything but i do feel that i am having a huge turn in my healing and its because i faced deep fears, healed emotional unbalance and started living through my power not my fear. i let go of past and let go of shit people and shit situations. March was a tsunami for me but i survived!!!!!
I feel light as a feather now and ready to soar high and live the life i came here to live. Its been a blast but its been horrific. I live with so much peace and love its impossible for an dis ease to flourish within me. God has been teaching me so much through darkness. He is now rewarding me through allowing me to come into the light.
I am so grateful to have my immune system fully supported again and my trip to Germany was heaven sent and supported by you all. Thank you again from my heart.
The biggest celebration is that i have not had to have a mastcetomy, chemo or radio active therapy to heal my life, my body.
Love and nourishment is healing me. Gods medicine. Along with that a dash of happiness and self love, pride and forgiveness. All for free!
I had a chat with my oncologist yesterday. I said to him you know we could work together here. He said i want to help support you. I said thank you. Can you give me IV Vitamin C. He said……….wait for it. We are not allowed to do it as doctors!!! I laughed. Everything i asked him for was immune boosting medicine. He said no. We are not allowed to do it!!!
There was a man in the hospital when i was having my blood transfusion having magnesium. IV I said to the Dr oh amazing you could give me iv selenium and vit c. He said no. i can only give him this magnesium because hes been affected by chemo.
I would never be allowed to prescribe it to you just to support your healing and immune system. Oh Yes!! Thats where we are at folks.
Its shocking but its not going to stop me creating a place for people to go in the future to get what they want by choice in treatment. My charity will go global and help millions because i know what it feels like to be desperate. Its deep, its scary and its tough. Nobody should feel that way. I experienced all this so i understand everything. Now i am going to create safe havens for women filled with love and Gods medicine. The future is bright! I am excited.
For the first time in many years i am excited about moving forward in my life and being able to use all the shit i have experienced to help others. I don’t want anyone to suffer like i have done. Having said that…. its been awesome and its make me the person i am today.
Victim to victory and by me not giving up and trying to triumphant!! love and Gods medicine all the way!
No pink october for me! Sod that!!!
Im happy, im healing and im in love!!! that is what is my medicine.
It will be amazing to share with others from my big shift on Thursday to see how easy it is for me to heal now!!!! I know emotions are the fastest way to heal any disease.
Watch me soar!
I am healing at such a rapid rate it’s incredible to feel it, to see it myself and for others to say it t…oo!
I know it’s down to the inner healing I am having, and I am so blessed to have it and for people to help me! All heaven sent! Always!
That’s not luck that’s God! That’s faith and that’s the magic of life for everyone to experience!
I cannot describe to you in words how it is to feel so strong! Ive been so weak crawling up the stairs on my hands and knees! That was 9 weeks ago
Woo hoo!!! This morning I’ve been on my rebounder and going to buy a secondhand bike this week (if anyone in Sussex has one let me know! ) I’m starting bikram yoga this week and I intend to cycle there!! I am feeling sooooo good!
I have come such a long way from dying to living! Never ever give up! I never did for one moment! I have so much support from heaven. We all do! No matter what is presented to you always have faith everything will be good! Trust in God!
A new chapter again is opening this week for me! Watch me soar high on nutrition, on love, on life! On positivity! On self belief! On determination! On sheer hard work!
Gods medicine heals our life! Love, nutrition and positivity! Chemo is a toxic carcinogenic that destroys your body, your life and family! Choose wisely
I’m up at 6.30 I’ve had hot water lemon, enema, wheatgrass and juice! I am buzzing! Today I get to watch my son play football. What a feeling to be alive, well, thriving and loving life!
Look at the difference from the photo in the middle to today! It just gets better and better
Its a big journey and i am so happy you are all here with me sharing it and supporting me always … you all.
Darryl Can be contacted though her Orange Awareness Facebook Page:
or website: