Once the mind returns to the heart, You no longer need to control your thoughts and feelings. You become so vast as the land without borders and without a name; infinite, complete, immeasurable … a beginning without an end… Without effort you remain in peace and silence of the ocean of your true “I”, a blissful Being! You go beyond your own needs and desires…
Be Love ~ Be Light ~ Be Balance
Listen to your inner genius. Those who do often end up. Changing the world.
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Your soul is your conscience. Your conscience is energy which has no form or location. This energy is part of the whole universe. The meaning of life is to evolve your conscience to higher consciousness which is the source of all existence.
The soul of each individual person is located in the brain. It is not visible to human eyes. It is the secret of GOD creation and it is invisible. Feelings is because of the present of the soul in our body. When one body is not functioning/death the soul will leave the body and this visible world and the soul which originally already have feelings will feel what is ahead of it in the next/soul world. What scientist believe… is that the aura of a man don’t remain cause one soul was in perfect figure without any damage even if his body is cripple, blind, etc. Soul is from GOD and it should return back to GOD.
The aura is your soul. It encircles the entire body and is held there by electrical forces. When a person dies the electrical force weakens and the aura will drift away from the body upon death. Other people’s auras change with our moods. If angry we can have bright red auras, sad we can have blues with black specks, etc.
It’s our auras that can clash with another persons and we either don’t like that person or we do like them. It’s a proven fact we all have one and it can be seen if done right.
Since the brain is the least studied organ of the body, more and more scientists are realizing what a magnificent piece of circuit board it actually is and therefore is much to learn from it. Scientist or any of us cannot rule out the fact we do have soul because we know so little about the brain. I certainly believe we have souls.
It exists in your thoughts, ideals and actions.
Your soul is you, the forever you. You can never die. It’s not thought of – to be dead from all existence. You live forever. The soul is located by pinpointing your thoughts & desires. You know where your soul is by observing what kind of master you follow.
You are your soul. You are an immortal spiritual being. The spirit also has no mass, wavelength or location in space except by consideration. As such it is usually located in the head, but may also be located outside the body.
Here’s the bad news. The “soul” is a series of electrical impulses. When you die, those impulses flow off earth to rejoin the universal energy of the other side in the heavens.
Death Defined: Your Consciousness Transcends the Realm of Universal Light into The Heavens!!!!
Born in Central Switzerland, Franz Rutz also developed a deep bond to his native place. Nevertheless, already early in his life his critical mind made him aware of the problems in society.
After becoming a school teacher Franz was driven by his desire for change and was seeking for opportunities to develop his consciousness. He learned and regularly practiced twice a day Transcendental Meditation (TM) as taught by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Almost thirty years ago he was trained as a TM teacher.
Today he is a school counselor and naturopath in Ayurvedic medicine. His goal was to make the knowledge of the integration of life – inner and outer – available to everyone and particularly in the field of education, for less stress and more happiness in life.