I encourage you to have an open mind, and learn more about the scientific research presented by Dr. Lissa Ranking in episode 13 on how you can heal yourself.
Whether or not you believe that your mind has the power to heal your body is irrelevant for listening to this episode. I simply want you to know that this is some interesting (and scientific) information and when you finish listening you can take from it what you like.
Her book, Mind Over Medicine: Scientific Proof that You Can Heal Yourself is extremely interesting and well worth picking up a copy.
In This Episode, You Will Learn:
- All the terrible health problems Lissa was saddled with growing up
- How Lissa changed from skeptic to a believer that the mind can heal the body
- More about her transition from western medicine to a new age approach
- Where to find studies of people who should have died, but got better
- How to activate the bodies innate self-healing mechanisms
- A new perspective on the placebo effect
- How the no-cebo effect and the data behind it
- How our innate stress hormones can cause problems
- How the people from Roseto and how loneliness effects health
- That happy people live 7-10 years longer
- Optimists are 77% less likely to die from heart disease
- How and why to develop a gratitude practice
- Why “healing yourself is not for the faint of heart”
- The balance between common sense and self healing
- Ideas for modulation of stress responses to improve your help
- The 6 Steps to Healing Yourself
- Plus much more…
What if you had the ability to heal your body just by changing how you think and feel.
By Lissa Rankin
When people are doing everything “right’ and what they should be doing — eating veggies, avoiding red meat, processed food and alcohol, exercising, sleeping well and so forth — we should expect long life, right? So why is it many health conscious people end up sicker than those that pig out on pizza, guzzle beer and park themselves in front of the Tv watching football.
For Dr. Lissa Rankin that is just part of the equation. With her experiences with patients and all the lab test results she has studied. Dr. Lissa became motivated to solve the puzzle “why” these “healthy” patients were so sick. So instead of focusing her research on the conventional method (family history and traditional factors. She went outside of the box and began looking at personal lives.
She began asking questions to her patients personal questions: What do you love about yourself? What’s do you feel is missing from your life? What do you appreciate about your life? Are you in a Loving relationship? If so, are you happy? If not, do you wish you were? Are you fulfilled with your work? Do you feel your life has purpose? Do you express yourself creatively? Do you feel yourself financially stable or are you stress about money? And if your fairy God Mother could change one thing about your life, what would you wish for?
What these questions gave Dr. Lissa was more insight into “why” they were sick than anyone lab test or health exam could. For the most part they were sick because they had a lonely feeling, sense of lost, miserable in a relationship, heart broken over a split, stressed out about work, freaked out about their finances or profoundly depressed.
What stress does is suppresses the immune system 
On the flip side she learned that those that ate junk food, never take supplements, rarely exercise and enjoyed extremely perfect health. Their responses revealed their lives were filled with love, fun, interesting hobbies, meaningful work, creative expression, spiritual connection and other traits that differentiated them from the sick crowd.
Therefore she concluded and she ask patients at their appointments. These two questions: “What do you think lies at the root cause of your illness?” and “What does your body need in order to heal?” Occasionally they would answer by saying, “I need an anti depressant” or “I need to lose 20 pounds.”
However, more often than not, they said introspective things, like “I hate my job,” “I need more ‘me’ time,” “I must divorce my spouse,” “I need to make more friend,” “I need to forgive myself,” “I need to respect myself,” 0r ” I need to stop being such a pessimist.” Although many patients weren’t ready yo do what their intuition told them their bodies needed.
Some quit their jobs, others left marriages, some move to other locales and others chase suppressed dreams. The results of these patients achieved were astonishing. Sometimes , a list of illnesses would disappear, often quickly. Even smaller steps helped, like talking to a boss about “workplace problems” or “job overload” helped.
But for Lissa Rankin she wasn’t surprised, in her 20’s she was diagnosed with high blood pressure, and precancerous changes on her cervix. At 33, she was burned out in a busy obstetrics and gynecology practice. She wound up leaving her job, selling her home, and liquidating her retirement account.
They moved from San Diego to a small town in Northern California, where she dug deeply for root causes into her many illnesses. While diagnosing what needed changed and mustering up the courage to take action. As a result her health conditions either completely resolved or drastically improved.
This is not meta physics here the scientific evidence and medical journals back Lissa. The body doesn’t fuel how we live our lives. Instead, it is a mirror of how we live our lives. Remember a relaxation response counteract the stress response and never respond to stress in a stressful way. If your sick and tired of a job chances are that job will make you sick, tired. and depressed.

SO Remember: If your not feeling right despite doing all the right things. Take a deep breath and ask yourself “what lies at the root of my illness?” and “what does my body need in order for it to heal?” Trust your Inner Pilot!!!! Also strolling in nature is a bit of a stress reducers. One Japanese study found a link between chemicals released by trees, called phytoncides helps lower stress hormones.
When one exercises this increases cortisol which helps turn off inflammation in the body. However prolonged stress makes immune cells insensitive to the hormone regulatory effect. As a result the inflammatory response goes into over drive and suppress the immune system and this may lead to anything from common cold to, over the long haul cancer, heart attacks, stroke, auto immune disorders to a 45% higher risk of Type2 diabetes.
I believe the reason some become survivors and thrivers and others do not. Is define by one word… tonight I have been researching this topic “Mindfulness” and its ability to heal. And This weekend I will prove to you… it works