In the beginning it was said “Let there be light.” In considering the body, before anatomical structure, before cellular or even molecular structure, there is light. Light as an energy form has unique signature (or soliton wave-length) specific to strength and pattern of that light signal. At the sub-molecular level are particles of light called bio-photons. The electromagnetic frequency patterns of bio-photons are found in every living organism. All cellular life, likewise then, has a unique cellular light/energy (or bio-photon) signature.
F. A. Popp, Ph.D. is a leader in the study of the bio-photonic energy. Popp monitored and was able to confirm that living cells not only emit or radiate small bursts of light, they also absorb light. His studies showed that healthy cells will store light longer than unhealthy cells. He also discovered that a healthy cell*(cells with proper resonance) radiate coherent light, while a diseased cell radiates chaotic light.
Cells communicate by converting signals (the soliton wavelength of bio-photons) into electromagnetic oscillations of resonant frequencies. Bio-chemical messengers carry these specific frequency signatures (or pass codes of information) between cellular structures that provide the specific genetic instructions behind every cellular function, not limited to but, most importantly including DNA/RNA signal messaging. Each receiving cell must receive the correct information and be able to properly recognize and utilize that information.
A state of “dis-ease” exists when the cellular light/energy signal is chaotic or NOT in resonance (canceling frequencies) creating essentially incorrect information to be transferred between cells. The receiving cell then performs its’ function according to the erroneous message. The resulting function and ensuing message is passed on, now altered to a greater degree and causing even greater dysfunction at the next cellular stop. This process is multiplicative. And this cycle of altered messaging is what continues to the point where mass cellular structures are passing on, and functioning according to, exponentially damaged instructions. Ultimately, this progression is what produces illness. Our over-exposure to environmental electromagnetic interference, chemical poisoning, irradiated or processed foods and electrically dead water (not necessarily in that order) are among chief causes of “dis-ease.” |
The Future of Medicine
Everything in the universe is now understood to be made out of energy; to our perception it appears physical and solid, yet in reality it is all energy and energies interact. When you interact in your environment you are both absorbing and sending energy at the same time. You are probably more familiar with terms such as “good vibes” and “bad vibes.” Those are the waves at which we are all vibrating. We are all energy. The energy in your body is reflecting the energy around you because the atoms in your body are not only giving off energy, they are absorbing energy. Every living organism communicates with these vibrations. Animals communicate with plants; they communicate with other animals. Shamans talk to plants with vibrations. If you are sensitive to the differences between “good” and “bad” vibrations, you would always be leading yourself to places that would encourage your survival, your growth, your love, et cetera, and staying away from situations and places that would take advantage of you or cancel who you are.
When we are not paying attention to our vibrational energies, we are missing the most important readouts from our environment. Understanding of the new physics says that all energies are entangled and interact with each other. Therefore, you must pay attention to these invisible forces that are involved with what’s going on in your life. While medicine does not train its doctors to recognize that energy is part of the system, they very easily adapted to using the new scan systems to determine what is going on inside the body. It is humorous they read their scans as “maps,” but don’t have the fundamental understanding that their maps are direct readouts of the energy present in the body.
For example, in a mammogram revealing a cancer, one is you are visualizing a characteristic emission of energy distinctive of a cancer. Rather than cutting out the cancer, what if you applied an energy that, through interference patterns, would change the energy of those cancer cells and bring them back to a normal energy? Presumably you would get a healing effect. This would make sense out of thousands of years of what is called “hands-on healing.” The recipient is getting an energy that is interacting with their body through interference and through that interference, changing the character of the energy reflected in the physical matter because the matter is the energy. This is the future of medicine although we are not there with it right now.
Quantum physicists reveal that underneath apparent physical structure there is nothing more than energy, that we are energy beings. That means that we interact with everything in the field. This has an important impact on health care. Quantum physics reveals that energies are always entangled with each other. In an energy universe, waves are always flowing through and interacting with all other waves. We can never separate someone fully from the environment they live in. Quantum physics says the invisible energy is one hundred times more efficient in conveying information than are material signals (e.g., drugs). What we are beginning to recognize is that there is an invisible world that we have not dealt with in regard to understanding the nature of our health.
In other words, rather than focusing on matter, in a quantum world we focus on energy. In the mechanical world we said we can understand everything by reductionism. But in the newer quantum understanding of the universe we have to understand holism: you cannot separate one energy vibration from another energy vibration. We have to recognize that in the world we live in we are entangled in an unfathomable number of energy vibrations and we are connected to all of them!
Here is my definition of the environment: it is everything from the core of your being to the edge of the universe. It includes everything in close proximity to you as well as the planets and the sun and what is going on in the entire solar system. We are part of this entire field. To summarize the significance of this let me give you a quote from Albert Einstein: “The field is the sole governing agency of the particle.” What he says is this: the field, the invisible energy, is the sole governing agency of the physical reality
© 2007 by Bruce Lipton. This article is Part 1 of a three-part presentation derived from The Wisdom of Your Cells, How Your Beliefs Control Your Biology, published by Sounds True as an Audio Listening Course on eight CDs, (link is external).
Therefore according to Dr. Bruce Lipton. A person’s perception, not genetic programming, is what spurs all action in the body: And It’s actually our beliefs that select our genes, that select our behavior.
How can we do this? Meditation has been shown to be the key ingredient in one’s daily habits to achieve a state of mind-body connection. A regular practice in meditation will allow one to enter the deeply relaxing alpha and powerful, trace-like theta brain wave states. In these meditative states, we can open the channels of communication between thoughts and cells.
With regular meditation, we can experience an intimacy with our own bodies as never before, such as the realization that we are comprised of trillions of cells, each their own universe with their own experiences. We can then build a bridge of communication between thought and body to heal minute issues that lead to disease. The emotions arising from this process assist by stimulating the release of hormones by the endocrine system.
This mind-body connection is similar to the Eastern philosophy of oneness. The ancients understood that all life is derived of energy, and therefore our consciousness has energy. With clear intentions, we can achieve physical healing, using the emotions which arise to physically respond to the thoughts in our consciousness.
For further depth, check out what Dr. Lipton has to say on this subject in his own words:
The human body is comprised of 50 to 65 trillion cells. Cell functions independent of DNA and its perceptions of environmental stimuli affect DNA. This also applies the same principles to the human body as a whole, showing the power our perceptions, our beliefs, have over DNA.
The following is a simplistic summary of “The Biology of Belief”. For more details, you may visit
5-Step Explanation
1. The cell is like a human body and it functions without DNA….
The cell is like a human body. It is capable of respiration, digestion, reproduction, and other life functions. The nucleus, which contains the genes, has traditionally been viewed as the control center—the brain of the cell.
Yet, when the nucleus is removed, the cell continues with all of its life functions and it can still recognize toxins and nutrients. It appears the nucleus—and the DNA it contains—does not control the cell.
Scientists assumed some 50 years ago that genes control biology. It just seemed so correct, we bought the story. We don’t have the right assumptions.
2. DNA is controlled by the environment…
Proteins carry out the functions in cells and they are building blocks of life. It has long been thought that DNA controls or determines the actions of proteins.
Here I propose a different model. Environmental stimuli that come into contact with the cell membrane are perceived by receptor proteins in the membrane. This sets off a chain reaction of proteins passing on what could be described as messages to other proteins, motivating action in the cell.
DNA is coated in a protective sleeve of protein. The environmental signals act on that protein, causing it to open up and to select certain genes for use—genes specifically needed to react to the current environment.
Basically, DNA is not the beginning of the chain reaction. Instead, the cell membrane’s perception of the environment is the first step.
If there are no perceptions, the DNA is inactive.
Genes can’t turn themselves on or off … they can’t control themselves. If a cell is cut off from
any environmental stimuli, it doesn’t do anything. Life is due to how the cell responds to the environment.
3. Perception of the environment is not necessarily the reality of the environment….
In a 1988 study done by John Cairns, published in the journal Nature titled “The Origin of Mutants,” he showed that mutations in DNA were not random, but happened in a predetermined way in response to environmental stresses.
In every one of your cells, you have genes whose function it is to rewrite and adapt genes as necessary. In a chart illustrating Cairns findings in the journal, environmental signals were shown to be separate from the organism’s perception of environmental signals.
A being’s perception of the environment acts as a filter between the reality of the environment and the biological reaction to it.
Perception rewrites genes!
4. Human beliefs, choosing to perceive a positive or negative environment….
Just as a cell has receptor proteins to perceive the environment outside the cell membrane, humans have the five senses.
These are what help a person determine which genes need to be activated for a given situation.
The genes are like programs on a computer disk. These programs can be divided into two classes: the first relates to growth, or reproduction; the second relates to protection.
When a cell encounters nutrients, the growth genes are activated and used. When a cell encounters toxins, the protection genes are activated and used.
When a human being encounters love, the growth genes are activated. When a human being encounters fear, the protection genes are activated.
A person may perceive a negative environment where there is actually a supportive or positive environment. When this negative perception activates the protection genes, the body’s response is the programmed “fight or flight.”
5. ‘Fight or Flight’
Blood flow is directed away from the vital organs to the limbs, which are used for fighting and running. The immune system becomes of lesser importance. If you picture the responses we once needed for running from a lion, for example, the legs would have been infinitely more important in that immediate situation than the immune system. Thus, the body favors the legs and neglects the immune system.
So, when a person perceives a negative environment, the body tends to neglect the immune system and vital organs. Stress also makes us less intelligent, less clear-minded. The part of the brain related to reflexes is given more prominence in fight or flight mode than the part related to memory and other mental functions.
When a person perceives a loving environment, the body activates growth genes and nurtures the body.
For example, in Eastern European orphanages where children are given lots of nutrients, but little love these types of institutions have found to have stunted development in terms of height, learning, and other areas. There is also a high incidence of autism. Autism in this case is a symptom of protection genes being activated, like walls being put up.
Beliefs act as a filter between the real environment and your biology. Thus, people have the power to change their biology. It is important to keep a clear perception because otherwise you won’t develop the right things biologically for the real environment around you.
Perception: The Power of the New Biology
We perceive the environment and adjust our biology, but not all of our perceptions are accurate. If we are laboring under misperceptions, then those misperceptions provide for a mis-adjustment of our biology. When our perceptions are inaccurate we can actually destroy our biology. When we understand that genes are just respondents to the environment from the perceptions handled by the cell membrane, then we can realize that if life isn’t going well, what we have to do is not change our genes but we must change our perceptions. That is much easier to do than physically altering the body. In fact, this is the power of the new biology: we can control our lives by controlling our perceptions.
We are holding “truths” about science that are actually untruth and they are actually “assumptions,” and false assumptions at that. Until we correct those assumptions, we are misunderstanding our relationship to the planet, to nature and the environment around us. As a result we are destroying that which has provided us life, the environment.
False assumption number one is that the universe is made of matter and its understanding can be attained by studying matter. While Our perception of a material-only biology and environment is no longer scientifically accurate.
Another assumption is that genes control life. It is actually our perceptions that control life and by changing our perceptions we can get control over our lives. I will discuss more about this later.
Assumption number three is a very dangerous assumption: that we arrived at this point in our evolution using the mechanisms of Darwinian theory, which may be summed up as “the survival of the fittest in the struggle for existence.”It turns out in the new biology that evolution is based on cooperation. Until we understand that, we keep competing with each other, struggling and destroying the planet without recognizing that our survival is in cooperation and that our continued competition is the death knell of human civilization.
Preview Bruce Lipton – Fear vs Love State and Stress’s Effect on Your Body

Preview Biology of Belief – The most important hour of your life – Bruce Lipton