The Enemy Within

Image result for pineal gland

Many Toxins with in our diet  today ….  causes much of the cancer malaise:        if you would like to avoid cancer …  avoid these toxins throughout treatments as well to overcome cancer!!!

One such heavy weight would be fluoride !!!!

Many people  have  been  wrongly convinced  that fluoride is necessary for dental health.     In actuality, fluoride is extremely toxic  and fluoride ingestion  is one of the most common reasons for calls to Poison Control. The health consequences from fluoride exposure, water or otherwise, can be horrendous…

  • Fluoride is a neurotoxin that could cause damage equivalent to that from a traumatic brain injury; children living in highly fluoridated areas have up to five times greater chance of developing a low IQ compared to those who do not.
  • Fluoride calcifies the pineal gland.
  • Fluoride can affect thyroid and it’s ability to absorb iodine.
  • Fluoride consumption can cause skeletal fluorosis, a condition resulting in weak bones.
  • Research has shown that fluoride exposure can cause early puberty in girls.
  • Higher levels of fluoride correspond to lower fertility rates in both men and women.
  • Areas with high fluoride levels in the water tend to have a higher rate of chronic kidney disease.
  • Research suggests fluoride causes cardiovascular inflammation and atherosclerosis.
  • The Fluoride Action Network reports that, as of May 2013, 43 studies have examined the effect of fluoride on human intelligence.
  • Fluoride may play a role in ADHD and other mental issues, according to research from the Harvard School of Public Health.
Reducing Your Exposure to Fluoride

Avoiding fluoride is tricky, but can be done. Realize that your approach needs to be two prong. You need to take steps to protect yourself at home, and you need to take steps to encourage changes in your community.

When you’re at home, avoid tap water and products that contain it. Consider investing in  a water purification device or system that removes,  among other things, fluoride.  When you’re purchasing dental products, opt for natural, fluoride-free options. Many products contain myrrh, coconut oil, and neem which are just as effective, if not more, and have relatively few side effects. Getting enough iodine in your diet can help detoxify fluoride and the other harmful halogens, bromide, and chlorine.

If your community has fluoridated water, participate in your local government and work toward ceasing the practice in your area. It seems like a big challenge but it can be done. Mandatory fluoridation has been banned in many countries across the world, including China, Austria, Belgium, Finland, Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands, Hungary, and Japan. Although most of America is lagging, some American communities are realizing it’s the healthier choice and are rejecting water fluoridation. It’s up to you to speak up and make change happen!

When you think fluoride one must consider it’s impact on the pineal gland:

Top 8 Supplements To Boost Your Pineal Gland Function

Preview  The Third Eye.  “The light of the body is the eye”(4 of 4)

The Third Eye. Matt 6:22-23 “The light of the body is the eye”(4 of 4)

The pineal gland, This third eye is way bigger than our own brain and our own vision. It represents all that exists. If you do not have inner vision you cannot operate in faith. You must have eyes or the EYE to see. The third eye is 100% biblical. It’s called the light body or merkabah. It’s an energy dynamic that’s present in all that exist even the human body.

Ralph Smart of Infinite Waters (Diving Deep) explains the third eye in simple terms

How Fluoride Suppresses Consciousness

Pineal gland parenchyma with calcifications. Attribution: Wiki User Difu Wu.

But how does a chemical bi-product dumped into the water supply actually work upon those who ingest it over time? There are many ways sodium fluoride consumption affects our bodies, but one aspect we’ll focus on in this article is that sodium fluoride calcifies the pineal gland. British scientist Jennifer Luke published a study which found that fluoride deposits tended to accumulate in the pineal gland and calcify it. In addition, a 450 page review on fluoride toxicity published by the National Research Council in 2006 reported that fluoride produced a range of negative side effects including “decreased melatonin production” and “other effects on normal pineal function, which in turn could contribute to a variety of effects in humans.”

Not just scientists, but mystics too have explored the effects of the pineal gland within us (from different angles): physically, it plays an important role in regulating sleep patterns and sexual development; spiritually, it is said to be a connection between the body and the soul, and is referred to by some as our “third eye.” Either way, when the pineal gland is calcified by sodium fluoride, it obviously cannot function properly. This could have grave effects both physically and spiritually upon humanity.

There is more to the human body than its physical apparatus. This is widely evident in phenomenon such as near-death experiences, whereby people have had accounts of experiencing existence while their brain and body has been clinically dead. However, while we are here physically, the spiritual components depend upon the physical apparatus in order to function properly and thereby communicate and actively participate in the physical world. When an important seat of consciousness such as the pineal gland cannot function properly, by logical extension, consciousness itself cannot function properly within us, since the physical means with which it functions in the world has been damaged.

Thus, it is not only that fluoride consumption has adverse health effects and reputedly makes people easier to control (as the Nazi’s believed), but the very spiritual essence of who we are, our consciousness, can be hindered from manifesting in our lives. Within our consciousness are all the spiritual feelings such as love, peace, happiness, and freedom, as well as mystical experiences and psychic faculties. The consciousness gives us the ability to be “here,” “awake,” and present psychologically.

There are sinister agents in the world and beyond who wish to see consciousness suppressed. There appears to be an evil behind water fluoridation that runs deeper than mere convenience, and the implications go beyond fluoride’s reputed effects of making a people compliant who would otherwise question questionable things (such as water fluoridation – the irony notwithstanding). On the deepest level, it’s about a person’s individual ability to awaken consciousness and experience their full potential

To overcome dis~ease within the body one must define:

Preview  PRAYER increases ‘SEROTONIN’ resulting in HEALING, LONGEVITY & HEALTH.


What’s the difference between prayer, meditation, and contemplation?These three terms  have  been  used  rather loosely  by the church  over the past several centuries,  however,  each of these terms designate very specific acts.  Although the word prayer has always been a somewhat generic word used as an umbrella to cover virtually all communication between the profane (the physical world) and the holy (the spiritual world), it also carries with it a specific style of communication.

Prayer, in its specific meaning, means to ask or beseech God for something or another.      A slightly broader understanding would include any sort of “talking with God.”  Most people who pray at all are most familiar with prayer. Table grace, bedtime prayers, crisis pleas, and so on all fall under this definition of the word. Certainly prayer is the best known form of communication with God.

But prayer only covers a very small segment of the “divine communication” field. Meditation was popularized by the Transcendental Meditation movement a couple decades ago (The TMM …. was characterized by people sitting in lotus positions chanting “ooohhhhhmmmm”).  Many –most — churches  viewed TM as tantamount to dabbling in the occult, and so mediation became a “dirty” word in many circles. However, meditation had been practiced by the Israelites long before TM. In Joshua 1.8 we read, “The book of law shall not depart from your mouth; you shall meditate on it day and night.”  Also the Hebrew word translated as meditate  carries with it a sense of mumbling or murmuring, though  the  murmuring  was  meant  to  be  the  points  of  the  law.  In the early church, however, meditation could be compared to TM.

The practice of meditation, also includes the intent concentration on an object worthy of consideration.  Most often,  in the church,  this would be a particular passage of scripture. Some of the more popular passages have been short phrases such as “Lord Jesus,  have mercy upon me, a sinner” and “Be still and know that I am God.” Generally, these phrases are repeated (murmured)  and  every other thought  is purged from the mind.  So that full concentration  can  be  brought  to  bear  on  this single-minded devotion.  The purpose of meditation  is  to offer devotion to God,  to obtain deep understanding,  and to also garner tranquility.  Many who practice this form of prayer claim they reach a spiritual presence and union with God.

Contemplation…. is generally considered the most difficult form of prayer to achieve, in essence because one can not really “achieve”  it  In contemplative prayer,  one  seeks  to empty their very being, allowing God to fill them with God’s presence and love — allowing them to become one with God. Unfortunately, this state of union, or “one-ed-ness” as the 14th century mystic  Julian of Norwich  would call it,  is elusive.  The more we try to clear our head of thoughts,  the more we become aware of the thoughts in our head.  For those fortunate enough to experience one-ed-ness,  they find  that  it’s been lost at the moment they become  aware  its been found!  The more one strives for it,  the further away it gets.  The more one puts into it,  the less room there is  for God to come into them. Contemplatives have found that full union is a gift from God,  not something achievable through their own doings.

So why engage in contemplative prayer? Because the practice itself offers an opportunity to re-center and focus. But even more, contemplatives claim that nothing can compare to those times  when the fullness of contemplation is realized.  They describe overwhelming feelings of being loved,  a sense of peace beyond understanding,  vivid images or pictures which carry meaning  for  themselves or loved ones.  In the words of Jesus,  arguably the premier contemplative, they experience his sentiments, “I and the Father are one” (John 10.30).

Prayer,  meditation,  and contemplation then are quite different in focus and practice.   And yet all 3 strive to achieve something that seems to be an innate need for all humanity — the need for communion with the divine. For those willing to risk the known, much peace can be discovered in the unknown.

“There are no incurable diseases,  only  incurable  people;  that is,  there are people             who believe they cannot be healed, and according to their belief is it done unto them.”
Joseph Murphy: The Miracle of Mind Dynamics

Preview YouTube video The Miracles of Your Mind by Joseph Murphy

The Miracles of Your Mind by Joseph Murphy

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, one of the most beloved   and  also  bestselling inspirational guides of all time, shows how changing your thought patterns can produce dramatic improvements in your life.

Preview YouTube video The Power of Your Subconscious Mind Joseph Murphy Audiobook

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind Joseph Murphy Audiobook


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