Preview YouTube video Holistic Cancer Treatment : Klinik Marinus
And That day changed my life! For the better! It’s been an incredible journey of healing and adventure.
Three weeks ago I was told the cancer spread to all my bones and lungs. It has physically been a punch bag daily for me since April.
I don’t think many people understand how physically ill I have been. Wondering why I came away from facebook or not replied to messages.
Sometimes it’s important to have compassion for people with cancer and understand the pressure and stress it can cause in your life!
Don’t take it personally.
Emotionally I never allow any of it to be greater than me as I know deep down everything is perfect and I am healing! No matter what is thrown in my way! Against all odds.
This is my journey only I can be the admiral of my ship! It’s built on love, faith and courage.
It has taken me through stormy waters and to incredibly peaceful sunrises and calm seas. Both equally as healing and teaching me all I need to know. God is my amazing teacher.
Some of my passengers jumped ship along the way and that’s ok too as I am here standing Tall no matter what. This is about me not anyone else.
Each and everyday brings me closer to myself, to God and gratitude for this amazing journey!
Beautiful synchronicity: The universe is showing you that you are loved and cared for by seen and unseen forces.
I am praising heaven! Today I give thanks to God for the healing that had been showered upon me on all levels in my life.
I am so grateful I am in Germany with the best Dr! Dr Weber! I tell you something it’s very special here built on vortex and the energy is amazing!! Nobody looks sick or acts it …. it’s more like a hotel here …. he’s done everything amazing and he’s so good with all patients.
I have great news my bloods are all good and white cells! My CEA has gone from 394.2 to 364.9 in 7 days!! I am buzzing and so happy. I know that everything I have felt, believed in my heart, I am finally achieving! Its been the most incredible biggest experience of my life!
It’s taken me on so many journeys, highs and lows, but I’ve always had faith in God and in my inner voice of truth. I have never given up ever despite the deepest pain I have encountered, I always trusted!
So many along the way have questioned and dismissed my choices but I still continue to listen to God my father and know no matter what would be thrown my way…. I would get here one day!
I want everyone to understand and know the truth about cancer and the treatments offered. One in two people are being diagnosed with cancer so everyone is affected whether it’s you or a loved one!
And so I am here in the right place and a new chapter has opened. I am healing and I am celebrating and most of all despite what The oncologist told me in the UK on 2nd August there is no fat lady singing! my truth and the love for myself and my incredible children always keeps me alive and strong! Never ever ever give up! always remember everything is possible
Many have asked me so I wanted to share with you all how I came to be at the Marinus klinik in Germany.
A while back my cousin told me of a friend of hers whose daughter Audrey was diagnosed with cancer in Ireland.
She contacted me for advise and I was delighted to help. I then went to Peru and Audrey came to Germany which I was unaware of. We were not in contact after that.
Three weeks ago when I suddenly needed a blood transfusion and tests my cousin came over from Ireland. The day before she bumped into her friend by chance and she told her Audrey had been to the Marinus Klinik.
The previous morning after I did my blood test thinking all was ok I met up for breakfast with my daughter Lulu Cole. She had been on holiday in Switzerland. She spoke about Germany and I said “you couldn’t pay me to go to Germany I wouldn’t want to ever go there!”.
I then went into the veg store and the man in the shop was talking about Germany! Which I thought at the time was strange as I have never spoken about Germany before!
That eve on a show ” come dine with me” just by chance came on the telly a couple had been to Germany and their themed night was German food and Beer!! I remember thinking at the time that’s funny!
A few hours later my Dr phoned concerned telling me my blood results and how ill I was! My cousin arrived the next day!
We clearly knew then that I needed to have treatments quickly. My cousin told me about Audrey!
I saw the synchronicity of events and how God was guiding me and had been always. It was powerful!
I trusted so much that I didn’t even google it, I knew this was the place I needed to be. I set up my “Godfundme” account and two weeks later…… You literally paid me to come to Germany!! Incredible right!
Not only am I here healing in the most amazing place with the best Dr….. Guess who happened to be here at the same time? Audrey arrived two days after me so we got to meet and share our journey!
It was so meant to happen and the best part in all this is I thought I was helping Audrey a year ago but in fact she was sent to me to help me!
When I needed my blood transfusion Audrey sat with me the whole time.
So what I really want to share with you apart from this lovely story is for anyone with cancer see past this word, this fear, this lump you have. And Look through the shadows my dears and know your life and healing is waiting on the other side!
Have faith God is always with you and cancer is about healing not dying.
Today has been powerful in so many ways in my life and the healing process shedding all dis ease that does not serve me or my children.
It’s been exciting today for me and a massive step forward to think I’ve come here in a wheelchair and 10 days later I walked into town for the first time with Trish Chambers Damron. Its about 20 mins walk!
The weekends consist of the injections and three therapies … Bio mat Magnetic field … Intravenous Vitamin c IV Selenium Folic acid Thymus Ozone blood Ozone therapy. Trish and Darryl were done by 10:30am so we hopped on a train to Salzburg!
$20,000 USD for three weeks is to be expected
Preview YouTube video Holistic Cancer Treatment : Klinik Marinus

We had an incredibly awesome day even though we got caught in a downpour with no umbrella! Oooops…
I was so proud! I am so proud of me! I am also physically stronger and emotionally stronger!
So yesterday I shared a beautiful Story about how I got here!
Today I want to share with you another one!
Yesterday we went to Salzburg, Austria which was beautiful!
We went into the cathedral to say some prayers. When we did and lit candles which was so beautiful and moving I said to the girls I’m going to look for St Antony as he was my nanas favourite Saint and say a prayer.
I walked around this amazing building I got head to toe goose bumps the minute I touched the entrance and walked in the energy was so powerful.
I couldn’t find Saint Anthony so I walked to the corner of the church and looked up and there was this huge statue of St Theresa!!!
(Some background on St Theresa)
A friend of mine from Ireland contacted me before I came here. I hadn’t spoken to her in years. She asked me if I prayed to Saint Theresa. I said no but I took St Theresa for my confirmation name so thank you for reminding me, I will.
So I ordered her book, the story of a soul and came to Germany. Saint Theresa is known as the little flower and her flower is the rose and gives messages through them.
My friend Lynda said to me before I came look out for the roses when you get there! Well I walked into my room and there’s roses growing outside my bedroom window. I watch the bees come every morning and listen to them buzzing.
Taking the time to smell the fragrance of roses on our tables when we dine and outside Dr Webers office!
I have been praying and connecting with St Theresa since I’ve been here. Friday Christy one of the gorgeous ladies here was sent flowers by her husband. She put one flower in small bottle for us all. She had lilies and then a rose. I asked her who has the lily as she said yours is the Rose Darryl! I smiled
So getting back to the Cathedral!
I looked up and there was a huge statue of St Theresa! I was so blown away and emotional. I stood there with Trish holding hands saying a prayer together!
Suddenly out of nowhere a man walked up to me and said Hi I’m Anthony and held out his hand!!!! I kid you not!
We spoke for a while and he said keep praying to Saint Theresa and our Lady that’s where miracles happen! He said to Trish and I he would pray for us tonight and walked off!!
There was no Statue of St Anthony in the Cathedral, but that was more than enough for me!
As we left the cathedral and walked down the cobbled street, the three of us so emotional and in deepest gratitude a small feather just floated gently down beside us.
Yesterday we were gone for 13 hours a day of sun, laughter, emotions, sisterhood, the sound of music and Heaven showering it’s blessings on us!
In two weeks….I arrived in a wheelchair yesterday I ran up flight of stairs to catch the train! The girls were so impressed and me too…. So I guess you could say that I am on the mend… What do you think??
I’ve put on much needed weight as you can see from the photos and will keep gaining weight each day please God!
So many magical things have happened to me on my journey as you know! Faith and love is where it’s at and the magnificent souls you cherish along the way!
I am so grateful for everything and know I am healing! Keep smiling and finding the Golden God nuggets in your life!
Look at me heal and soar high!! I am a warrior and thank you all for believing in me and sending me here!
I’m So happy LOve Darryl !!!!
Elyn chat with Dr. Axel Weber from the Klinik Marinus, a Hospital in Branneburg Germany, about the safer way to treat prostate cancer. Find out how you can treat the cancer without damaging the prostate— preserving both quantity and quality of life. Survive and Live Well via
To inspire you……………… This is a poem written by my friend Darryl Anne Mooney. Whatever darkness you are going through, it’s just molding you towards a new beginning.
Story Updated 8/30/2016:
In just three short weeks from wheelchair to bicycling. I’m home! I’m happy! I’m feeling healthy and stronger! I’m peddling my way to fabulousness! On yer bike cancer… I am healing! I’ve two big bags of supplements and got three months of detox ahead! Ain’t nothing gonna stand in my way!! 2017 I will rock health and wealth and kick the cancer dance woo hoo