Deborah King is a New York Times best-selling author, meditation teacher, renowned spiritual leader, and the leading authority on energy medicine.
A successful attorney in her 20s, Deborah masked childhood traumas and an abusive family life with drug and alcohol addictions while also still managing to succeed in her professional life. All of that changed radically, however, when she was confronted with a cervical cancer diagnosis.
Forced to evaluate her lifestyle, priorities, and unresolved issues from her past, Deborah saw her illness as a wake-up call that inspired huge shifts in her life. While her First steps, which included addressing her addictions, learning to meditate, and opening herself to alternative possibilities and understanding the Seven Chakra’s.
After receiving permission to delay the surgery from her physicians, Deborah worked with practitioners in the energy medicine field, and along with use of tools like meditation and journaling, she experienced a spontaneous remission of the cancer. After her recovery, she realized that doing her best to ignore problems and unresolved emotions all her life had led her to the point of illness, addiction, and turmoil. This experience left Deborah determined to become a meditation teacher and a thought leader and speaker so that she could help others lead healthy, happy and harmonious lives.
Through her subsequent journey of knowledge, Deborah learned more about the ancient Eastern life force energy healing techniques that transformed her life forever. She traveled to every corner of the globe to meet shamans and healers while spending hour after hour in meditation, living among animals and nature.
Deborah now firmly believes that Western cultures need the energy medicine methods of healing, transforming, and growing more than ever. Through her books, workshops, and online events, she’s helped thousands to find their truth and heal, transform their lives, and grow beyond the pain of past traumas just as she once did herself.
The One Secret You Need to Know to Awaken Your Inner Energy Healer
Long ago, humans had powers that today we consider extraordinary. Our ancestors were able to connect to each other through telepathy, talk to loved ones who had passed beyond the physical plane, and conduct powerful healings using energy medicine. Though energy healing is no longer an everyday routine for most people, while those skills are not lost! Energy medicine can become a daily part of your life like it was for the ancients, and with this secret I’m going to share, you can learn to heal yourself, your family and friends, and even your pets. You have an energy healer inside you—it’s just waiting to be awakened!
Healing at Your Fingertips
Shamans and medicine men and women were respected for their wisdom and also knowledge, which was passed down through generations. I have been fortunate enough to study with religious leaders, also shamans, and even mystical beings on other planes in order to hone my own healing abilities and become a spiritual teacher who can now guide you into the realms of spirit. With this technique, you can become a shaman— a healer. You will be amazed as your natural-born healing talents emerge and you can heal yourself emotionally, physically, and spiritually, and begin to treat others for their ailments as well. The power of healing can be quite literally at your fingertips with an understanding of the endocrine system.
The First Step to Energy Healing
Preview YouTube video Anatomy and Physiology of Endocrine System

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You probably know about the seven chakras which are points on your body that spin energy in and out from your personal energy field to the universal energy field. But did you know there is another key point that is essential to uncovering your spiritual gifts, including the gift of healing? This point is often overlooked, but it’s very important. Let me introduce you to the thymus.
Where Your Spiritual Development Sits
Your thymus is a lymphoid gland that is part of your immune system and has a direct impact on your health by helping your body fight viruses. Your thymus also plays a chief role as the seat of your spiritual development.
The thymus is a small raised spot on your chest, between your throat chakra and your heart chakra, just below the space where the two sides of your collar bone come together. This acorn-sized gland can have mountain-sized effects on your physical, emotional, and spiritual health, and activating your thymus can boost your spiritual growth and reveal your inherent energy healing capabilities.b That’s right. Activating your thymus is the secret to uncovering your inner energy healer!
Small Gland, Huge Spiritual Impact
When you activate your thymus, it becomes expanded, triggering the opening of channels to higher realms. An activated thymus acts like a beacon, telling the universe that you are part of the pantheon of light workers, that your intentions are full of love. This message spreads throughout the cosmos and becomes your special “signature.” Your thymus activation will also help prepare you for spiritual initiations into higher levels, which means you will be a step closer on the path to Source.
Say Hello to Your Inner Energy Healer
As your thymus opens further, the spiritual talents you have will reveal themselves. Since energy healing sits in our collective unconscious, you have the ability to heal even if it doesn’t manifest itself immediately after activating your thymus. We all move at our own spiritual pace, and your journey can’t be rushed, but trust that you will develop the skills as long as your intention remains true. In this YouTube video I walk you through the complete process of activating your thymus so you can connect to Spirit and wake the inner energy healer I know is inside of you. It’s who you were born to be, so embrace your birthright today.
Control Your Brain Chemistry – Become Confident and Creative
Preview Spiritual Teacher Deborah King on Hollistic Treatment | “Over The Hump” on

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