You have to choose …. you know it has to be the right place for cancer treatment and you are afraid of choosing wrong. You have done your research and should know the therapies and the success of the treatments and that each patient will respond differently based on the strength of their own immune system. Doctors do tell you regardless if you chose chemo or not that it is not a guarantee, (You know this already before you start the IV drip of alternative medicine or chemotherapy. You are extremely hopeful and should be regardless of the choice that you made. Have hope. You also know that there is no guarantee. Some cancer patients are stronger than others and for some the battle will be longer and tougher.This is the TRUTH. Please read Cancer Success Rate- What Is The Truth http://healmeright.com/successrate/
I still get letters from desperate individuals fighting cancer. They write to tell me they are inspired and happy I beat stage 4 cancer without chemotherapy. Some people are asking me to recommend other hospitals besides the one I went to that saved my life.
CMN Hospital helped save my life, we are a team! I am also appropriately and forever grateful to have chosen the healthier way. To know what I chose please visit
www.shannonsstory.com. Twice this week (and often other times people will ask me to recommend a place in the US or a to give them a list of other good cancer clinics in Mexico.
This does shock me only because I wonder if they were cancer free 4 years and someone asked them the same question how eager would they be to suggest a different hospital then the place that succeeded in treating their own cancer. Not to mention, I am not the expert on hospitals and would they feel comfortable recommending a place that they were never treated at or the cost or the treatments and doctors that would be attending to them daily. I cannot recommend nor would I. People ask about where I went and I will gladly share EVERYTHING I KNOW, for the rest of my life about that hospital

This is your life we’re talking about, do not try to put it in “my hands” or anyone else’s recommendation. Some people want to go where I went as a last ditch effort like I did even after chemo and trial drugs (sometimes for years of that on and off) with a prognosis from their doctor of 4 weeks, 6 months, I’ve heard it all just like I was told 3 months to a year left to live. I did not do chemo at all.
I went to a Catholic hospital in San Luis Sonora Mexico family owned 30 years! Dr. Payan did not give up on me however he did not give me “false hope” and make promises. He did give me the proper amount of encouragement by saying he would do the BEST he could and he certainly did do just that along with his entire medical team.
We are not clones, so do not compare yourself with others. You have a chance and need to believe you have a chance, his is part of reaching our success! Faith! Just because my life was saved 4 years ago or someone elses, somewhere else, does not mean you are guaranteed the same success or not able to succeed! No one is God or we would have the answer to cancer and have 100% success somewhere!
What is your lifestyle, diet, emotional situation at home, weight, age and your immune system has been like since you were a child? Do you have strong faith? Are you a pessimist or optimist? Do you do additional things like prayer or meditation? What treatments have you done until now? Were they toxic? Do you listen to healing music, take peaceful walks, surround yourself with tranquility? Do you write positive messages on your water bottles, IV Bags and ceiling ::)
A doctor is only part of your TEAM to try and save your life. NOT GOD!
Thank you CMN Hospital and Dr. Payan for not turning me away, for your consistent compassion, professionalism and connection long after a patient leaves. All doctors have to deal with death,
blame because of cancer grief and then they get patients like me to work together with them (great success!) Be reasonable folks and research and take full accountability in your decision.
CMN Hospital was MY CHOICE I do not recommend, I trust them and I would go again.
You never know the difference you can make …to those closest to you…
Shannon Knight went through stage 4 breast cancer that spread to her bones, lymph nodes and lungs… She did alternative therapy and no chemo… And She has been cancer-free for 5 years… Her identical twin sister,
Jessie DiConti, also was diagnosed with breast cancer… she just found out on August 3rd that she is now cancer-free after going through the same treatment recommended by her sister… We all can support each other in our community when we have experience at the crossroad…
Sis…Look at this!
•*¨*•.¸¸ •*¨*•.¸¸
You dedicated this song to me when I got cancer in 2006, then in 2015 I dedicated it “right back!” to you when you got cancer! Well baby, here we are, blessed and given so much grace to be alive and cancer free! I love you!
We did it! I told you, that you were as strong as me! “Oh…. But for the Grace of God we are blessed”
Tough Enough!