Hello Everybody I am Janice Digby Mccartney Hoffman:
I am a 51 year old female from Pittsburgh, PA. I have a husband and 4 children, 3 children are by my first husband who died in 1998 of a heart attack. In may 2011 I was experiencing extreme swelling of my face and my upper chest and arms. As my veins… would also bulge when I would wake up in morning. As it looked like someone beat me up… then as the day went on… the swelling would go down a bit. On May 19, 2011 I went to ER … as I had the swelling and was getting dizzy spells, within a matter of no time at all…. they had found the tumor on my right lung.
They called what I had superior vena cava syndrome, meaning the tumor wrapped around my vena cava cutting off the blood supply to my face and upper body. On May 21st they did a biopsy which was positive. I went through 36 radiation treatments and they started me on chemo (Taxil) and as soon as they hooked me up to Taxil. I went into a severe allergic reaction and paramedics had to be called, so they stopped the chemo and I continued with radiation and after radiation they started me on Alimta every 3 weeks, sometimes 4 weeks when blood counts were low.
From August 2011 thru May 2012 I was on chemo and Ii was a mess. I lost 75 lbs, had no energy and was in bed all day, nauseated and miserable. The only good thing is I never lost my hair. I was at the point, however, I could no longer take care of housework, nor make dinner for the kids. I finally said enough is enough. The doctors did a scan in May 2012 and showed my cancer went to stage 4 ….as it also spread in the lung. They told me at that point I had maybe only six weeks to six months to live. In June 2012, I was admitted to hospital for severe dehydration and the day before I went in. My sister had overheard a conversation about someone taking graviola to cure their cancer.
So we immediately got the supply as I figured I had nothing to lose. So I packed some capsules of graviola in a baggy and took them with me to the hospital. And everyday, I would take a capsule. Once released from hospital: I was starting to get my energy back and little by little things started to improve. My scan in December 2012, also showed my cancer had stopped spreading and was contained to the areas in the may 2012 scan.
In December 2014, I started having severe back pain (which I had during this whole time but it got worse.) So they did a MRI of lumbar which showed a spot, but the doctor was confused. As it looks like scar tissue from an old tumor, as it looks like my tumor in the lung shrivelled up into scar tissue. Also I had a pet scan in December 2014 …..which showed absolutely no signs of cancer. In January of this year I found out from Ken in the Solitarius group that drinking aloe vera juice can get shrink tumors, so I started taking 2 oz a day. It also helped relieve stomach issues that I had with the chemo damage.
I received my scan results on June 11, 2015 which showed the tumor is now a pile of scar tissue and I feel the aloe vera juice assisted with that result. People always ask me if I changed my diet or if I am doing anything special and the answer is no. I’m not perfect by any means and my diet is not as good as it should be. Also during this entire time I do continue to smoke. I know that is not a good thing but it is the one thing I have not been able to change. By sharing this story I am hoping my story can help others.
I am not claiming that graviola will work for everyone’s cancer but I can say what it did for me. I order mine online at Puritan Pride, that is most affordable place I found. I get 100 pills with shipping for around $10. I get the brand NOW and get 500 mg. I did start out taking 3 capsules a day for the first two weeks, then went to 2 capsules a day for 4 weeks and then went down to one capsule per day. If you google graviola there is a lot of cautions about side effects, however, I can say in the 3 years that I have been taking it I have never experienced any side effects.
My next steps that I am currently working on is 1) the doctors when i first got diagnosed started me on all kind of pain pills for the pain, that was my biggest mistake was letting them put me on them And unfortunately from the pain pills it has caused additional pain. As i now have an ileus in my small intestine. So I scheduled an appt. with a naturopath for August 21st to get suggestions to get off the narcotics and go all natural for the pain.
In the meantime until that appt, a friend in the Solitarius group recommended Zaflamend, which I ordered and received yesterday. I only took two capsules yesterday so I will give it several days to see if it helps at all. The other thing I ordered was serrapeptase, as it was suggested to me by this group. What I hope this enzyme does for me is help get rid of the scar tissue…. so these are my next steps for attacking my cancer. I have had many people message me…. over the past several weeks, and they kind of treat cancer like its the flu, that we are going to take a magical pill and its just going to disappear.
To me, cancer fighting needs to be a lifelong comittment, its much more than the protocol we choose to fight it with. Its about what we eat, how we exercise, how we relieve the stress in our life. I try to explain to people, when they ask about the graviola I take. As one person said to me, well I took my graviola today…. I feel great it must be working. That is not how these protocols work, they are not a quick fix. Cancer fighting takes more than taking a few capsules, it takes a total mindset that I am going to do whatever it takes to win this battle.
I continuously make changes every day, every single day is about learning and doing what is best for our bodies. Yes I have been blessed to be cancer free for 3 years, but I still am not as healthy as I would love to be, and everyday is a new challenge and a new learning experience. However, its one that I have committed myself to and its not something I can do for a few weeks and then just go back to the way it was and think everything will be okay. And no matter how much we think we know, there is always something new to learn.
The ones that concern me are those that message me and say I’ve taken the graviola for 5 days now, is that enough? They feel that we can have a quick fix and it all go away. But we need to create the mindset: that cancer didn’t come over night and we can’t cure it over the short term. I have been cancer free for 3 years but I will never quit the fight. I am in it to win it and the long haul.
Yes I was fortunate to find the protocol that worked for my cancer but there is so much more to it, one being my attitude, I am extremely determined to beat this. I research cancer daily. We have to also understand by taking a protocol nothing is a given …. (no matter what your choices are) for a few weeks or months. What a person must learn is that going back to the way things were is not an option. Once we decide on how we are going to fight this disease, its something we have to be committed to for the long run.
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Preview Soursop (Graviola) for Anti-Cancer:
The Truth About this Amazon Rainforest Breakthrough

Seven years to say goodbye
Seven years to become a butterfly
The wind your wings left in your wake
The love we shared was not a fake
The tender smiles when spirits were low
Limitless love you would always show
When I was frightened in the night
You made everything alright
Your lungs were damaged from the fray
But it was you who took my breath away
Time we should’ve had was cut in half
I will always remember your belly laugh
As I stand below and watch you fly
Deep in my heart I know this is
not goodbye 6/17/2018 RiP
Soursop (Graviola) for Anti-Cancer: The Truth About this Amazon Rainforest Breakthrough