Hi Ken – everyone. As requested, and as is my mission. I’ll briefly summarize and share my journey. Prior to my cancer diagnosis I always had major Work and financial stress. They are still there. They are the only reason that it’s still there. That and I have been single for almost seven years and I am a person who is happy in a relationship. I left a toxic relationship with the intention of being happy. To be clear – work, finance and loneliness are the only reasons my tumour is still there. It’s stays the same size and it hasn’t grown.
In September, 2014 I was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma. Multifocal (two tumours that feel like one). Stage 2-3 due to the combined size (approximately 4 cm at their widest – combined). However, No metastasis. I had my first and last mammogram, CT scan, ultrasound and bone scan. I refused biopsy due to risk of metastasis. They were convinced it was malignant.
They scheduled an open frozen section biopsy to be followed by a mastectomy in the event of a malignancy. I cancelled. They scheduled. I cancelled. They scheduled and I cancelled again. The timing of the release of the Truth About Cancer couldn’t have been better. I watched the series. I stopped crying. I walked away. Intact. Ultimately I agreed to a biopsy just days before I was scheduled to go to Mexico for treatment.
I went to the Oasis of Hope. Good people. I’m glad I went as it gave me the immersion needed to stop the cancer in its tracks. Other than the support of my sister, I was on my own in figuring this out. My new life. But knowing what I know now, I would rather guide people to the more local resources available as the treatment is very expensive and is for but a short period of time. It’s not sustainable. Now I know where I can get hyperthermia up here, and Laetrile in Canada. It pays to check around locally before venturing long distance. Although that can become unsustainable as well. So I bought the equipment instead – sauna – rife – rebounder.
The doctors down there wanted the biopsy. IDC HER+. I went to Mexico for 3 weeks. Hyperthermia, ozone, vitamin C. Laetrile. vitamin K and neutraceuticals. Also Of course, organic vegan diet. I went once more for a week about three months later. At home I have followed a mostly vegan diet, but not enough. I know. Must enjoy the life I’m saving. I can do better. That’s for sure. But many do worse. I went to a medical herbologist. I’ve used all kinds of things, switching it up. Essiac tea. MSM. Turmeric and honey and pepper and olive oil. Resveratrol. Melatonin. Zinc. Magnesium. Juicing. Dandelions. Dandelion roots. Ground flax seeds. Whole lemons. Essential oils (LOVE my essential oils so much that I have decided to actively promote them (
I also do Epsom salt baths, Coffee enemas. I bought that a Rife machine (GB400 MOPA with plasma amplifier). I do Bob Beck’s protocol and many protocols
cancertutor.com. Also rebounding – Infrared sauna. I Filter my water to eliminate chlorine and fluoride. Therefore,
My tumour remains (but so does my breast).
It will shrink (my tumour – hopefully, not my breast

). It took years to grow (my tumour – AND my breast). Have to laugh! Best medicine! Patience. I’m thankful every day. I have no regrets. I’ve never EVER felt sick. I haven’t missed a day from work due to illness; just a few appointments and during my trip to Mexico.
I’ll never forget that period of time before I had the information that ended up saving my life. Dark days. Very dark. I lost my excitement for life and, indeed, didn’t care if I died. I had no interest in a post-chemo and post-mastectomy life. I left an unhappy marriage, was looking forward to starting a new chapter. Thats was placed upon me. I can only think the reason wasn’t a cruel one, but was, and is, a teaching opportunity.
My biggest fear realized. Always worried about cancer – and my kids. We don’t worry anymore. We are cautious. We sometimes cross the line. However we are doing better than most. Our eyes are open. My kids now know not to believe ever thing that is issued to us by doctors an governments aren’t necessarily being in our best interests. It’s been worth it. I’m so thankful for this experience. I will continue to fight for the rest of my life. The truth is, we all have to.
Family Support Always Helps
Loretta Wilkins 