The Metaphysical Realm
“Dear Cancer, it’s taken me a lot longer than I would have liked but finally I’ve got rid of you. It’s been a bit of a roller coaster ride and at one point I thought you’d beaten me but winners never quit and I’ve whipped your arse. Goodbye, good riddance and don’t come back.”
Hi you all, just wanted to share with you my good news. In July 2013, I was diagnosed with stage 4a cervical cancer. I followed the conventional treatment route because I didn’t really know I had any other choice. To be fair it served me well but never fully gave me the all clear. It culminated in October 2014, when they told me …. it had come back in para-aortic lymph nodes with increased activity in the cervix and they could only further offer palliative care.
I sought other opinions, became a member of the Solitarius Facebook group and with the help of your articles, posts and other peoples stories & comments. Putting into place certain protocols and changes in my diet completely which became a commitment. Thereby, January scan showed no presence in the lymph nodes and reduced focus in the cervix, Then in April scan was totally normal. With the only thing I have done different is diet and supplementation. Without those changes I’m sure my story would have been different.
So for everybody who is interested this is what I did:
I can’t fail to mention, however, I had 32 fractions external beam radiation, 6 of brachytherapy at Mount Vernon Hospital and 5 concurrent cisplatin chemotherapy treatments at Churchill Hospital in Oxford near London UK.
Feeling this natural protocol helped with those conventional treatments. I eliminated any form of processed food or meats and anything having sugar in it which included fruit juices. Restricted fruit intake to the morning and ate a minimal amount of high sugar fruits such as pineapple, grapes etc. every morning drink water with 2 teaspoons of organic lemon juice and half teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda, supplement with AloeVera juice, vitamin D (I had a test to show I was deficient as all Cancer patients tend to be.)
While also taking 1000mg vitamin C, turmeric, zinc, pine bark tablets and omega 3 tablets. I tried to eat apricot kernels disguised in nuts so they were less disgusting. Drank mainly green tea. Tried to eat as little red meat as possible and minimised white carbs (as they are basically just sugar). Where possible eating organic vegetables (again avoiding too many root vegetables as high in sugar, with the only exception being carrots as pros out weigh cons there) and whole grains.
I didn’t cut out dairy completely but cut back. I had a probiotic to help digest all these changes and initially used milk thistle as a liver cleanse. I also cut out alcohol and drank more water which was filtered. I took a nutritional course so I could understand what the changes I was making were doing. I think good nutrition was the key and eating organic. As I wasn’t too fussed about organic meat as in UK antibiotic use is strictly regulated and hormones are banned.
I decided to hedge my bets on good nutrition and boosting my immune system. Seems like it worked. Oh and lots of fresh air and exercise was also part of it too. I also had kinesiology and Bowen treatments to help my body defend itself. With some long distant healing… I know it must have been radionics. Our genes aren’t what control our health, you do. Scientists prove DNA can be reprogrammed by words and frequencies! Thank you all and most of all never give up hope. My Regards,
Jassy Pyke