The Journey Within

Seeking Spiritual Reality Through the Power of Cosmic Energy and How It Relates         To Meditation

I believe you should believe in the whatever power you think your have inside you           and believe in it with all your heart.

THE AWAKENINGQuantum Mechanics

Human Brain And Quantum Physics – Become Self Aware

Dr. Granville Dharmawardena of the University of Colombo writes that psychologists  often speak of the mind and the body as two separate entities for convenience, however, but most acknowledge that they are intimately entwined. Yet none knows exactly how or how intimately.  So the mind body problem keeps stubbornly resisting a definite solution. Philosopher John Searle (Mills Professor of Philosophy, University of California, Berkley) says that today’s philosophers are reluctant to tackle such big problems as how people have been trying to understand their relationship to the universe.

All these refer to the elusive relationship between the body and the mind referred to more generally as the brain-mind problem. The brain-mind relationship has baffled mankind for a very long time. One main reason for this is that it was not considered as a candidate for scientific study until recently.

Psychology and related sciences were able to continue for many years by either ignoring the brain entirely or at best treating it as a black box whose rules of operation could be understood without reference to its internal contents or composition.

The human brain without doubt is the most complex organ in the known universe. It is physical and biological. Therefore, it has to be amenable to scientific probing without the intervention of such considerations as the Gödel’s theorem, which states that there are statements in mathematical systems which are true but cannot be proven within those systems.

Consciousness on the other hand is neither physical nor biological. Therefore, it is a more elusive subject to deal with and Gödel’s considerations may have a role to play there. Attempts to understand brain and consciousness have been mostly based on restrictive Newtonian classical science and exclusively the material realm composed of matter.

Although the powers of understanding of human senses and the scope of Newtonian science are limited to three spatial dimensions, the scope of our universe is not limited to three dimensions. In fact, news theories hypothesize there are eleven dimensions.  Many  of the natural phenomena happening within our universe transcend the three dimension scene.  Therefore,  it is not possible  to assume  that the mechanisms  of  operation of the brain and consciousness remain imprisoned  within the confines of Isaac Newton’s three dimensional material universe.  Just as the Earth  was  proved  not to be the center of the universe, our current theories that govern our physical universe such as Einstein’s gravity theory and others may become obsolete in our understanding of reality.

Deepak ChopraThe Mystery of the Gap
Harness Your Mind’s Power to Heal and Transform
                                                                     by: Deepak Chopra, M.D.
In the past few decades, there has been a revolution in how we perceive the body. What appears to be an object, a three-dimensional anatomical structure, is actually a process,     a constant flow of energy and information.Consider that in this very moment, your body     is changing as it reshuffles and exchanges its atoms and molecules with the rest of the universe—and you’re doing it faster than you can change your clothes.
 In fact, the body you’re using right now as you read this article is not the same body you woke up with or even the same body that you had a few minutes ago.The fifty trillion cells in your body are constantly talking to each other as they keep your heart beating, digest your food, eliminate toxins, protect you from infection and disease, and carry out the countless other functions that keep you alive. While these processes may seem out of your conscious control, hundreds of studies have shown that nothing holds more power over the body than the mind.To think is to practice brain chemistry.
 Every thought, feeling, and emotion creates a molecule known as a neuropeptide. Neuropeptides travel throughout your body and hook onto receptor sites of cells and neurons. Your brain takes in the information, converts it into chemicals, and lets your whole body know if there’s trouble in the world or cause for celebration. Your body is directly influenced as these molecules course through the bloodstream, delivering the energetic effect of whatever your brain is thinking and feeling.
When you say, “I have a sad heart,” then you literally have a sad heart. If we looked inside your heart, we would find it affected by molecules that cause stress and damage, such as excessive amounts of adrenaline and cortisol. If you say, “I’m bursting with joy,” a scientist could analyze your skin and find it loaded with neuropeptides that may have antidepressant effects and that may modulate the immune system. If you say, “I feel exhilarated, unbounded, and joyful,” and I were to examine your blood, I would find high levels of interleukin and interferon, which are powerful anticancer drugs.

Expanding Self-Awareness

One of the keys to harnessing this potentially unlimited power of the mind is to expand your level of self-awareness. When your awareness is contracted, the flow of energy and information throughout your bodymind is hampered. You tend to stay stuck in toxic emotions such as regret, resentment, and self-pity. Non-nurturing habits such as overeating and not exercising take hold. The feedback loop between your mind and your body turns negative, and stress can hit you instantaneously or grind away at you day after day.

On the other hand, when you expand your awareness, your energy flows freely. You’re more flexible, balanced, and creative.  You view yourself freely and the world with more compassion and understanding. You have more energy and are open to new possibilities. At this level of awareness, you have all the power you could possibly need to create a new reality—a reality of vibrant health and wellbeing.

Mind, Body, Spirit: Wellbeing, Longevity and Health with Deepak Chopra — The Atlantic Meets the Pacific:

There are many practical tools that can help you expand your awareness, including meditation and mindfulness. In addition, a self-aware approach to life would include the following prescriptions, which I developed with Dr. Rudy Tanzi when we co-wrote our new book, Super Brain:

  • Be passionate about your life and the experiences you fill it with.
  • Remain open to as much input as possible.
  • Don’t shut down the feedback loop with judgment, rigid beliefs, and prejudices.
  • Don’t censor incoming data through denial.
  • Examine other points of view as if they were your own.
  • Take responsibility for making conscious choices
  • Work on psychological blocks like shame and guilt – they falsely color your reality.
  • Free yourself emotionally – to be emotionally resilient is the best defense against growing rigid.
  • Harbor no secrets – they create dark places in the psyche.
  • Be willing to redefine yourself every day.
  • Don’t regret the past or fear the future. Both bring misery through self-doubt.

Awareness isn’t passive. It directly leads to action (or inaction).  As you take steps to expand your awareness, you will naturally find yourself harnessing your mind’s infinite power to create greater health, happiness, and love in your life.

– See more at:

Deepak Chopra, M.D.   5 Pillars to Good Health   1.  Sleep   2.  Meditation   3.  Movement  4.  Emotion   5.  Food

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deepak chopra – The Secret of Healing – Meditations For Transformation and Higher Consciousness

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The Journey Within → Seeking Spiritual Reality Through the Power of Cosmic Energy and Meditation
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