The chakras are described as being aligned in an ascending column from the base of the spine to the top of the head. In various traditions chakras are associated with multiple physiological functions, an aspect of consciousness, a classical element, and other distinguishing characteristics. The chakras are thought to vitalize the physical body and to be associated with interactions of a physical, emotional & mental nature. They are considered essence of life energy, which is thought to flow along pathways.
Things like mineral deficiencies are important and knowing what functions in the body they are important for. For instance: If we don’t have enough Iodine to activate the Thyroid to produce the hormones that activates the mitochondria in our cells. Your body will go from an oxygen respirating metabolism to a sugar fermenting metabolism system that produces cancer. One must know about the re·per·cus·sion of the additive toxins we ingest is our diets in this day n’ age !!!!
The function of the chakras is to spin and draw in or release this energy to keep the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical health of the body in balance. It is said by some to reflect how the unified consciousness of humanity (the immortal human being or the soul), is divided to manage different aspects of earthly life (body/instinct/vital energy/deeper emotions/communication/having an overview of life/contact to God). The chakras are placed at differing levels of spiritual subtlety, the top chakra concerned with pure consciousness, and at the bottom being concerned with matter, which is seen simply as condensed, or gross consciousness.
Rudolf Steiner considered the chakra system to be dynamic and evolving. Steiner also suggested this system has become different for modern people than it was in ancient times, and will in turn be radically different in future times. Steiner describ a sequence of development that begins with the upper chakras and moves down, rather than moving in the opposite direction. He gave suggestions on how to develop the chakras through disciplining the thoughts, feelings, and will.
While westerners consider it New Age Medicine, it has been central to many cultures and healing traditions for millennia. In Chinese medicine, subtle energy is called chi or qi. It’s mana to Hawaiian kakunas, prana to Indian Yogic practitioners and in Ayurveda, ni to Native Americans, num to Africian shamans, biofields to American scientist and morphic fields to a growing renegade breed of international physicists and biologist. In Australia the aborgines believe that people attune to subtle energy can also heal and telepathically communicate.
Knowledge is power: it’s the language of energy. When you deviate from your inner voice you leave your true self behind. Our energy issues are solvable. But we can’t afford to get caught up in the issues of today. Your intuition dictates whom you meet, where you go, your job success, your happiness and your state of current events.
Therefore, one must meet his or her fears head on, while banishing self- loathing, anger, worry and shame. FEAR is the biggest ‘energy robber’ there is and preys on our vulnerabilities. If you expect the worse that creates a negative force around you. We don’t mean to, but we inflict emotional trauma onto ourselves when we allow our dark side to run amok. Also fear drowns out our intuition and Life is only uncomfortable when you fear it.
To overcome fear you must pronounce your fears, realize them and listen to your heart. Loving Life overcomes fear while breaking the trance that fear puts you into. One must visit places that feed your soul, make a gratitude list of those places that make you happy. While you heal from energetic scars from your past and avoid absorbing other peoples scars by distancing yourself from those fears.
Self Loathing: never pity yourself. Know who you are and what you stand for in human form. Never accept anybody’s negative dictate that has been made about you. That’s there hang up and they usually say that about you because that is how they see themselves.
Anger in your world: intense sense of displeasure and antagonism. We get angry at those whom let us down. Anger can be physically destructive when it gets channeled into psychokinetic energy. The power of energy that affects the energetic pandemonium and wreak horrible stress on the body. Breathe your anger out of the emotional energy center of your solar plexus.
Don’t be a worry wart: anticipating the negative, nothing about it expands energy and nothing positive comes from being negative. When we connect with a Higher Power, when we realize that even excruciating painful events can help our spirit grow, worry makes less sense. When you worry to much you are less creative, less compassionate and also less discerning and creates suffering.
Shame creates inner torment: and sense of worthlessness that drains our vitality and makes our spirit cower. Society inflicts shame on us (about being to obese, not pretty enough or to old.) To feel our best, our shame must come to the surface, identified and healed. Don’t let renegade negative vibes undermine your energetic progress, vitality and good health!!!