Boost Your Immune System With Subconscious Mind Power
Did you know…that a LOT of people get well on their way to the doctor?
We have two different minds: the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. Some of us have learned how to control our conscious minds, but our subconscious minds are a bit more difficult to manage.
Your subconscious mind power has been downloading belief systems since you were in your mother’s womb. You were particularly susceptible to other people’s influence for the first 6 years of your life, when your high – level brain functioning was too low to express conscious thought.
If a child is told, “You’re sick and we have to take you to the doctor,” there subconscious mind interprets that as, “I will not get well unless I go to the doctor.” This belief that can play in the background of your thoughts for a lifetime, regardless of what your conscious mind may later choose to believe. 
Without this subconscious interference, the body heals itself remarkably quickly and efficiently. Unfortunately, the subconscious exerts a powerful influence on our bodies, and healing stops in the blink of a thought.
What is so interesting is that as soon as we make the commitment to go to the doctor, healing begins. Why? Because the subconscious says it can.
The Conscious Versus Subconscious Mind Power
The effects of the conscious mind on the body are easily measured. When you are afraid, your heart beat races and chills run down your spine. When you focus your conscious mind you can change your body temperature, also your heart rate and even your blood pressure.
The subconscious controls these same faculties, but to an even greater degree. ALSO The conscious mind controls our brain 5% of the day, whereas the subconscious mind has a hold of our thoughts 95% of the time! Even if your conscious mind thinks, “I am healthy,” your subconscious mind may be running a different, and much more powerful program in the background, such as “I have bad genes and my family history has cancer.”
Less Than 5% of All Cancer Cases Are Caused by Genes
The old paradigm of thinking—that genes determine health—has shifted dramatically. Science has found that the mind exerts a much more powerful influence. In fact, less than 5% of humans receive inadequate genes. 95% of us are blessed with perfectly acceptable genes, then why do the rates of chronic illness continue to rise?
Consider a study that found that children adopted into families in which cancer was part of the lineage demonstrated a high risk for developing the disease, even though, these children had no history of cancer in their biological lineage. Researchers discovered that cancer was not determined by genes, but by behavior and thought patterns passed down through generations.
Genes are merely a blueprint to health, but our minds are responsible for interpreting the blueprint, and it is up to us to decide how we want our health blueprint to manifest.
How do we do that? By managing our thoughts and emotions.
A Marriage of Mind and Body
The hypothalamus is the area of the brain responsible for translating emotions into physiological responses. It regulates appetite, blood sugar levels, body temperature and bodily systems—such as the heart, lung, digestive and circulatory systems—by receiving emotions from neuropeptides.
Neuropeptides are chemical hormones that carry emotions back and forth between the body and the brain. Neuropeptides essentially link the thoughts in your brain to the other organs in your body, thereby impacting every bodily system, including the immune system.
When your thoughts are negative, fear-based, or stress-induced, your body responds by turning off the immune system, but if your conscious and subconscious mind powers are aligned with positive thoughts your body responds with enhanced healing and health.
The Power of Visualization
The University of Arkansas medical faculty recently demonstrated this concept by testing the effects of visualization on the immune system. A woman who had previously had chicken pox received an injection of the virus. Her immune system responded by developing a nickel-size bump at the sight of the injection.
She was tested several more times in this manner; each time researchers saw a significant increase in her white blood cells. For the next round of injections, researchers asked the woman to visualize fewer white blood cells; the bump was not as large and her white blood cell count was significantly lower!
Visualization is just 1 technique for controlling your conscious mind and reprogramming your subconscious mind power. ALSO The key to good health starts with
rewriting those limiting belief systems that are negatively affecting your health. The first one to go? “I will not get well unless I go to the doctor.” Now watch, as your body heals itself as it was naturally designed to do.
I remember talking to John the Son of a Faith Healer from Ireland 1 night on Facebook. He told me and it always stuck that her father told him the sure fire way to beat cancer is through Love for Life. My first thought that night was how in the world can Love for Life cure cancer. Then he went onto say Fear is the opposite of Love and Love overcomes the fear of having cancer. Which may have suppressed your immune system in the first place and lead to a perfect breeding ground for cancer (then I started to think of my three favorite cancer survivor stories on the internet.)
Cheryl L. Broyles is a wildlife biologist who at the age of 33 was diagnosed with what is considered terminal cancer a grade IV Glioblastoma Multiforme. Sixteen years later, she is beating the statistics and is still alive living in Oregon with a wonderful husband and two great sons. Her purpose in life now is encouraging others that are going through hard times, to see life’s blessings and to never give up hope. Cheryl’s web page:
Diagnosed in June 2000 Told she had only a year to live, Cheryl did everything she could to stay alive. In May 2014 having her 5th
GBM recurrence and went through her 6th brain surgery with Dr. Berger …
Go to YouTube, search for Cheryl Broyles and you will find it. Today, still breathing, having climb Mount Shasta to celebrate survivorship. Cheryl describes the similarity between climbing mountain trails and living through life’s trials. She gives hope for reaching each peak, seeing life anew and loving each day through the good and bad times.
Sean Swarner from Willard OHIO: he isn’t just a cancer survivor; he is truly a medical marvel. He is the only person in the world to have been diagnosed with both Hodgkin’s disease and Askin’s sarcoma. He was diagnosed in the fourth and final stage of Hodgkin’s disease at the age of thirteen, when doctors expected him to live for no more than three months. He overcame his illness only to be stricken a second time when a deadly golf ball-sized tumor attacked his right lung. After removal of the Askin’s tumor, Sean was expected to live for less than two weeks. A decade later and with only partial use of his lungs, Sean became famous for being the first cancer survivor to climb Mount Everest.
Sean’s successful summiting of Mount Everest was driven not only by his desire to reach the highest peak in the world but also by his determination to use his accomplishment as a way to bring hope to others facing seemingly insurmountable odds. By showing those affected by cancer how he has conquered some of the most difficult obstacles life could offer, Sean inspires others with the will to live. Living proof that cancer patients can and do recover, his story will encourage those touched by cancer to dream big and never give up. Despite life’s setbacks, Sean believes those dreams are always in reach.
Sean’s story is not just about illness, heartache, and pain; it’s about something greater. It’s about hope. It’s about helping others and never quitting. It’s about personal battles with the elements and coming out on top of the world . . . literally. The 29,035-foot giant known as Mount Everest tortures its challengers with life-threatening conditions such as 100 mph winds, the dramatic loss of oxygen, snowstorms, and deadly avalanches. Climbers of Everest are faced with incredible dangers, but for Sean Swarner the obstacles he overcame prior to his summiting Everest make his story even more compelling.
And for Kris Carr it was heartache, romantic plans gone awry, and some very sweet moments too. But February 14th, 2003 changed that day forever. Life stopped, and then transformed Kris. Valentine’s day is a very different celebration now today. I call it my cancerversary, a day of deep self-love, reflection, gratitude and re-birth. It took me over a decade to get to that sacred place. But I’m here now and if you’re newly diagnosed, trust that you will get there too.
In her blog Kris states: Thankfully a kooky oncologist gave me the wrong expiration date. According to him, I should have croaked a while ago. Not so fast, hot shot! If you’ve been given one of those statistical projections, there’s an extremely good chance yours is wrong too. Once I found a better doctor for my disease, my entire world opened up. As you may know, I have a weird slow-moving (could get aggressive one day) sarcoma. And though I live with cancer, I do it in a healthy, harmonious way. In fact, as of my last scan, a handful of my tumors are smaller. Hip, hip cheers! – See more at: