There are many Known and Probable Human Carcinogens in the world today. However, when one researches cancer it’s human delight for refined carbohydrates may be the leading cause for cancer in the United States. Allow Me to Explain.
Cancer strikes individuals, affects many families and also causes economic hardship. The burden of cancer will rise globally in coming years due to a growing, aging world population. This free access website is designed for people who may be unfamiliar with science but are interested in developing a sound understanding of cancer and how it is diagnosed, treated, prevented and studied.
- How cancer is not one disease, it is many complex diseases.
- How many cancers are preventable.
- How preventing cancer helps prevent heart disease, hypertension and diabetes.
- Why healthy cells turn cancerous.
- The main types of cancer.
- The differences between childhood and adult cancers.
- How cancer is treated.
- Cancer treatment with fewer side effects.
- Responding to the psychological stress of cancer.
- How genomics is changing cancer diagnosis and treatment.
- What the different imaging technologies show.
- The promising field of epigenetics and cancer.
- How targeted and immune therapies work.
- The importance of screening for preventing cancer.
- How basic, clinical and other types of research improve cancer care.
- How alternative medicine improves cancer care.
- Natural cancer survivor stories.
- What are human body frequencies.
- pH balance and cancer research.
- Mineral Deficiency and cancer.
- Omega 3 to 6 ratio and cancer.
- Stem Cell research and cancer. When you change your personal energy frequency you literally start to change your life. Christie Sheldon has personally raised the abundance frequencies of over 25,000 people …. resulting in hundreds of thousands of dollars in NEW abundance for them. And she’s identified 24 common abundance blocks that are stopping people from enjoying the abundance they deserve. Join Christie Sheldon here.
Christie Marie Sheldon is the author of Unlimited Abundance and Love and Above and is one of the world’s leading energy healers and experts on intuition. For more information on Consciousness Engineering with Christie visit:
This talk was filmed at Afest, a global non-profit, transformational event that brings together people driven to change the world– those entrepreneurs, authors, technophiles, mavericks, artists and visionaries alike. Like being at a festival that merges Burning Man, TED and an exotic vacation, you’ll get to dance the night (and day) away at incredible parties, go on breathtaking excursions, form life long friends and connections and learn how to take your life to the next level both personally and professionally.
Cancers are a group of diseases in which abnormal cells uncontrollably develop and will spread in the body. More than 100 different types of cancer affect humans. Internationally, it is the second leading cause of death, accounting for one in every seven deaths worldwide.
Cancers develop as a result of outside forces — and exposure to radiation or toxins in the environment (including tobacco and alcohol), poor diet habits, insufficient exercise, and infections—or internal factors—genetic makeup, immune deficiencies, and hormonal changes—or a combination of more than one factor. A third of all cancer deaths worldwide stem from modifiable or preventable risk factors, such as smoking, obesity, and infections.
Cancer cells grow faster than the body’s own healthy cells. This is one of the reasons why the disease is able to spread so quickly around the body once it has gained a foothold.
The mechanism is caused by a faulty placement of essential enzymes in the cancer cells, which causes changes in the proteins on the surface of the cancer cells. This mechanism plays a part in the growth of the cancer cells.
Although the findings are still at a basic research level, one of the researchers behind the study believes that the mechanism may become a possible target in the fight against cancer:
“This places us in a good position in the fight against cancer. The moment you realize a process plays an important part in the development of cancer, you can start to consider how you can influence the process so that the cancer cells cannot make use of it,” explains Professor Henrik Clausen, who heads the Copenhagen Center for Glycomics at the University of Copenhagen.
The study is published in the journal PNAS.
Sugar boosts cancer growth!!!!
The researchers studied a special property of cancer cells that distinguishes them from healthy cells.
All cells have proteins on their surfaces, which are coated with sugar molecules known as O-glycans. These surface proteins act as the cells’ sensor.
In healthy cells the sugar molecules form long and complex chains, whereas in cancer cells these chains are short and simple.
Scientists have known about this since the 1980s, and many attempts have since been made to use this special property in cancer cells to come up with ways of identifying cancer in the body.
The new study, carried out in collaboration with researchers from Singapore, reveals the short sugar chains are not only a special characteristic of cancer cells; they are also involved in the rapid growth of the cancer cells.
The researchers also found how the cancer cells produce these short sugar chains:
“We have identified a possible mechanism behind the shortened sugar molecules,” says co-author Catharina Steentoft, a PhD student at the Copenhagen Center for Glycomics.
“We also discovered that when we made changes to the mechanism, we reduced the rapid growth of the cancer cells.”
Understanding the mechanism!!!
Here’s how the mechanism works:
- All cells contain enzymes that are involved in the formation of sugar molecules on the cell’s surface proteins. This process is known as glycosylation.
- In healthy cells, the enzymes are located in the part of the cell that’s known as the Golgi apparatus, which is a type of membrane system inside the cell. In cancer cells, however, the enzymes are located in another membrane system called the endoplasmic reticulum.
- When proteins are formed inside the cells, they pass through both of these membrane systems, where the enzymes attach sugar chains to the proteins before they are transported out to the cell’s surface.
There are, however, differences in how the enzymes attach sugar molecules to the proteins in the two membrane systems:
“The difference between glycosylation in cancer cells and in healthy cells is that the enzymes are located in different parts of the cell,” says Steentoft.
“This means that healthy cells have long, complex sugar chains attached to their surface proteins, while cancer cells get short and simple ones attached to their surface proteins.”
Why cancer cells grow so fast…
In the study, the researchers tested the mechanism and its effect on mice.
Having injected cancer cells into the mice, they observed that the mice that had been given cancer cells in which the enzymes in the endoplasmic reticulum were put out of action survived longer and had smaller and fewer tumours.
“This means that the repositioning of the enzymes from their original location in the Golgi apparatus to the endoplasmic reticulum somehow plays a role in cancer cell growth,” says Steentoft.
Study increases our understanding of cancer…
The new findings provide the researchers with an insight into one of the characteristics of cancer cells that makes the disease so difficult to control.
The research is still at a very early basic research level, and Steentoft is reluctant to say when the new findings will be used in the fight against cancer, or whether the mechanism will even become a target for cancer treatment.
”Our findings increase our understanding of cancer. The newly-discovered mechanism is one of the possible explanations of why the sugar chains in cancer cells have the short structure and what this means for the growth of the cancer cells,” she says.
”But I would also like to point out that we’re still very far from finding a cure.”
Scientists from the University of Montreal Hospital Research Center (CRCHUM) have discovered a new enzyme, which could be developed as a treatment for obesity and type 2 diabetes. Dubbed glycerol 3-phosphate phosphatase or G3PP, it can zap excess sugar from the body.
The researchers found that the enzyme can stem the toxic effects of sugar to various organs in the body. It also plays a major role in glucose control and fat utilization.
G3PP acts like a detox compound that stops the body from being poisoned by the chemicals produced when the cells are overloaded with sugar.
“When glucose is abnormally elevated in the body, glucose-derived glycerol-3 phosphate reaches excessive levels in cells, and exaggerated glycerol 3 phosphate metabolism can also damage various tissues,” said Professor Marc Prentki of the University of Montreal and the study’s lead investigator.
Prentki added that the study paved the way for the discovery of the enzyme and its ability to break down a great amount of excess glycerol phosphate to glycerol and divert it outside the cell. In turn, the insulin-producing pancreas, along with other organs of the body, are protected from the effects of high glucose levels.
Altering glucose utilization in the cells can cause disturbances in several physiological processes that can put an individual at risk for certain conditions like obesity, cardiovascular illnesses and diabetes (type 2).
Insulin secretion by the beta cells in the pancreas, glucose production in the liver, digestion of nutrients for the production of energy and fat storage in adipose tissues are all governed by glucose utilization.
For instance, beta cells produce insulin, which is very important for blood glucose control. Insulin also plays a central role because this enzyme carries glucose to the different cells for energy production. With little or no insulin to carry the glucose, blood sugar levels spike.
An excess of sugar levels can damage the pancreas, leading to dysfunction and diabetes. Based on the study, by diverting glucose as glycerol, the enzyme averts fat formation and storage. It can lower overproduction of glucose in the liver, which is one of the main problems associated with diabetes.
The researchers are positive that their discovery is a very significant contribution to future treatments for obesity, diabetes and eventually, metabolic syndrome. They are presently in the process of looking for small molecule activators of G3PP. It involves developing a medicine to activate the enzyme.
The study still has a long way to go since it needs confirmation through animal model first, before carrying on developing drugs for human consumption.
The study was published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
‘Detox enzyme’ which stops sugar being stored as fat identified by scientists
This discovery may mean that guilt-free sugary snacks could become a reality
Relish the idea of sucking down a fizzy drink or biting into a doughnut with no consequences?
Imagine never having to start a diet in January again.
This could be the future after scientists at the University of Montreal Hospital Research Centre identified the G3PP enzyme – which could offer fresh hope for obesity treatment.
This enzyme can ‘zap’ excess sugar from the body, stopping it from being stored as fat.
The ‘detox’ enzyme also stops the body’s cells being poisoned by chemicals produced when the body’s cells are overloaded with sugar.
Dr Marc Prentki, one of the researchers leading the study, said: “We found G3PP is able to breakdown a great proportion of this excess glycerol phosphate to glycerol and divert it outside the cell, thus protecting the insulin producing beta cells of pancreas and various organs from toxic effects of high glucose levels.”
This discovery, as well as treating obesity, could stop people from developing conditions such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
Insulin is an important hormone for controlling glucose and fat utilisation but when beta cells are presented with excess glucose and fatty acids, the same nutrients become toxic and damage them, leading to their dysfunction and diabetes.
When glucose is being used in cells, glycerol-3-phosphate is formed, and this molecule is central to metabolism, since it is needed for both energy production and fat formation.
Senior Scientist Dr Murthy Madiraju said: “By diverting glucose as glycerol, G3PP prevents excessive formation and storage of fat and it also lowers excessive production of glucose in liver, a major problem in diabetes.”
“We identified the enzyme while looking for mechanisms enabling beta cells to get rid of excess glucose as glycerol.
“This mechanism has also been found to be operating in liver cells, and this enzyme is present in all body tissues”.
The findings published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences offers a new therapeutic target for obesity, type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome.
The researchers are currently in the process of discovering “small molecule activators of G3PP” to treat cardiometabolic disorders.
These drugs will be unique in their mode of action and first of their kind in this class of drugs.
Further lab tests are needed before clinical trials with new drugs can take place.
Identification of a mammalian glycerol-3-phosphate phosphatase: Role in metabolism and signaling in pancreatic β-cells and hepatocytes
In the early 1920s, Otto Warburg observed that cancer cells were highly fermentative. Hypothesized that it was due to a metabolic injury. Since the discovery that cancer cells produced large quantities of lactic acid and that extracellular/intratumoral acidification has recently been shown to be a major and fundamental factor in local growth and in the metastatic process, NaHCO3 and other alkalinizing agents have been proposed for the treatment of cancer almost a century later.
Most of the enzymes related to nutrient metabolic pathways discovered and studied in 1950s to 1970s. After this period there was a shift in research towards understanding genome function and a revolution in molecular biology followed. At that time … studies related to metabolism and metabolic enzyme were not of major interest. However, once researchers realized the importance of metabolism in metabolic diseases and also cancer, their interest was re-ignited.
Hypoxia refers to the condition where cells are short of oxygen. Since oxygen is necessary for maximum energy production from glucose, they must respond to this condition. One way they respond by making a transcription factor known as Hypoxia Induction Factor 1 (HIF-1). HIF-1 activates transcription of genes that are involved in glucose transport and glycolysis. Cancer cells are frequently hypoxic and induce HIF-1, as well. Another way cancer cells battle hypoxia is to stimulate the growth of blood vessels to them by making another factor known as angiogenesis. Blocking HIF-1 and angiogenin are anti-cancer therapies.
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