Ryan D’Leulf https://www.facebook.com/doyouownyourlife
Coley’s Toxins: The History Of The Worlds Most Powerful Cancer Treatment
Coley’s Toxins
The facts are hard to dispute. From 1891-1936 Dr. Coley had a higher success rate treating most cancers than we do today. Over 100 years later, Dr. Coley is considered the father of immunotherapy.
Coley’s Toxins Combined With Our Other Treatments
CHIPSA hospital has been using Coley’s toxins combined with other immuno-stimulating and detox protocols since 1996. For the last two years of his life the famed Dr. Josef Issels came from Germany and also trained the doctors at CHIPSA to treat cancer patients with combination of Coley’s toxins and his famous Issel’s Autologous vaccine. They combined these protocols with Gerson Therapy, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, PUVA Photophereses, Hyperthermia, Insulin Potentiation Therapy and Dendritic Cell Vaccine to have the most complete Integrative protocol to treat cancer and other degenerative diseases.
At CHIPSA hospital we have been giving hope to the hopeless and saving countless lives for 37 years. If you’d like a second opinion please fill out the form to the side and one of our staff members will contact you to set up a phone consultation with one of our doctors.
Coley’s Toxins Success
Also, to see the success Dr. Coley had treating cancer patients look at the chart below. Note that this is with Coley’s toxins alone and not combined with all of the other treatments we do.
In House Cancer Treatment Financing
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Preview YouTube video CURE FOR CANCER – Dr. William Coley’s Fluid