The Mind-Body Connection – How does it work?
The word psychosomatic (psyche-soma) means mind-body. It refers to the connection between the body and the mind. MagicalMind ~ MagicalBody DeepakChopra!!!
The mind-body connection is based on the principle that the nature of the mind is reflected in the state of the body. It explains why every body is different. No two minds are the same and neither will you find two bodies the same.
Even identical twins are more alike at birth than any other time in their lives. Why? Because as they develop their own unique personalities and their bodies change to reflect their individual state of mind.
When we heal the body, through balancing the mind-body connection, we call it psychosomatic healing.
The Process – How Does Psychosomatic Healing Work?
Psychosomatic healing, like many other healing therapies, is based on the principle that awareness of our patterns of behaviour sparks a change in our attitudes. An overview of the psychosomatic healing process looks something like this:
- Analysis of the body’s shape and characteristics brings…
- Awareness of certain mental and emotional tendencies which leads to…
- Insights about our character and why we do the things we do which sparks…
- Change in our attitudes and behaviours.
There are tell-tale signs in your structure, posture and build that give away how you have experienced life. A trained eye can tell why you are in the shape you are in…
Using the Mind-Body Connection to Heal – What is Psychosomatic Therapy?
Psychosomatic therapy uses the principles of mind-body connection to bring our attention to physical traits that have been caused by repetitive thought and emotional patterns over time. It is designed to increase self-awareness and facilitate the healing processes by offering constructive ways to influence mind-body balance.
Take a look at how these emotions affect different aspects of the physical body:
- Each major area of the body and its relation to other areasThe balance of male-female energy
- Patterns of energy flow through the chakras including any blockages that inhibit this flow
- Posture and body language
- Breathing patterns
- Quality, quantity and distribution of body tissue, skin and muscle
- The condition of the major chakras
- Overall body type and structure
Each aspect of the body is analysed according to the principles of the mind-body connection to give an overall personality profile. In other words, the body reveals how our strengths and weaknesses affect how we tend to experience life – the good, bad and the ugly!
Once the therapist has a basic understanding of the person’s emotional and mental tendencies, he or she teaches constructive ways to use these strengths and weaknesses to improve our overall life experience.
To find out more go to Body-Mind-Soul Symbolism.
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The Unknowable Answer & Purpose to LIFE has meaning: Explore measures that can be taken to not only live longer but also live better with Dr. Rachel Naomi Remen, an early pioneer in the mind/body holistic health movement!!!
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