On February 26th 2015, the world lost one of its brightest sparks.
After 30 years, 7 of which were spent thriving with cancer, Jess Ainscough peacefully passed away.
Jessica Ainscough (July 1985 – 26 February 2015) was an Australian cancer patient and advocate of alternative cancer treatments whom went by the self-coined nickname The Wellness Warrior… Almost one year ago I took note of a somewhat cryptic blog post by a young woman named Jess Ainscough. She was a young woman whom developed an epithelioid sarcoma in 2008 and ended up choosing “natural healing” to treat cancer.
The Gerson Miracle – Cure all ailments by simply changing your diet. – https://youtu.be/1sdkGbAgtI0?list=FLs78VBNvkhDJTdlrGG6q1-Q .
Among the “natural healing” modalities touted by “the Wellness Warrior” included the Gerson protocol, complete with coffee enemas. Jessica even did videos explaining how to administer coffee enemas and posted them on YouTube. While some expert insist Gerson therapy can lead to several significant health problems. Serious illness and death having occurred as a direct result of some portions of the treatment, including severe electrolyte imbalances. Continued use of enemas may weaken the colon’s normal function, causing or worsening constipation and colitis. Other complications have included dehydration, serious infections and severe bleeding.
The therapy may be especially hazardous to pregnant or breast-feeding women (not to say chemotherapy wouldn’t be detrimental also.)
Coffee enemas “can cause colitis” (inflammation of the bowel), also fluid and electrolyte imbalances, and in some cases septicemia”. Relying on the therapy alone while avoiding or delaying conventional medical care for cancer has serious health consequences. Jessica Ainscough, better known as “The Wellness Warrior”, was a major proponent of the Gerson diet after her diagnosis with cancer. And on Facebook… I often see cancer patients doing well on Gerson Therapy!!! While doing Coffee Enemas
Jessica rejected medical treatment and followed the diet strictly, documenting her progress in a popular online blog. She died from the cancer in February 2015, aged 30. The above statement is one I see often on the internet. Blaming natural therapy for the death of someone whom had cancer. Whereas conventional treatment success rates aren’t great. When I think of The Wellness Warrior my instincts think inside of Jessica Ainscough mind, body and within spirit. What worked for her at first didn’t work on her mother and the guilt she may have felt after losing her mother to breast cancer that may have place a huge burden on Jessica.
Cancer has been curable:
Steve Jobs didn’t need to die from pancreas cancer. The Gerson therapy has cured many cases of pancreas cancer since the 1930’s ! Much like Jessica Ainscough, not knowing, criticized Steve Jobs for not seeking conventional treatment. Which in his Stanford Commencement Speech of 2005 he stated exhausting on other means and I feel natural treatment gave him 2 years longer than average!!! AS I always thought what caused Steve Jobs health issue was his sense of Job lost at Apple!!! That being said – Steve Jobs was a vegetarian (and I do believe he would eat largely organic).
It’s a profound lesson, that Steve Jobs can die from something that is curable. He had all the money in the world but not the right information.
To learn about it you don’t need to read Max Gerson’s book, that would take a long time.
You can watch Steven Kroschel’s movies about the Gerson therapy.
“The Gerson Miracle”, “ying to have known”, and “The Beautiful Truth”.
I think they are on Netflix these days too.
Gerson therapy is popular in Mexico, Hungary, and Japan. But of ocurse doctors aren’t allowed to administer it here in the USA. Vegetables are literally illegal for treating cancer in America. The cancer industry makes too much money selling chemicals.
So if you have cancer you can also simply do it at home.
What (?) cure cancer at home ? Yes, they teach you how to do it at home.
Does it sound too good to be true ? Well you can watch a few movies so easily, go find out for yourself
Here are some links.
The family :
Max Gerson invented the Gerson therapy, his daughter Charlotte Gerson carries the torch, now her son Howard Strauss heals cancer. Three generations of cancer curing knowledge is made available to everyone
Max Gerson’s books on Amazon :
Charlotte Gerson’s books on Amazon :
Howard Strauss’ books on Amazon :
They also have videos on Youtube where they speak.
Search for Charlotte Gerson on Youtube :
Search for Howard Straus on youtube :
Also I Champion Dr. Mercola
He’s one of a hand full of “info warriors” I subscribe to.
I am in the process of watching a movie with everything what your saying. http://articles.mercola.com/
Regarding this link, he’s talking about the movie “Food Matters”, Charlotte Gerson is actually in the movie
“Food Matters” is great
Here is the Netflix link for that :
And the IMDB link :
And the IMDB link :
In Food Matters Dr. Andrew Saul resolves psychiatric problems with high doses of vitamins.
Mark Bittman is known for his no-nonsense style and no-frills approach to cooking. Drawing links between diet, health, and climate change, the popular food writer shows us how our bodies and our planet are paying the price for overproduction and overconsumption of food.
Take control back of your health with diet and lifestyle changes!
The China Study has shown that animal protein promotes cancer growth. So why then would some vegans get cancer? This has to do with the fact that there are some processed plant foods that are even more cancer promoting than animal foods are.
Find out what this food is and why you should avoid it if you want to be healthy.
Here is a link to Dr. McDougall’s article on Steve Jobs:
And more info on the scientific studies behind soy and which foods are acceptable and not:
And Also Watch Forks Over Knives:

Budwig Protocol… briefing
This is raw organic diet with lot of Flax oil and Juices. This treatment should be take under guidance of a Budwig Specialist to get the best results.
7:00 AM A glass of sauerkraut juice or butter milk consumed every morning. Sauerkraut is rich in vitamins including C, enzymes and helps develop the health-promoting gut flora. It is alkaline and cleansing.
8:00 AM Green Tea 1 glass of tea green tea or herbal tea sweeten with real honey. Take such… tea before every meal.
FOCC or Om Khand Blend 3 Tbsp flaxseed oil (FO) with 6 Tbsp low-fat Cottage cheese (CC) with electric hand blender, then add 2 tbsp freshly ground flaxseed, a cup of fruits, some dry fruits and seasoning.
10:00 AM Fresh-pressed juices Carrot juice, radish juice, beets etc. with lemon.
12:15 PM Salad plate (tomato, cucumber, lettuce, radish, cabbage, broccoli, and pepper) with homemade cottage cheese – flaxseed mayo dressing (prepared by mixing together 2 Tbsp Flax Oil, 2 Tbsp milk, 2 Tbsp cottage cheese and 2 tbsp Lemon juice, add some herbs of your choice.
12:30 Cooked meal Vegetables cooked in water, then flavored with Oleolux and herbs possibly with oatmeal, curry etc. Vegetable soups flavored with a little Oleolux and yeast flakes, as side dish for buckwheat, brown rice, millet or potatoes.
Lunch Desert Cottage cheese/ Flax oil mixture served as a sweet dish prepared with dried fruit and fruits such as pineapple, or poured over a fruit salad.
3:00 PM Fruit Juice Consume 1 glass grape, cherry, pomegranate or orange juice with 2 tbsp freshly ground flaxseed.
3:30 PM Fruit Juice Consume pure pineapple or papaya juice with 2 tbsp freshly ground flaxseed.
6:00 PM Supper (light and served early) A warm meal may be prepared using brown rice, buckwheat or oat meal. Prepare soup or lentils flavored with Oleolux.
Prohibitions of Budwig Protocol
No Sugar, No meat, No eggs, No Butter or Ghee
No Hydrogenated Fat or Refined oil
No Soya, corn or peanuts
No frying or deep frying
No Preservatives and Processed Food
No Microwave, Teflon, Aluminum or Plastic
No Chemicals or pesticides
No foam mattress or pillow.
No nylon, polyester or acrylic clothing
No CRT TV or mobile phones
No left over food
Consume RO filtered water and Organic food.
Detoxification may include Sun therapy, flax oil massage, coffee enema and soda bicarb bath.
Energy rituals Positive attitude, meditation, pranayam, visualization, tumor contract etc.
Humans tend to convince ourselves to believe: We overvalue the “hits” that support our beliefs, and discount the more numerous “misses.”
The thing is that clinical trials are horrendously expensive. Some research shows that while the FDA does prevent deaths because they prevent horrible scandals like the Thalidomide scandal in Europe 30 years ago (FDA stopped it entering the American Market), the same mechanism also prevent new efficacious medicine from entering the market and in effect killing more people from medicine not developed (it is impossible to estimate exactly how many). The bar has been set so high that in effect only big pharma can compete … It is illegal to conduct clinical trials on cancer patients without using some of the proven methods. Any data collected without double blinding will be discarded as unscientific – so proving that something is more efficacious than the proven methods is almost impossible. You are only allowed to test on terminal patients.
Therefore being Mexican Clinic can run upward of $60,000 USD.
I was just reading this information from another Facebook group? With a few of the members chatting about one members experience to Germany.
Internal Medicine specialist Dr. Wolfgang May has a degree in physical rehab, naturopathy, homeopathy and advanced training in acupuncture and environmental medicine. His diagnostic skills and warm caring manner make him a favorite with the patients at Hufeland Klinik. When I inquired about the Klinik in Germany I was told it would cost about $12k for two to go, which covers everything except airfare (includes transportation to/from airport, spa-like lodgings, and all meals).
They claim a 95% success rate with the other 5% needing a second treatment. I would guess that the more aggressive or metastasized cancer patients have to do a second round. They work with an organization that will, later, attempt to recoup some of that from your insurance company.
One member in this group stated, “My hubby has a very aggressive prostate cancer that we have been working with and he may have to do a second treatment at a higher temperature and other protocols the Dr. wants to introduce us to. We will also know after testing in the new year if a second trip to Germany is necessary and that this treatment does one of two things. We know the protective protein coating that the cancer cells build around themselves.
Well this coating is their armour and the German treatment not only heats, it also has a very high ultrasonic vibration that shatters the protein coating therefore allowing the heat to get into the cell and kill the cancer. This technology was created in Canada and big pharma banned it. So the Germans bought the technology in a heart beat. With the Marinus website stating between 5000 – 6000 euros including food and lodging for 8 days. Everything included even picked up at the airport. So thats about 5500 to 6500 US dollars. I dont think any insurance plans would cover it. but who knows. http://www.klinik-marinus.com/
As a person who has actually taken several courses of chemo drugs – albeit not for cancer but they are used as immune suppressants for those of us who suffer from really aggressive autoimmune disease — I can tell you I would not be alive today if it weren’t for these drugs. I can also tell you that people really WANT to find something that you, as a “sick” person, did “wrong” so that they can blame you for your illness and feel safe and secure in their own choices – be it food, herbs, exercise, bottled water, faith healing or whatever ….
If I should get cancer one day – or my kids should – I would go all in, and if the doctors said jump I’d jump But I would also take hemp seed oil and cannabis juice like crazy.
People fear the unknown. People want to believe that they can do something to prevent bad things from happening to them. Alternatively, if something bad has already happened to them, they want to believe that there is a secret cure out there just waiting to be had. Or maybe some tweak to their diet, that will allow them to regain the old, carefree life they used to live.
I get that impulse – I do.
However, what this usually leads to is a really TOXIC dose of “blame the victim”. Which, quite honestly, is one of the LEAST healing things to be around, ever.
What I wish is that people would get that “shit happens”. It can happen to anyone – no matter what precautions you take. Right before getting this damned disease I rode my bike 16 miles RT every day to work. I sat on a stability ball at my desk. I ran an organic produce buying club with my best friend. I did shots of probiotics. A bunch of us walked at lunchtime. I’ve also been a lacto-ovo vegetarian for 30 years and a competitive athlete in swimming, sailing, powerlifting and triathlons… And I’ve always been “overweight” as per the BMI charts.
Two things that folks in the “cure all” group really do over look is:
–the role of genetics – I am a third generation autoimmune sufferer in my family and recent research is showing a propensity for autoimmune triggers to be passed genetically