Understanding what you are up against: while learning about your tumor and it’s microenviornent , can go a long ways to help increase your survival time. Additionally, learning about your blood work and studying your cancers biomarkers may help to simplify the puzzle that you are up against.
A Course in Miracles put’s it this way:
I seen this posted in another group; About ten years ago, Bruce was diagnosed with throat cancer. They took a lymph node and then gave him 30 rounds of radiation to get rid of it. Last summer the cancer came back. This time …. they wanted to take all of his lymph nodes and part of his tongue, plus more radiation.
Bruce did the Budwig Protocol, green juices, Vitamin D3, apricot seeds, and applied essential oils on the throat, the bottom of his feet, and also on the roof of his mouth. He used Frankincense in his mouth and topically, and he also used Cedarwood and Balsam Fir topically.
He just got back from seeing his doctor and his doctor says to him, “I don’t know what you are doing, but keep doing it. You don’t have anymore cancer.” I shudder to think of what might have happened to Bruce if he had allowed them to take his tongue and tortured him a second time. We have a choice. Give up, or fight. Never give up. You can do this!
HELP….Suggestions and or comments please.. in Aug. 2015 my sister was been diagnosed w/ stage 4 pancreatic cancer. It had met to her liver. She did 3 treatments of chemo. while doing the chemo she started researching alternative meds and then decided that chemo was not for her and decided on the alternative. The tumor was at the head of the pancreas. The first image in August the size of the tumor was 2.5cm. She immediately started to eat ALL organic, no red meat, NO suga…r, etc. even switched to all organic shampoo, soaps, clothes det., etc. In October she started doing the apricot seeds, frankincense oil & dmso and cannibis oil.
She also started using an immune booster (Ambrotose which has fuicodan in it. December she went to Oasis of Hospital for three weeks. Five 5 days after being there the PET scan she did showed NO cancer on her liver (Praise God); the size of the tumor on her pancreas was larger in Dec. than from the images done in Aug; even though the cancer on the liver was Gone! She received treatment for 3 weeks, (vitamin C & K drips, ozone therapy, heat therapy & they made a vaccine w/ her dna which was administered the last week). The diet while we were there was a vegan (with fish 2 times a week and 1 egg once a week) and low glycemic diet.
When we left on Dec. 29th she had to wait 3 weeks to the day to start doing any type of internal medicine (cannibis, apricot seets, etc., however, she could do topical, stuff like frankincense. They prescribed Xeloda for her upon leaving. She has not started taking the Xeloda yet. She does not want to do chemo. She did wait the 3 weeks & then started right back up on the cannibis oil & apricot seeds. Test results from blood work that was done on Jan. 8th, 2015 shows her markers up from 119 to over 300. She does have gallstones, alot, she cannot eat alot of foods that are good for the pancreas, like garlic, onion, etc. Are there any other types of protocols you guys would suggest to her in this situation. I know the body heals itself. Please keep Desiree in prayer for guidance and divine healing. thanks!
Stress plays a role… way to manage stress?
The biological mechanism
When faced with a major trauma, the cancer personality feels trapped and unable to escape from the memory of the traumatic experience and the painful feelings of the experience. Stress hormone cortisol levels skyrocket and remain at high levels, directly suppressing the immune system, whose job it is to destroy cancer cells that exist in every human being. High stress levels generally mean a person cannot sleep well, and cannot produce enough melatonin during deep sleep. Melatonin is responsible for inhibiting cancer cell growth. This means cancer cells are now free to multiply. Adrenaline (epinephrine) levels also skyrocket initially, but are then drained and depleted over time. This is especially bad news for the cancer personality.
Adrenaline is responsible for transporting sugar away from cells. And when there is no adrenaline left, sugar builds up in cells of the body. Viral-bacterial-yeast-like-
For the cancer personality, the news of being diagnosed with cancer and the fear and uncertainty of death represents another inescapable shock, creating another spike in stress hormone cortisol levels, and a further drop in melatonin and adrenalin levels. There is also a further breakdown of the emotional reflex centre in the brain that causes cells in the corresponding organ to slowly breakdown and become cancerous.
I use meditation, theta wave music, energy healing and supplements…
I heard on TTAC’s Quest for the Cure about using high dose pancreatic enzymes
Proteolytic enzymes are a must for any cancer….
The pancreas produces the protein dissolving enzymes trypsin (and its precursor chymotrypsin) that Beard believed prevents germ cells from becoming malignant. The pancreas secretes digestive enzymes into the small intestine where they help digest “cooked” or denatured proteins. Some of the enzymes enter the blood stream. In theory, when the pancreas is healthy, early-stage cancers (false pregnancies) are destroyed (digested) by pancreatic enzymes in the blood.
Cancer is best understood as pancreas failure to produce trypsin, in the same way that Diabetes (Type I) is a failure of the pancreas to produce insulin. Beard believed when the health of the pancreas becomes impaired and the output of pancreatic enzymes declines or stops, any malignant cancer cell that begins dividing grows out of control.
In Beard’s time it was believed that enzymes taken orally would not enter the blood stream. Even today there is controversy as to whether or not the large enzyme molecules can be absorbed, and whether the enzyme molecule remains intact in the stomach. The reported success rates of Beard’s followers tells us that the trypsin enzymes may be taken by mouth, but, very large amounts are required to make them effective against growing cancers.
Note: Cancer patients may not be breaking down oral trypsin. If the cancer patients pancreas is mafunctioning, it is not producing the protein digesting enzyme trypsin, then the body would not readily digest proteins (e.g. enzymes) taken by mouth.
An interesting discovery is that trypsin’s digestive enzyme action on protein is activated by the high pH (8.0 highly alkaline) environment in the small intestine. Cancer of the small intestine is rare. This may help explain the effectiveness of the increasingly popular cesium treatment for cancer. The Cesium treatment raises the pH of the cancer to 8.0 and this may be able to “amplify” the digestive effect of any trypsin present in the blood stream. http://internetwks.com/owen/
ALSO The “laetrile” clinics in Mexico claim that they have a “100%” cure rate for cancer, although they do post a disclaimer: The 100% cure rate applies only if the patient has not undergone chemotherapy or radiation – and only in those patients that take the pancreatic enzymes. Several books have been written that make a connection between Laetrile and pancreatic enzymes. Reportedly vitamin ‘B17’ enhances the anti-cancer enzyme activity.
If cancers are truly false placentas, mali…gnant tumors would mimic pregnancy in other ways. All trophoblast cells produce a unique hormone called the chorionic gonadotrophic (CGH) which is easily detected in urine. Thus, if a person is either pregnant or has cancer, a simple CGH pregnancy test should confirm either or both. It does so, with high accuracy. Recent research has shown that all cancers tested (80% of all known cancers) emit portions of this “pregnancy” hormone.
This is a super combination. I would add Essiac, I spent a few hours today going through pages from Nurse Rene Cassie about Essiac, I am so glad I found it, it is my main protocol along with raw juicing. I would say just keep doing what you are doing, have faith and believability and you will be find. Thank you for sharing.
My mom had cervical cancer 4 months ago! I’ve had 3 people ask me this week what she took to fight it, and it’s only Monday
I know we all hate cancer so here’s the info!
Dr Wallach is my aunt and uncles good friend. He told us about him and his company. His teachings aren’t conventional. And neither are his results. Let me show you what he has taught me…
Most disease is a nutritional deficiency
Treat the deficiency and the problem goes away! …
Treating the symptoms just turns off the warning light. Eventually your engine is gonna blow! That’s the problem with these allopathic doctors. The tumor is a symptom of cancer. It’s not the root cause though. That’s why it almost always comes back!
Dr Wallach wrote diseases of exotic animals. Its in the Smithsonian institute as a national treasure. That book has helped cure over 900 diseases in animals! It has eliminated every birth defect in them as well! All through nutrition. He’s been a naturopathic physician for over 30 years now!
He has sued the FDA 9 times and won! No one beats the FDA. They destroy you if you try. At 75 years old he is still fighting them!
He is the reason you take prenatal pills when pregnant
The reason you take vitamin c when your sick
The reason people know vitamin E is good for the brain and Alzheimer’s.
The reason selenium is in prenatal pills and baby formulas when doctors said it was poison. (He proved it lowered the risk of breast cancer by 82%. Why isn’t the Susan G. Komen foundation big on selenium? Food for thought!
If you didn’t know his name in sure you’ll remember now. Every one of you who take prenatal pills already trust him. Say thank you! It’s his pleasure… He spent millions in that fight for your children!
Many famous people endorse Youngevity for free because it’s helped them, NOT because they are paid but because they love it!
Theo Ratliff
Drew Pearson
Lisa Bearnson
Marilu Henner
Mike Glenn
Gene Nelson
Steve Hess
Oprah Winfrey and Stedman Graham love Youngevity but do not endorse. Stedman goes to many of our Events. In fact he is going to one of ours in March.
This is what my mom took for her cancer…
1 healthy brain and heart pak per 100 pounds
2 bottles of selenium per 100 pounds (the healthy brain and heart pak comes with 1 already)
2 bottles of btt tablets per 100 pounds
1 bottle of Oceans gold per 100 pounds
Stay away from the 12 bad foods!
Eat 4 eggs breakfast and lunch plus what you’d like!
The truth on cancer.
A girl with stage 4 breast cancer
(This talks about the oceans gold! Very important you watch!)
The 12 foods to stay away from!!!!!
I pray for the best for all of you!
Preview YouTube video True Cures – Dr. Joel Wallach – 90 Essential Nutrients