Della DaNaze Dalby …. April 27, 1945 – January 27, 2016. Whom came into my life at 3:36 pm February 15th 2015. She started our chat with tell me if I offend because I have a tough time finding friends on Facebook. For some reason most don’t want to friend me. I guess it’s that. I tend to say to much and what I think. I just don’t have a lot of support people and am trying to do all of this on my own which can be confusing.
Ken I live in Salt Lake City, Ut area. South end of the Valley. Here I Can’t find or afford a Naturophatic Doctor but have come to realize they’re a bigger joke than the oncologist with wrong info, mis – info, not enough info. One has to know for themselves for them to help you and have a Cancer Warrior Mindset. I have called lots of the clinics. They are way to expensive. Cancer Center of America in PHX., doesn’t accept medicare or tricare and want 250K to walk through the door. Guess I am not supposed to do a clinic.
It may have all began 6 yrs ago when my daughter passes away at age 32. She and her daughter lived with us for a long time. So when she died we lost our granddaughter also as her raunchy dad took her. A few months later we moved from our lovely big home and a year later … I walked away from a 42 year marriage. Made sure he was set up and ok, gave him pretty much everything and left.
A month later our son died leaving 3 boys behind. He was 35 and Year and a half later my oldest son had a stroke and is now in assisted living for the rest of his life. Two weeks later his damn dog died on me. Ugh… I have been kinda lost and trying to heal since that all happened. I have one daughter left that is thankfully OK. I live with her in her place. She is alone. She has a son… but he has been in and out of prison for many years. He gets out again in July. I am in his room. Then the battle starts again.
I really have no where else to go and I can’t really even afford my own place. Didn’t expect to be here. We worked hard our whole lives then it just imploded. I am mostly OK with all of that but I can see why this manifested. I need to heal myself from within. I was trying. Living kind of off grid and just trying to heal and be at peace. Now I am really trying to heal. Hell of a story. But we all have stories. None better or worse, just different and we are all trying to heal.
So often experience like that causes cancer!!!
My story is peripheral t-cell lymphoma. It went from stage 3 at diagnosis in September to stage 4 in Jan. Of course they wanted to start chemo right away but I didn’t allow that to happen. Instead I pray a lot started with raw food diet and supplements and cannibus oil. Just in the evening as I can’t handle much more than that. My system just can’t deal with it and besides I feel it only has a 40% cure rate if you take the right stuff but I take it anyways.
Another thing I could try is Rosa has added serrapeptase and told me that activates the cannabis even more. Essiac Tea is something… I should consider ….it will detox the body and Himalayan Salt baths before bedtime helps detox as well as boost pH balance.
Blood and nutrient levels are good. I take lots of good probiotics and turmeric. I am limited in funds to do major protocols. However, I do take Ambrotose and Nutriverus to try to heal the gut and get the body back to where it can heal itself. I did work with a raw food chef me on my diet and supplements and the Christopher formulas.
I have a hard time getting my pH Level up ..but did learn there is a lot of fluid around my lungs. But Not inside. I started having it drained three weeks ago, once a week as the right lower lobe was collapsed. It come back. I feel if I can use get more energy that I will heal. I get exhausted easily and feel if I could only breath better my body would respond better.
They drain at least 1200 ml a week of fluid from around right lung. Last week was 800ml so it is helping. Not building back up quite as fast and I have a little more energy. Lost a lot of weight of course and I was already thin. I eat 1500 to 2000 calories a day as A friend of mine Wendy Thueson helped figure out the new diet switch from mostly raw to bland help with weight.
Until June it helped until I started to lose weight. I am down 37 pounds and just not much left of me. So enough about me: Good night Ken, I have learned so much from you and your groups. My new years wish is to be able to help others… if the Lord is so willing… You will see me up the charge in 2016
RiP DaNaze Dalby RiP