It was fourteen years ago at 5:12 am today my father had a near fatal heart attack. Looking back on it now …I believe the reason he didn’t die of that cardio event was one his mission in life wasn’t over at that time. Two he didn’t give into it and thought better of it knowing he had a few things he still wanted to accomplish in life. Four years later though when his cancer kicked in he told me one day he didn’t want to live into his 90’s anyways (he felt his DNA had his expiration dated.)
You as human beings are being called to release long held grief, sadness, judgments, regrets of decisions, sense of lost or longing and any emotions that are dense, discordant or conflicted. It is important to allow and consciously engage in the release, healing, and transformation of dense low vibrating emotional energy you have experienced… in your physical body and life.
We continue to remind ourselves that your heart’s electrical field is sixty time greater in amplitude than the electrical activity generated by your brain. That the magnetic field radiating from the heart is also thousands of times more expansive in strength. Than the energy frequencies generated by the physical brain. Your heart is a portal; your heart is a gateway that connects you to your galactic self, to one another, to the matrix of this planet, to all dimensions and the stars. It is also the intelligence of your heart that offers personal and global healing.
It is within the sacred heart the alchemical process of transformation takes place. This is where there is a merger of all that is. This is the chalice that also holds truth and wisdom. As a galactic citizen, a celestial being it is important that you heal, transform and release the physical human grief, sadness and regret which you are carrying in your heart. First your physical life will reflect this healing; more important, however, is that the portal of your heart will be clear and receptive to the divine connection, your divine guidance and you will radiate coherent emotions into the weaving of this planet’s matrix.
This is work for all humans, for it is the heart that makes the connection with others and with the divine. If the heart of the physical human is energetically congested with old emotions of hurt or grief or distrust then the richer and fuller connection with divine is distorted. In some cases the heart is energetically closed to others therefore it is closed to the divine. I am going to make this blog entry my last into thinking that the first 50 blogs will make an impact to cancer patients through awareness. MY last ten years of researching cancer has taught me a new found outlook on life!!! AND I would like to “Thank Everybody” … that has contributed answers along the way….
It is time NOW …that humanity heals the wounded heart.
We acknowledge that the feeling of emotions is wonderful, powerful, and the expansive means to connect with your true and noble self. You can take for granted this sensation of feelings, of emotions. Some choose to hide their feelings or emotions from themselves as well as from others most of their life. Emotions play a very valuable and important role in the development of the human. Emotions are the language of this reality. It is emotions that motivate or halt any activity, emotions that warn of danger, and emotions that connect you to your beloved.
It is now common knowledge your feelings and emotional vibrations move through your body and your mind, triggering chemical reactions, affecting the muscle tone, heart rate, blood pressure, as well as stirring up mental pictures, thoughts, beliefs and stored programs. Emotions are frequencies; they are the vibrations which are translated and interpreted by your learned beliefs about what is happening in your reality. Many times it may feel as if you are at the mercy of your emotions, rather than understanding your power of invoking a higher vibration of emotions from within yourself. You allow the outside reality to impose and trigger emotions that do not support who you truly are.
When you first arrived in physical form, everything you were exposed to made its impression. Your parents and family added emotional vibrations; the interaction with society added their strokes and frequency. There are times when you react from these emotions that have been programmed into your system by others. Remember to stop for a moment and review your reaction to any event or experience, and refresh how you respond. ~Delphine Lari~
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