By Alfred J. Plechner, D.V.M.
Kangen Water™ is the name that Enagic, a Japanese company, has for its reduced ionized water after municipal or other potable water is run through their proprietary ionizer units. There are other such units out in the marketplace, but most medical users tend toward the Enagic machines as they are the only ones consistently to have earned a “medical device” rating from Japan’s Ministry of Health, Welfare and Labour. So this current inquiry will focus only on Kangen Water™ results.
The water is named Kangen and that actually has a meaning; Kangen is the Japanese word for “return to origin”. Like many Japanese words (symbols), it has a dual meaning: one is that water is returned to the way it was originally available when the planet was young and secondly that the body returns to the healthy way it used to be before suffering the toxic and debilitating stresses of aging.
Kangen Water™ is created by a special process that was developed originally by the Russians in the 1800’s to create alkaline and acid water for industry. But in the recent past, highly innovative Japanese technologists figured out a way of using medical grade ionizing machinery that make it safe for long term human drinking and other uses. That’s been going on for more than 40 years, but it’s application to animals is a recent adjunct of its uses for humans. So far, although much more research is yet to be done, it is showing great promise by many users for pets and larger animals.
Enagic technology has designed a series of small units that can be easily attached to your tap water outlet whether from municipal water or well water.
The main reported health benefit is derived by drinking the alkaline water that is produced through ionization, typically in the 8.5pH to 9.5pH range. Both humans and pets can use it safely, subject to certain commonsense usage (e.g., if a cat is showing elevated levels of alkalinity in the kidneys, highly alkaline water is undoubtedly not a good direction in that specific instance unless and until that situation is straightened out). Potential users should keep in mind that the alkalinity increases are caused by virtue of electrical action, as explained below, as opposed to chemical and mineral additives that “store-bought” bottled high alkaline waters typically contain.
So how does Kangen Water™ get produced from an Enagic machine? In a word: electrolysis.
The filtered tap water comes in contact with medical grade titanium plates that have been dipped in medical grade platinum that is electrified by a powerful little transformer, charging the high alkaline drinking water (just push a button to select levels of 8.5pH, 9.0pH or 9.5pH) and creating three significant attributes: higher alkalinity, negative ionic charge (antioxidant) while breaking up globules of water molecules to create smaller clusters of water molecules which allow them to better penetrate the cell wall. The latter increases the level of hydration at a cellular level that simply cannot be attained with large clusters of tap water molecules.
In doing so, the now “healthy water” helps maintain the homeostasis of all of the living systems in the body.
This process allows for neutralization of many toxins, petrochemicals and induced chemicals like chlorine, while changing the pH, to create natural, healthy alkaline water taking the quality of the water back to its primordial origin, hence the name Kangen.
Water filters and filtration systems no matter how complex cannot do this. They are simply better removal devices. Ionizers at this level are actually “powering up” the effectiveness of water to alkalinize, detox and hydrate. That can be as helpful to your pet or farm animal as it is to humans. There is increasing evidence to argue for veracity of that statement.
Although a great deal has been written about the topic,or your further edification as to what your innocent looking tap water might really contain , it is suggested that you read Contaminated Water, p.141, in the book 50 Years of Healing, published by
This will give you further insight as to what you, your family and your family pet may innocently being exposed to merely by drinking your municipal or your well water. Filtering any of that, even for plant watering, is going to be helpful. However, in order to get the best advantages by simply reducing the dangerous
By knowing more about what you DON’T want in your water, this will help you realize why healthy, pre-filtered alkaline water is so effective in keeping ourselves and our pets, disease, allergy and other affliction free.
Further, each of the Enagic ionizers simultaneously produces an acid water from a second outgoing hose under the unit. Strong acid water (of 2.6pH or lesser) has shown itself a powerful antiseptic effective against bacteria, virus and fungus. Much as our bodies enjoy better health internally in an alkaline state, the outer body favors an acid state to help protect us externally. The ionizer mechanism produces a countervailing acid water side at the same time that alkaline water is being taken off the top of the machine. The availability of a non-chemical disinfectant that is simply powered by electricity instead of chemicals, makes for a very safe, green alternative for some of the tougher pet problems (skin infections, gum deterioration, healing of bite marks, scrapes, saddle sores, insect wounds and the like. There are references and links to sites that show such external improvement in before and after pictures and videos.
How else can Kangen Water™ be helpful? The alkaline aspect may be a good place to start with a body that is showing evidence of a degenerative disease like cancer. Why? Those bodies have typically shown themselves to be more acidic than is thought to be healthy, often ranging from 5.8pH to 6.8pH. It should be noted that cancer thrives in an acid environment that is low in oxygen (anaerobic).
It has been proven that the growth and spread of tumors will occur when the body is in a state of acidosis and low oxygenation, that is, both acidic and anaerobic. The seminal work done by Dr. Otto Warburg in the early part of the last century earned him a Nobel Prize in medicine in 1931. He was unequivocal that an acid environment was an invitation for disease, especially cancer, as research on that malady was his specialty.
As a more direct and immediate example, there is a sodium bicarbonate study from Arizona that demonstrates this principal of tumor reduction by direct injection in mice. The use of strong chemical alkalinizers is promising, but by using Kangen Water™, you might achieve the same effects without fear of “over-alkalining” the way you might if you introduced strong chemical alkaliners into the body without giving the body a chance to buffer. The point, however, is that more practitioners are recognizing the power of ionized water to achieve some of these effects.
This sodium bicarbonate study appears on my website as NaHCO3 Study in Arizona in Mice as well as in my new book that will make available to the general public momentarily.The title of the book is Against the Odds, Given Up For Dead.
My studies have indicated that the use of a premium calcium montmorillinite with a strong negative ion will reverse both of these conditions.
However now, with the availability of having an Enagic unit that produces Kangen Water™, you can get the same beneficial effects with some measure of safety, as this technology has been used by hundreds of thousands of people for many years with no significant reported negative side effects.
Even the best filtration units cannot do this no matter how complex they are. Remember, filters are good at taking contaminants out of water. An ionizer unit starts from filtered water and THEN powers it up for the three stated effects: alkalinity, detoxification and hydration.
Besides the importance of this to the world of human health, It is thought that in order to change the pH of the urine, a dietary change will be necessary and is the only way to do this without taking synthetic chemicals to try to alter the PH.
Now there may be an easier way to do this with Kangen Water™, by altering the pH of the water source that the patient is drinking.
Obviously a number of clinical studies are in order to prove this, but there has been some intriguing anecdotal evidence of the efficacy of this theory, as noted in the links below.
One last feature that I find of great importance for those of us that want to disinfect various surfaces in our home, apartment, business or medical facility without exposing ourselves, our family members and our family pets to harmful chemical disinfectants, is the fact that this unit has a setting by simply pushing a button to produce a highly acidic water with a pH low enough to kill almost all bacteria, fungi and mold merely by changing the pH level of the environment they seem to live and thrive in. Ironically, the anaerobic environment created by this strong acid water is precisely what kills the above microbial life. Anything below 2.6pH will act within just seconds. Enagic’s machines tend to produce the best and most consistent form of this water for home machines and it is for that reason that most of the early veterinary work in the USA will inevitably be based upon Kangen machines. When Glenna tells me it worked for her it works and also I don’t get paid any endorsement for writing this blog post
Preview YouTube video Scientific Research on Kangen water

Preview YouTube video Kangen Water Demo

Preview YouTube video What Doctors Are Saying About Kangen Water

Preview YouTube video Don’t drink another drop of water until you see this!!