Looking back over the last ten years sometimes a struggle with dead – ends. Most times rewarding and piecing together another vital piece of the puzzle. ALL THE WHILE LEARNING. It was ten years ago today when I started noticing within my father that the cancer and chemo was taking it’s toll within. ALSO Realizing what cancer can do to a family at the beginning, during and what it might be like in the aftermath.
Within my aftermath … I was severely depressed and wanted to make it better for everyone. It was the helpless feeling that was driving me to begin researching this dreadful disease. I began praying more, attending Mass more at Basilica & National Shrine of Our Lady of Consolation in Carey, Ohio where miracles are known to happen.
The Shrine in Carey is where I believe the miracle began of meeting new people that also came into my life. Always thinking what where the chances of meeting up with these incredible people… same place in time. For instance … the Chinaman Mant from Kettering, OHIO. whom walked into my life in a book store and immediately asking, ” what questions do you have that needs answered.”
Always a new person Like the Nurse that explained her take on Cancer & Chemotherapy and what she had witness over her 30 year career. This my last ten years has been quite interesting to say the least. On this same date 4 years ago which seems like yesterday. It was on this date being my first installment into this website. With time becoming a personal blog for the almost 4,000 members in our Facebook Group.
It was Social media … where I came to realize that no matter how much one researches about this dreadful disease, Cancer still and always will suck. What I learned on Facebook was so much more then one could ever image. With some people criticizing my grammar, beliefs in what I believe and try to do. With good people out numbering the bad.
As I truly began patrolling the numerous cancer groups on Facebook learning from others. I did learn those that become cancer free… do so through perseverance, and with a strong belief in themselves and in GOD. It is within your Body, Mind and Spirit where true healing occurs. I soon realize that what may work for one individual may not for another. True healing comes from within your heart and you have to will yourself cancer free.
Within Solitarius, I have members blogs and how they overcame the demon inside with many similarities. That being said, no matter what or how different the treatment was in their personal healing journey. They truly believed in themselves and that what they where doing would work for themselves. Always researching and always knowing what their next step would be intuitively.
Some experts will tell you that cancer derives from the Solitarius Stem Limbic area in your brain where emotion begins. Rather it is a Sense of Lost, Longing, Sadness, Anger … et cetera. Some experts also believe … cancer begins at the emotional level … and if that is the case it also needs to be corrected there. I believe once you calm this region of the brain true healing begins. Therefore, The Cut, Burn & Poison approach without supplementation should be rethought by the medical profession.
Healing doesn’t just happen–there are no short cuts or quick fixes; it is fundamental to have patience.
•Identify what your block is, what you get stuck on; a habit, behavior,
•Find out who can help and if that doesn’t work, find someone else;
DO NOT give up hope, keep trying.
•You have to believe it is possible that you will get better–keep faith, find
faith or hope―–MAKE that your intention.
•Just because something didn’t work doesn’t mean you failed, you just need
to find another way, explore other options.
•It takes commitment to truly heal–You have to trust and respect the process,
and surrendering to the process most often allows for the greatest result.
As you go forward with your own path of healing, consider the following.
MIND: Get out of the suffering mentality and resolve to set positive intentions;
use affirmations, set goals, find support.
BODY: Your body is amazing; it is constantly doing so many things right and
without fail; when things do go wrong, be gentle, loving and grateful for all that
it does right–focus on this instead of whatever the challenge is.
SPIRIT: Take time to be still and allow for the guidance of spirit. This can help
the healing process, it can illumine what should be addressed. It is through
faith that we can find patience and understanding. If we are guided by spirit
then everything we are faced with has a purpose. Find these reasons and learn
to heal.
When it comes to healing:
Believe that healing is possible, that you are worthy and able.
Find a spiritual practice.
Take care of your body.
Be kind to your mind.
Don’t stop, don’t give up.
Exclusive interview with the imminent Professor Rustum Roy prior to his departure from this reality. Professor. Roy held five professorships and wrote more than 1,000 papers, articles and books. In this interview he discusses whole person healing, Qigong, Bigu, spiritual healing, John of God (João Teixeira de Faria – João de Deus), quantum physics, alternative medicine other fascinating topics. This video is a rare interview with a most brilliant and important person.
The Right Way of Looking at Alternative Medicine – 3:03
The Tragedy of the Western “Scientific” Medicine – 6:40
Quantum Mechanics:A New Science of Healing – 13:08
John of God and Breaking the Laws of Medicine – 17:03
Qi Gong with Dr. Effie Chow and the Bigu State – 22:33
The Meridian System and Accupuncture: An Excellent Science – 32:15
The Future of Hi-Tech Medicine – 37:11
Spiritual Healing – 47:07
Vibrations and Brainwave Healing – 48:24
Focusing on the Person Rather than the Disease – 52:29
Metaphors and the Healing Power of Colors – 53:27
The True Essence of Quantum Mechanics – 54:54