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Fire in the BellyThe 7 Steps to Healthy Digestion

What does my thyroid gland do?

The  thyroid  gland  which  is  located  at  the front of the neck  just  below  the Adam’s apple (larynx).  It is butterfly-shaped and consists of two lobes located either side of the windpipe (trachea). A normal thyroid gland is not usually outwardly visible or able to be felt if finger pressure is applied to the neck.

The  thyroid  gland  produces  hormones  which  regulate  the  body’s  metabolic  rate          as – well – as heart and digestive function,  muscle control,  bone maintenance  and brain development. Its correct functioning depends on having a good supply of iodine from the diet.

The release of thyroid hormones from the thyroid gland is controlled by thyrotrophin-releasing hormone (TRH) from the hypothalamus in the brain and by thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) produced by the pituitary gland. This forms part of a feedback loop called the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis.

Dr. John Bergman explains what causes hormone regulation issues and how to correct them naturally to have a healthy, vibrant, and energy life!!!!

What hormones does my thyroid gland produce?

The thyroid gland produces thyroxine (T4), which is a relatively inactive prohormone     and  lower amounts of the active hormone,  triiodothyronine (T3).  Collectively, T3 and T4  are referred to as the thyroid hormones.  Twenty percent of the body’s triiodothyronine is made by the thyroid gland; the other 80% comes from thyroxine converted by organs such as the liver or kidneys.

The thyroid gland which also produces calcitonin from cells called C-cells. Calcitonin is understood  to play a role  in regulating calcium levels in the body,  but its exact function in humans remains unclear.  Having to high of a Calcium level is also important because     it increases the spread of cancer!!!

Did you know a healthy thyroid gland depends on a healthy liver?

Your thyroid gland produces  two  main hormones:  T4  (also  called  thyroxine)  and T3  (also called triiodothyronine).  These hormones help to control your metabolic rate, that is the rate at which  your body burns calories.  They also have a huge bearing on your energy levels and maintenance of normal body temperature.

T4 isn’t the active thyroid hormone; it must be converted into T3 in your body in order     to exert its effects.   The majority of this conversion  does not occur in your thyroid gland.  Most T4 to T3 conversion happens in your liver,  kidneys and muscles.  If you have a fatty liver or a sluggish liver,  this conversion  will  not  be  effective.  This can leave you feeling tired, depressed, puffy, overweight and with dry skin and thinning scalp hair. Indeed you would have a thyroid problem caused by a faulty liver.

If you are taking thyroid hormone medication ….  in  the  form of thyroxine,  it too must     be converted  into the active  form in your body.  Therefore,  if  you  are  taking  a thyroid medication  but still not feeling much better,  your liver could be to blame!  It is vital that you work on improving health of your liver if you want healthy thyroid hormone levels.

Estrogen dominance can cause many hormonal symptoms including breast tenderness, weight gain, back pain, cramping, mood issues, fibroids and endometriosis. ((( As women get  stressed )))    their  progesterone  balance  gets  skewed  in  the  direction  of  estrogen relative to progesterone.  During a women’s cycle progesterone  predominates  by between 25 to 300 times over estrogen. What distinguishes estrogen dominance is the ratio and not necessarily the amount of estrogen. There are many environmental contributing factors of estrogen dominance such as xenoestrogens in our food, pesticides and plastics and can be the root cause of disease.

Certain nutrients are needed for optimal thyroid function. Nutrients like iodine, selenium, zine,  B-vitamins,  vitamin D,  vitamin A  and  amino acids  are needed for optimal thyroid health. Other body systems are important for thyroid health like the gut, adrenals and the brain. If other body systems aren’t working optimally the thyroid will be negatively impacted.

Apart from having a healthy liver, you can also keep your thyroid gland in good shape with the following strategies:     THE BENEFITS OF WATER FASTING!!!!

  • Obtain adequate iodine in your diet. Iodine deficiency is becoming an increasingly common problem. The thyroid gland  requires iodine  in order to manufacture the hormones T4 and T3.  Iodine is mostly found in the oceans, therefore, is present in seafood (as – long – as it came from the ocean and was not farmed),  and seaweed.  Kelp     is a rich source of iodine and is available in supplement form.  Your doctor     can organize a urine test for you to determine your body’s iodine level.
  • Obtain adequate selenium in your diet.  Selenium is a mineral that is required for      the conversion of the thyroid hormone T4 into its active form, T3.   People taking thyroid hormone replacement such as Synthroid or Oroxine benefit from selenium supplementation because it enables their bodies to use the medication more efficiently.
  • Selenium  also  helps  the immune system  and  can  reduce  the  production  of  auto-antibodies in Hashimoto’s thyroiditis  and  Graves’ disease.  Brazil nuts are the richest dietary source of selenium, however supplementation is usually required to achieve optimal levels in the body.  Selenium and iodine are found in thyroid capsules.
  • Consume good quality protein.  Also The amino acid tyrosine is required for thyroid hormone production.  Tyrosine is found in protein rich foods such as chicken, fish and cheese, and also in smaller quantities in avocados, bananas and almonds.  Protein rich foods are also a good source of zinc, which is needed by the thyroid hormone receptors in your cells, to allow thyroid hormones to bind there.
  • Eating enough protein is one half of the equation, the other half is to make sure you digest the protein properly.  Irritable bowel syndrome, bloating, heartburn and reflux can all indicate that you don’t digest protein properly.  Also taking a digestive enzyme supplement,  sipping some diluted apple cider vinegar before meals,  and making sure you are relaxed while eating can all help.
  • Drink this juice once a day to help cleanse and improve your thyroid..All you need:
    1 cucumba
    5 stalks celery
    5 carrots
    1 cup young Thai coconut water(optional) or water
    1 lemon

Often in lab test you can have low T3 while all other thyroid labs are normal. Sometimes  can simply be low zinc  (and/or high copper)  but often it goes back to the liver, especially,  if they are also low in Vitamin D  and  sex hormones.  Since the liver is also responsible for making/converting those as well. Conventional medicine only treats the thyroid hormones but does not address the root, which is very often a poor-functioning liver.

Your Life Depends On This So Don’t Settle

So listen to me, this is how to destroy your thyroid:

  1. By trusting the TSH blood test. If this is all your doctor tests, you’re in trouble. Run! This test is a mere reflection of brain levels of thyroid hormone. It has nothing to do with intracellular levels. You might be sick as heck, but your TSH could be normal,      in fact, the sicker you are, the more likely your TSH and total T3 levels are normal. Shocking but true.
  2. By seeing psychiatrists and taking antidepressants when you need thyroid medicine! The biggest study ever done on antidepressants (called the Star D trial) proved that thyroid medicine worked better than some popular antidepressants.
  3. By taxing your liver. Most thyroid hormone is activated in your liver, not your thyroid gland.  Eating refined junk food,  or taking medications that suppresses your ability to convert T4  to  T3,  and T3 is what makes you feel energetic and happy.  Alcohol harms your liver. Certain wines are very high in saponins, a soap-like chemical that harms the gut. Saponins, also found in oatmeal, reduce thyroid hormone.
  4. By eating a lot of soy-based foods and drinks. Soy is often genetically modified, plus it’s a goitrogen, so it lowers thyroid hormone.
  5. By letting yourself become iodine deficient. Going vegetarian or vegan can induce iodine deficiency in as little as five days in some people?!

During this amazing program with Peter Greenlaw-Author and Coach Steve Toth-Moderator, our guest Dr. Marco Ruggiero,  reveals new protocols  using natural  “super foods” he and his research team have developed that supercharge our immune system to fight conditions from cancer to autism.  If you or someone you care about has a chronic condition that isn’t getting better, you won’t want to miss this incredible five part series.

Did  you  know  that a healthy person  makes  10,000  to  100,000  cancer  cells  per  day? When healthy, our body produces a protein that attacks and kills cancer cells.  But when our body becomes toxic or stressed …. these cancer cells produce an enzyme that can literally “turn off” the production of our cancer-fighting proteins.

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