There are many ways to look at cancer: could it be a chronic microbial imbalance or an over growth (dysbiosis) or candida anywhere in the digestive tract ( from our mouth to our anal canal.) This can cause immune imbalances that could affect systemic immunity. In a healthy balance system, thousands of genetically damaged cells, which can become cancer cells, are easily destroyed and recycled by immune surveillance.
In addition as we age there is often a depletion of beneficial bacteria (especially bifidobacteria) with a concomitant decrease in natural cancer cells. Therefore, chronic intracellular inflammation; low oxygen; acidosis, as a result of toxins, viruses, radiation, stress, dehydration and excess free radical formation creates the perfect breeding ground.
Epigenetics refers to the expression of genes that is due to outside influences or environmental factors, can also, create epigenomic signaling that are damaged. Messages from the nucleus will either signal the cell to stop functioning and then die through apoptosis. Or produce more abnormal cells which may lead to benign or cancerous tumors.
If our immune system is chronically overactive, due to intestinal dysbiosis or obesity ( both which results in increased inflammatory signals from cytokines throughout the body in the presence of cellular toxicity. Thereby, resulting in a decreased cellular function with cellular changes leading to cancer.
When the gut immune system is out of balance, generally, many aspects of total systemic immunity will be off balance as well. The HOPE Program: High fiber — balanced soluble/ insoluble, balanced Omega 3 and 6 essential oils, balanced pre & probiotics and balance digestive enzymes are all beneficial.
High–Fiber: Prebiotic soluble fibers plus beneficial bacteria make short chain fatty acids (SCFA’s). Most notably acetate, lactate, propionate and butyrate. Acetate and lactate are used for body fuel, propionate may help control cholesterol. When Butyrate are low your cancer is high, butyrate triggers apoptosis in sick colonic cells (exposed to toxins from fecal matter and microbial pathogens) when combined with EPA/DHA omega-3s.
Without healthy levels of intracellular butyrate levels, the colonocytes may grow uncontrolled, turning into cancerous cells. Both the balance (ratio) and total amounts of omega-6 and omega-3 essential oils having profound effect on cellular function, which either results in good health or cancer.
Omega Oils: In the United States today its believe the current ratios are 12/1 to 20/1, but should be about 4 to 6/1. There is scientific evidence stating this very high imbalance from consuming to much omega-6 (the oils used in salad dressing, food additives and fried cooking), is responsible for many of todays modern illnesses.
On the other hand, high normal levels of omega-3s have been shown to prevent or be helpful in overcoming cancers of the prostate, colon, breast, pancreas, bile duct and many more. In fact, omega 3s have been shown to induce apoptosis in chemo-resistant pancreatic cancer tissues.
This is interesting since the mechanism of action for chemotherapy is also to kill cancer cells by inducing apoptosis. Omega 3s have already become an adjunvant therapy to chemotherapy. Here is a quote from the British Journal of Cancer, “DHA during chemotherapy was devoid of adverse side effects and also has the potential to specifically chemosensitise tumours.”
However, we must remember that everything is a question of balance and to much omega-3 has been shown to be immunosuppressive. For example: the Inuit Indians of Canada, whom have high levels of fish in their diet …. have been shown to have a high incidence of tuberculosis. There are labs that can measure important both ratios in red blood cell membranes.
Probiotics: Another way to look at the value of probiotics in the prevention of cancer is to look at the food we eat when it is acted on and transformed by pathogenic bacteria. Normal proteins, fats and carbohydrates in our daily diet can be converted into toxins, known as carcinogens when acted upon by harmful bacteria.
These negative biochemical events can be minimized by regular consumption of prebiotics and probiotics from fermented foods along with an 80 to 90 percent plant based diet. This plant based diet is lower in bioavailable iron, and is more supportive of the lactobacilli, bifidobacteria and beneficial E.coli and S. thermophiles strains as well as other prebiotics.
Enzymes: digestive enzymes (protease, amylases, and lipases are made, for the most part, in the pancreas. Their role to digest protein, carbohydrates, and fats as an essential part of digestion in healthy humans. However, ones diet, disease, bacterial destruction for treatment and aging, can significantly decrease output of pancreatic enzymes.
Dysbiosis occurs when too much partially digested or undigested food reaches the terminal ileum and right colon. Where it is acted upon by bad bacteria producing many carcinogens which has a far reaching effect that can produce cancer. Cancer seems, in some cases, to be related to a chronic shortage of pancreatic enzymes.
There is evidence to support that proteolytic enzymes, either from the pancreas or taken orally, are absorbed systemically, and can decrease tumor production and growth through many mechanisms. Thereby, the use of systemic enzyme therapy in the treatment of cancer is well supported by experimental and clinical studies.
A significant increase in survival rates has been reported in pancreatic cancer patients when given high doses of porcine lyophilized pancreas. In this study, 81 percent of the patients survived one year, 45 percent survived 2 years and 36 percent survived into the third year.
These results are significantly above the 25 percent survival rate at one year and 10 percent survival rate at two years for all stages of pancreatic adenocarcinoma reported in the National Cancer Database. Also stress can have a detrimental effect on cancer outcome as well and here is the reason?
Prolong stress elevates such chemicals as cortisol, which, in return, reduces the number of white blood cells and cytokines and hinders the functioning of lymphocytes. When your exposed to stress, the adrenal glands release stress hormones epinephrine and norepinephrine.
These chemicals increase heart rate, blood pressure, breathing rate; dilate pupils, slows digestion, shuttles blood away from the digestive tract and to all working muscles, preparing to fight or flight. The hypothalamus, a part of our brain, also at the same time triggers a release of corticosteroids.
In the short term, these chemicals combat inflammation, promote healing and initiate fat shortage to your body to fight off the threat. However, when this stress response doesn’t go away — as it sometimes does not with cancer — it can contribute great cause and effect to poor health.
When stress persists as it does in most cancer patients, not only, will you feel sadness and depression, but also, physical symptoms such as head aches and other muscle aches and pains. The way you deal with stress…. can also make pain worse…. effect sleep and contribute to fatigue.
Also the negative emotions that stem from stress can cloud your judgment, preventing you from making sound decisions about your care — and some of the other concerns that stressed you out in the first place. A startling 70 percent of all survivors report feeling depressed, a full two years after their final treatment ( this is a fact 1 most get a handle on to heal.)
If you can’t afford to get ALL the supplements mentioned on the link above, just be sure you have Zinc (citrate) AND pancreatic or proteolytic enzymes, AND B15 (a.k.a: DMG) to take WITH the B17. Zinc is the “driver” for the B17, while B17 holds the key to unlock the cancer cell. B15 is like taking oxygen. Cancer can’t live on too much oxygen. Also take the highest dose of DMG recommended on the bottle…. I also studied what these pancreatic enzymes do, but it’s too much to put here. I’ll have to open a new tab for that. Either way, when Doctor Lloyd Schloen tested them with the Laetrile/B17, he had a 100 percent cure rate in his Swiss albino mice! Zinc, DMG and the pancreatic enzymes can be found at your local vitamin store or Whole Foods store. I have personally consumed laetrile/B17 capsules and never had any ill effects …to bad they can only be found online.
So, here’s the list and dosage amounts that worked for me:
B17: 500mg twice a day.
B15 (DMG): highest dose recommended on the bottle.
Pancreatic Enzymes: take what the bottle recommends (some of my friends got horrible stomach aches from this, so be aware of that for yourself if you take this. When they quit taking these, they were fine).
Zinc Citrate: take one pill at any dose with the B17.
Two years ago, in the Barron Report it was written about the value of antioxidants including berries, in your diet; because of the benefits of the ellagic acid derived from them. This recommendation was based on work being done at the Hollings Cancer Institute by Dr. Daniel Nixon, who had been studying the benefits of red raspberries for some 6 years at that time. Since then, two things have changed dramatically.
Also another affordable one might want to consider is WheatGrass that you can grow in your house all year long. Wheatgrass is low in calories, containing over 70 minerals and vitamins, hundreds of live enzymes, amino acids, antioxidants, and is more than 85% protein by weight. Enjoy it in drinks and energy bars.
One of the lowest calorie and most nutrient-rich foods in the world, wheatgrass has long been revered for its ability to cleanse the body and stimulate a natural and healthy energy. Wheatgrass was enjoyed for beneficial health reasons in early Mesoamerican and Egyptian civilizations over 6,000 years ago. The king of the Babylonian Empire, known for his strength and stamina, had a strict diet including wheatgrass.
Danny McDonald was diagnosed with stage 4 chronic stomach cancer when he was 74 years old. McDonald was given only a few weeks to live. When McDonald’s doctors told him about the cancer treatments they had planned for him, they also admitted that he might not survive them. Despite his doctors’ dismay, McDonald refused his doctors’ cancer regime and decided to use wheatgrass juice as his sole cure instead.
He started with a single ounce of wheatgrass every day and eventually upped that amount sevenfold. McDonald claimed that he stopped feeling pain from his stomach cancer within a week of drinking the wheatgrass, and then his stomach cancer disappeared.
McDonald said: “I know a lot of doctors think wheatgrass doesn’t have the qualities to kill cancer, but I am living proof that it does. And although many doctors won’t admit it publicly, gradually they are coming round to see the benefits of wheatgrass”.
Research has shown this potent young grass shoot to contain roughly 70 percent chlorophyll, making it exceptionally alkaline, which helps the body eliminate toxins and maintain a healthy pH balance.
Also to date, studies have discovered over 200 different chemical constituents in the Barbadensis Miller variety of the Aloe Vera plant. Of the over 200 components identified, ONLY one in particular has proven to heavily boost the immune system, as well as fight cancer tumors. There are over 500 manufacturers of Aloe Vera in this country, however, unfortunately only 3 (last time I checked) currently make this very specialized type of Aloe Juice, whereby they isolate, extract and then concentrate this one ingredient, called mucopolysaccarides. In this video…. it shows a man whom had full blow AIDS and liver Cancer. The cancer was so advanced that his liver was swollen four times its nomal size with a total of over 20 cancer tumors, one the size of a grapefruit.
Learn the right balance of foods to maximize your health and energy level through an anti-inflammatory eating plan. Vicky Newman, MS, RD, will provide practical tips for controlling your weight, maintaining bone strength, and reducing the risk of common chronic diseases associated with aging. Learn about foods that support the body’s immune and detoxification systems, how to maintain a healthy (and happy) gut, and balance your fats to support your health and well-being.
Welcome to the Eat to Beat Cancer™ Initiative, which has catalyzed a movement to improve health through cancer-fighting foods. Based on the latest medical science, there are practical, healthy, and tasty food choices that can be made by you every day, at every meal, to incorporate cancer-fighting foods into your diet. Our research is showing that certain foods have properties that can starve the microscopic cancers that develop in our bodies all the time. These properties are based on the breakthrough approach of suppressing blood vessels that feed cancers, a process known as angiogenesis.
Physical activity
Should I exercise during cancer treatment and recovery?
Research strongly suggests that exercise is not only safe during cancer treatment, but it can also improve physical functioning and many aspects of quality of life. Moderate exercise has been shown to improve fatigue (extreme tiredness), anxiety, and self-esteem. It also helps heart and blood vessel fitness, muscle strength, and body composition (how much of your body is made up of fat, bone, or muscle).
People getting chemotherapy and radiation who already exercise may need to do so at a lower intensity and build up more slowly than people who are not getting cancer treatment. The main goal should be to stay as active as possible and slowly increase your level of activity over time after treatment.
Are there special precautions survivors should consider?
Certain issues for cancer survivors may prevent or affect their ability to exercise. Some effects of treatment may increase the risk for exercise-related problems. For instance:
- People with severe anemia (low red blood cell counts) should delay activity until the anemia is better.
- Those with weak immune systems should avoid public gyms and other public places until their white blood cell counts return to safe levels.
- People getting radiation should avoid swimming pools because chlorine may irritate the skin at the treatment area.
If you were not active before diagnosis, you should start with low-intensity activities and then slowly increase your activity level. Certain people should use extra caution to reduce their risk of falls and injuries:
- Older people
- Those with bone disease (cancer in the bones or thinning bones, such as osteoporosis)
- People with arthritis
- Anyone with nerve damage (peripheral neuropathy)
Can regular exercise reduce the risk of cancer coming back?
This has not been looked at for all types of cancer, but there have been studies of survivors of breast, colorectal, prostate, and ovarian cancers. In these studies, people with higher levels of physical activity after diagnosis lived longer and had less chance of the cancer coming back. Still, more studies are needed to see if exercise has a direct effect on cancer growth.
In the meantime, since physical activity is known to prevent heart and blood vessel disease, diabetes, and osteoporosis, cancer survivors should try to have a physically active lifestyle.
Is yoga helpful to cancer survivors?
Most of the studies of yoga in cancer have been in breast cancer patients. They have found that yoga can be helpful in terms of anxiety, depression, distress, and stress. It didn’t seem to be as helpful for more physical outcomes, such as body composition, fitness, and muscle strength.
More research is needed, but to get the most benefit, it may be best to combine yoga with aerobic exercise and resistance (weight) training.
In summary, a predominately plant – based alkaline diet plus the HOPE Program, coupled with appropriate detoxification programs, good bowel elimination with colon hydrotherapy, infrared sauna, also high quality sleep and supplementation based on genomic testing and diagnostic testing. With moderate exercise, sun gazing and stress reduction with meditation. Including psycho-emotional-spiritual reconnection — will be beneficial in both prevention and as adjuvant therapies for cancer.