Hi…Ken… F.Y.I: On subject of cancer which is how I antagonize Cancer, by treating it like mold, I was doing some interesting investigative work… I was looking at pictures of mold & Cancer cells. While noticing how they are just so similar… Here is some of what I noticed, in a collaged picture I made & then edited in Fotoflexer to make it cartoonish…
Then I added …. some text to identify what was what… I have changed the images significantly, but also should I mention. I am using them under the idea of Fair Use which means that this is purely for educational purposes & not for profit or any other insidious reason…They all originally came from a Google Image search for
“cancer cells” & “mold under a microscope”… Anyways, you have to see the similarities…
Back to the question of cancer…
So mold & cancer cells look alike under the electron microscope…
Also, Salmonella bacteria look like the Phosphorus on a malignant breast cancer tumour…
There is another rod shaped bacteria(Salmonella is rod shaped too), called Propionibacterium, which is quite common in the human body…This bacteria has been found quite frequently in Prostate cancer samples(autopsy samples from men)…
We know that Copper antagonizes Cancer…We know that Phosphorus is what makes a tumour or lump malignant…We know Salmonella, Mold & other bacteria respond to Copper-Copper kills them…
So…What I am thinking is what we are seeing are LEVELS of Malignancy…That the beginning is too much Phosphorus, a mold, sitting on top of a calcium lump, its food…Then maybe, as that mold gets worse, it attracts Propionbacterium. Which apparently like to hang out in the human body… The more they feed, the more they grow, spread, & then maybe we get the next level of malignancy, the Salmonella bacterium arrive…
I mean, they all look alike…Mold is relatively inactive, Propionbacterium a little active, & Salmonella can be pretty dangerous…
So are these different things really varying degrees of the same thing?
Oh…We also know that Salmonella & Gallbladder cancer are co-related…
Anyways, to reiterate…Whatever you want to call the thing that makes Cancer spread, we know it is a Phosphorus thing, & we know Phosphorus is removed by Copper, & we know that Licorice root is a highly absorbable Copper, so at the very least, we now have a way to STOP Cancer from spreading & also REVERSE its progress…
When you consider that to much Phosphorus down plays copper and having to much copper influences zinc. We begin to see the importance within the SYMPHONY OF DESTRUCTION and how vitamins and minerals influence one another in the bands of threes. Maybe it’s in this trifecta of events is where it all goes haywire ???
That was hard to put into words, therefore, I HOPE You UNDERSTAND!!!
Here are links to the book which I discuss my breast cancer lump removal protocol with a short tutorial on how The Grove Body Part Chart works…
Sari Grove