I am delighted to share with you the inspirational Darryl Anne Mooney, who is currently healing herself from cancer after walking out of hospital…. When she was due to have a double mastectomy and choosing to research a totally natural non invasive route to healing this disease by healing within first.
Darryl now knows cancer was a blessing in disguise as she has healed everything that needed healing in her life
She has set up a charity ‘Orange Awareness Campaign’ to support, inspire and help others with cancer in healing the natural way www.orangeawarenesscampaign.com
My incredible charity! For Women to be given choice in treatment. To heal naturally! To wear orange! Global multimillion pound charity helping heal women all around the world…. I have a dream …. it will come true
We may have good times and bad times. We may feel up or down. We may get our dream job, loose our job, go on our dream holiday, be made homeless, be surrounded by family, be alone, be abundant, be abused, abuse ourselves, be broken by money, life, love or we may have a baby, get married or separated, or divorced! Feel like a failure! have a loved one die.
Life is not one moment or one emotion! It’s a JOURNEY. Broken up into many many chapters. It’s not about being right or wrong or perfect!
So remember not to get lost somewhere along the way, or sit down for too long at one place or get stuck in it all as that’s not what God intended this to be about.
It’s not about numbing our brain or mind cause we can’t cope or face life! Wake up! Detox your body mind spirit! Be brave! Get the junk out of your trunk! Kick your ass out of Shitsville Tennessee. Find heaven on earth! There’s room for everyone! The choice is yours!
Do not wait for someone else to rescue you! Do it yourself!
Be in the flow constantly! Most importantly through out the journey always be YOU! Or remember who you are!!
If you wake up in that place of torment and think.. Holy guacamole!! Where am I? What am I doing? How long have I been here? Who the fooooook am I? Sound familiar? Ha ha!
If you do find yourself there! Be gentle with yourself! The most important thing is to love ourselves! Be our best friends. Laugh about everything!!! I have found the humour in my tumour! I celebrate my life no matter what!! Whether you are sick, dying, depressed, stuck in a rut! Don’t wake up each day in anger, resentment, fear. Find love! It’s always there!
I am so blessed to be in the flow of my life my body my mind my spirit! My soul is on purpose and that is my compass that steers me through every storm and dark night that I have experienced on my journey which is all of the above.
The wonderful thing about life is we are always safe and never alone even though we may think that’s it most certainly is not the case. WE CAN ALWAYS CHANGE HOW WE ARE FEELING AT ANY TIME!!
Trust in life trust in you! Believe in yourself! Believe in God and that all your prayers are answered. Don’t abandon you! Don’t slag yourself off and put yourself down! Honour yourself! Say yes! I am amazing!! Say yes I love myself! Say yes I am beautiful! Yes I am successful.
You are stronger than you think!! Try harder! Stop feeling sorry for yourself! Go for Gold! Take responsibility! It’s your life! Your choices! Be amazing you! Dig deep! If you’ve lost it then go find it! It’s ok!
That’s the adventure! That’s life! When I have been lost many many times it has always been Gods gentle voice that calms me while the Angels light up and guide my way. Life is a miracle! We are all miracles! We are all loved and blessed!
Have FAITH that there is a reason for EVERYTHING! Choose to see it and find it! Don’t leave this wonderful planet without ever truly jumping for joy or joining in!
Don’t sit on the fence or observe everyone else having fun! Or Connecting! dive in! Stop worrying! Feel alive!
Who cares what others think or says! What do you think? How do you feel? Get up on that dance floor and dance like nobody is watching! Feel the wind in your hair and sun in your face!
Don’t listen to fears listen to your heart your soul your inner feelings! Have faith! Wake up and find that joy and gratitude in every moment! We don’t need pills or drink to get us there. Be proud stand tall be raw be authentic!
Happiness comes from within. Have faith that life is beautiful life is kind life is love life is success life is healthy life is a loving family life is amazing friends and holidays life is compassion life is fun life is peace life is being supported and loved life is helping others making a positive difference life is full of everything you ever dreamed or imagined you just have to open up and receive it!
If you believe it you will achieve it! I believe in it all. I believe we can all do what we would like to. Make today that day you have been putting off!
Make today the day you choose to walk into the garden of change of hope the garden of self love ~ self worth. the garden of Your DREAMS not everyone else’s!! Find your dreams! DREAM BIGGER
Where ever you are in your path…remember if you love yourself and you are your best friend then everything is going to be more that just fine it’s going to rock to the very top! Find your peace from your broken pieces of darkness. If you don’t like it then change it!
Do you want to sit in the cold dark basement? Or join me on the top? the penthouse for cocktails (served by very gorgeous half dressed waiters) and gaze out on my 360* panoramic view to watch the sunset, to celebrate our achievements?
It’s all our beautiful choice. That’s the gift God gave us ALL. Free will and choice! Use it wisely! See you soon love you All I LOVE MY LIFE