In November 2014, I as diagnosed with invasive estrogen positive breast cancer, after a lumpectomy. Specialist said without chemo or radiation that i would die. I prayed to God, asked him to bless and cure me (IT IS HIS WILL NOT MINE). I changed my diet straight away by cutting out all sugar, dairy, meat, chicken, fish, wheat, coffee, tea, alcohol, etc. I needed to have an acid free body.
My body started to detox, this took about 6 weeks, my daily migraines went away. My family did not agree on my choice of cure at first. However, they came around in the long run. I lost 20 kilograms due to my diet change. I was moody and exhausted but i kept going. I checked my pH balance to get it alkaline and took Cell Food for oxygen. Cancer cant live in an alkaline or oxygenated body.
All of my food was organic, staying positive is a must. Eight months later I decided to have a partial masectomy as my specialist said it was growing next to my nipple. She wanted to take a few lymph nodes out but I refused. The results came back CANCER FREE. I had an MRI and bone scans, etc.
They thought it would have gone through to the liver but it had gone. Thanks to God I have my life back. This is my Protocol I used, I hope this helps someone:
(CB Oil), Organic apricot kernels (they need to be chewed to mix with your saliva, and I started on 5 a day and worked my way up to 40 a day). Alkaline water, organic juicing with a cold press juicer so you get all the enzymes. Dr. Budwig protocol, vitamin C Infusions. Organic green tea, Soursop tea, hemp seeds, chia seeds, organic fruit and vegetables. Also Ginger, turmeric, garlic, nuts-not peanuts. No white potato only sweet potato. Chic peas, lentils, quinoa. Vitamin Q10, k2 and d3, magnesium, B complex, zinc, multivitamins, buffered vitamin C powder- Curcumin & Quercetin, Candex, and Hydrozyme. Also All Toiletries Organic.
After six months due to loosing so much muscle and weight, I started eating fish and chicken and organic eggs. Also took protein powder called (RAW) “fermented paleo”) from the health food shop. I have more energy now, I still chew 15 apricot kernels a day and stopped the CB oil 2 months ago. Otherwise my diet will stay the same so the cancer doesn’t come back. It’s a committed lifestyle NOW!!!
I try to walk everyday, and staying in a positive frame of mind helps with your immune system. I googled and read everything I could get my hands on. If you have any questions you can private message me or send me a friend request. If God is willing I HOPE my experience with cancer can help someone else ~ Janice Breeze ~
Also Dani Raskin has proven that cancer cannot live in an alkaline state, hospitals in Japan and Korea make and high PH water act as a medicine. So drink it, do not get the ionizers they are not good for you. The only source of high pH water is reverse osmosis system with alkaline additives. is the only company that I found to make a great product and they ship it all over the world.
I have it for six month my water are always high PH (I check once a week) they are not only good for you but good for your family. Also in the video I forgot to mention the only dressing to put in the salad is lemon and plakseed oil. The only salt that you be eating is sea salt no table or kosher salt.
The only other vitamin that you need is vitamin D and you can get it from the sun all other vitamins are in your diet. And remember it’s a fight so fight it the prize of winning is the best ever. Avoid short term pleasures. (Fast food, drugs, alcohol).
I can’t even describe the feeling of seating in the oncologist office and hear him telling you that my tumours in my lungs disappeared. That there is no evidence that they were ever there. Right there I realized that my diet and drinking habits and positive thinking is working and the knowledge that I can cure cancer is true. Yes its true you can cure cancer but to cure it you have to fight it and sitting and not doing anything will not cure it!!!