Twelve 12 Principles of Attitudinal Healing
From Teach only Love
By L. Jampolsky
1. The essence of our being is love.
Love cannot be hindered by what is merely physical. We believe the mind has no limits, nothing is impossible, all disease is potentially reversible. And because love is eternal, death need not be viewed fearfully.
2. Health is inner peace.
Healing is letting go of fear. To make changing the body our goal is to fail to recognize that our single goal is peace of mind.
3. Giving and receiving are the same.
When our attention is on giving and joining with others, fear is removed and we accept healing in our selves.
4. We can let go of the past and the future
We experience inner peace when we let go our attachment to the painful past and the fearful future and learn to live in the present.
5. Now is the only time there is.
Pain, grief, depression, guilt and other forms of fear disappear when the mind is focused in loving peace on this instant.
6. We learn to love ourselves and others by forgiving rather then judging.
Forgiveness is the way to true health and happiness. When we choose to see everyone as a teacher of forgiveness, each moment gives us an opportunity for happiness, peace and love.
7. We can become love finders rather than faultfinders.
Regardless of what another persons behavior might be, we can always choose to see only the light of love in that person.
8. We can be peaceful inside regardless of what is happening outside.
Despite the chaos in our lives, we can choose to be peaceful, know that we are connected and sustained by our loving, peaceful source.
9. We are students and teachers to each other.
Peace comes to us when we recognize and demonstrate that all our relationships are equal.
10. We can focus on the whole of our life rather then the fragments.
It is an illusion to believe…. that our lives are separate from each other. Healing is focusing on our interconnectedness with each other and all living things.
11. Because love is eternal, death need not be viewed as fearful.
We begin to let go of our fear of death when we truly believe that what is real never changes and that love is always present.
12. We can always see ourselves and others as extending love or call for it. Rather then seeing anger and attack, it’s always possible for us to recognize a call for help an answer with love… A New Age Medicine
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