Meridians are like rivers that run up and down and all around. As these river – like meridians in the body are defined by function. For example: lung meridian originates in the upper chest and runs down the arm. Therefore, if someone has a cough this may indicate that lung Qi ….pronounced Chee… is flowing in the wrong direction.
Also take the stomach Meridian as another example which begins in the face and ends in the diaphragm. Henceforth, if someone is feeling nauseated and vomiting we use the word throwing up. These river – like meridians in the body are defined by functions as well as by movement.
All of our organs have an intimate relationship with the energy flowing, blood traveling and moisture creating environment that’s within. Which this meridians function. The concept of a system of channels touches upon the core meaning and holistic nature that characterizes Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Understanding the body and its parts as being…. intimately inter connected and explicable only by reference to the whole system. When these physical systems within your body are blocked. You experience signs of discomfort and die-ease. So when you restore the flow and release the dis-ease.
If the Qi in a meridian is blocked the body suffers disharmony. While physical blockage can be influenced by a strong pathological factor such as a cold and flu. Symptoms of an emotional blockage such as stress and anxiety, can manifest as a slowing or weakening of the flow of Qi and blood.
Particular areas of the body and the body structures become less energetic. The shoulders physically feel rigid, and the tightening in the chest often will cause a lot of sighing.
This slow down is happening in the meridians and it makes the local body systems less capable of removing toxins via blood or the fluids in the lymphatic system. Which would other wise be free flowing, it therefore, causes further deposition of waste in the same areas. These activities will repeat themselves indefinitely if the stress is not attended to.
This is why stress is a common cause to chronic dis-ease. Therefore, any factor affecting the skin, tendons, bones, organs or limbs in any small or large way inhibits movement and function in the meridian system. What this means …. is that all kinds of illnesses — including those that we experience as being caused by exterior factors, emotional issues, internally generated disease, and unexpected injury or trauma can create irregularities within the channel.
Acupuncture: Lets go back to the image of the river like flow being blocked by debris. Image making a small hole in the pile of debris. Over time the force of the river flow will widen that hole. Until the blockage will be carried away and the normal course of the stream is restored. By inserting a needle into a specific acupuncture point for a blocked meridian, something similar happens.
Meridians have certain acupuncture points that, when needled, will have a significant impact on the flow. In this way, by inserting needles. It is possible to exert a direct therapeutic effect in the channels and organs thus increasing bodily functions.
Yoga for overall performance: Since meridians are running up and down and all around. When your stretching, You are often stimulating the flow in meridians as well. You can focus on certain poses to free the obstructions in a particular meridian.
A great example of this is the well known DownwardDogPose. Which is often used as an active rest position in yoga classes. Because it feels fantastic; almost every meridian is being stimulated in this pose. Including the Lung… and Heart Meridians in your chest, arms and shoulders.
What these meridians also do is influence respiratory issues, allergies, cold and flu, symptoms, anxiety and even insomnia. TheDownwardDog also stretches all the meridians along the chest and back of the legs. Including the stomach area which encourages healthy digestion and much more.
Another example of Yoga’s positive influence is TheBridgePose. Which can help all kinds of digestive issues as a result of stretching out the stomach and spleen meridians in the front part of the body. Signs these blockage and/or the Qi effect flowing in the wrong direction could be acid reflux, heart burn, bloating and gas, diarrhea or constipation.
IntenseBackBends are also great to relieve menstrual cramps and blockage of the menstrual flow as they stretch out the Ren Meridian, also know as the conception vessel. Which run down the lower portions of the abdomen and into the Pelvic cavity.
SoIfYouDon’tbelieveAcupunctureWorks … Do this little experiment!!!
Yintang: (translated as the hall of Impression or The central mark) is your third eye. Located midway between your eyebrows. Because of its location, applying pressure to this point can help reduce frontal heart aches. But its most common use is for stress management. In order to calm yourself under tense anxious moments, press on this point for 30 seconds to 2 minutes.
Tai Chong: (Liver 3 translated as Great Surge) is located on the foot between the big toe and the second toe, about 1 inch from the web. Applying pressure to this point on each foot is very grounding and reduces anxiety. While simultaneously treating insomnia and other stress related maladies. Such as irritability, anger, headaches and dizziness. having trouble winding down at night put pressure on this point for a couple minutes and see what happens. By Danielle Kassin Strauss
Bill Moyers talks with physicians, scientists, therapists,patients and people who are taking a new look at the meaning of sickness and health. In this five-part series of fascinating and provocative interviews, he discusses their search for answers to perplexing questions: How do our emotions translate into chemicals in our bodies? How do our thoughts and feelings influence health? How can we collaborate with our bodies to encourage healing? With the incisive style that has made Bill Moyers’ skills as an interviewer legendary and the dynamic interplay of the many patients and professionals interviewed, Healing and the Mind is a documentary series destined to influence how millions think about sickness and health.
A. The short answer is yes, but let us explain why. A properly aligned spine will have proper joint motion. This motion is crucial because it sends proprioception feedback into the central nervous system, including the brain, and decreases nociceptive or harmful input into the brain. This positive input into the brain inhibits the amygdala (the stress and anxiety center of the brain). The result is controlled emotions, decreased stress and anxiety, and it also stimulates the pleasure centers of the brain. When a spine is misaligned, joints do not move properly. This decreases the proprioceptive input into the brain, it increases harmful nociceptive input into the brain and it stimulates the amygdala. This leads to stress, anxiety, out of control emotions, and decreased pleasure in life. A misaligned spine also stimulates a series of reactions known as the stress response that causes the production of catacholamines and cortisol, which can lead to insulin resistance and eventually disease such as diabetes, heart disease, obesity, depression, etc. Regular chiropractic care detects and corrects subluxations (misalignments) of the spine to allow your body to function optimally, physically, physiologically and mentally.
Chiropractors work on the basis that if the spine is out of alignment, it will affect human health. Indeed, there is much evidence that this is the case.
As one example, Henry Windsor, MD in Haverford,Pennsylvania,USA dissected a total of 75 human and 22 cat cadavers. He found that 221 structures other than the spine were found diseased. Of these, 212 were observed to belong to the same sympathetic (nerve) segments as the vertebrae in curvature.
The diseases he examined are as follows:
Stomach Disease– All 9 cases of spinal misalignment in the mid-thoracic area (T5-T9) had stomach disease.
Lung Disease– All 26 cases of lung disease had spinal misalignments in the upper thoracic spine.
Liver Disease– All 13 cases of liver disease had misalignments in their mid-thoracic (T5-T9).
Gallstones– all 5 cases with gallstone disease had spinal misalignments in the mid thoracic.
Pancreas– All 3 case with pancreatic disease had spinal misalignments in the mid thoracic.
Spleen– All 11 cases with spleen disease had spinal misalignments in the mid thoracic.
Kidney – All 17 cases with kidney disease had spinal misalignments in the lower thoracic.
Prostate & Bladder Disease– All 8 cases with kidney, prostate and bladder disease had the lumbar (L2-L3) vertebrae misaligned.
Uterus – The 2 cases with the uterine conditions had the L2 misaligned.
Heart Disease– All 20 cases with heart and pericardium conditions had the upper five thoracic vertebrae (T1-T5) misalignment.
Dr Windor’s results are published in The Medical Times all the way back in November 1921!
This video is mainly for the beginners to bring them up to speed and help raise their consciousness. in this video i UNCOVER the truth about the chakra’s, nadi’s and subtle bodies. This video is part of a LONG presentation where i EXPOSE MANY LIES and fallacies manufactured by the new age movement.I know this video is a bit longer than my previous vids, but i assure you that, the research has been done and the info is 100% SOLID. also the sources used for this video will be listed at the END of this presentation (which would be part 3). but the main reason i am doing this presentation is because there is ALOT of dis-information out here, and people are being deceived.
here is a QUICK navigation through the video
Introduction to chakra’s:- 00:00 to 10:04
The 7 Major Chakra’s
Root Chakra – 10:05
Sex Chakra – 14:47
Navel Chakra – 22:05
Heart Chakra- 30:55
Throat Chakra – 38:35
Ajna Chakra – 52:02
Crown Chakra – 1:04:08
Nadi’s – 1:11:21
Subtle bodies – 1:16:55
—Physical body – 1:18:10
—Etheric body – 1:19:04
—Emotional body – 1:22:52
—Mental body – 1:29:25
—Spiritual body – 1:34:06
Chakra’s and Human development – 1:38:02