Overcoming The Bridge of Death

Can Powerful Emotions Kill You? The Negative Health Effects Of Anger, Loneliness, Stress, Sadness, And Shock…

Though feelings are  powerful forces  and an inescapable part of life,  they can have a pretty significant effect on your health — especially if they’re negative emotions. Below are five common emotions that can have a negative impact on your well-being unless they’re coped with properly.



Studies have shown that anger can actually lead to heart attacks and an increased risk of cardiovascular problems — perhaps not surprisingly, as a sudden burst of anger can cause  over-the-top surge of chemicals  throughout the body, like adrenaline  and  noradrenaline. During a bout of anger,  the brain’s amygdala overreacts;  blood rushes to the frontal lobe, the area in charge of reasoning. This is why anger can often be blinding — and can lead to you throwing a phone at the wall.

But along with this impaired judgment,  anger  can also bring  with it dangers  to your cardiovascular system.  There are a  “number of physiological changes”  occurring in our bodies when we get angry. Further research is needed to figure out exactly how anger can have such a strong impact on our health.  But what researchers found was that two hours after an angry outburst,  people had nearly a five  -fold increase in heart attack risk, and a three-fold risk increase for stroke.  “Although risk of experiencing an acute cardiovascular event with any single outburst of anger is relatively low, the risk can accumulate for people with frequent episodes of anger,”  Dr.  Elizabeth Mostofsky,  researcher  at  the  Harvard School of Public Health and a lead author of the study.


Loneliness may also be just as dangerous as a sudden outburst of anger. It tends to be         a long-term condition,  like depression, and is a risk factor for early death,  according to Dr. John Cacioppo,  a psychologist at  the University of Chicago  and  author  of  a  study about loneliness.  Feeling lonely could increase your risk of premature death by 14%,  he found.  “Loneliness is a risk factor for early death beyond what can be explained by poor health behaviors,” Cacioppo told USA Today. “Poor quality of sleep hastens aging.”

It’s important to maintain social relationships with friends and family, and to even make small talk with new faces every once in a while.  Older people who are lonely tend to have higher levels of stress,  and  less of an ability  to  adapt  to  difficult situations if they don’t have anyone to lean on. Loneliness can increase levels of stress hormones in the body like cortisol, affects sleep quality, and increases blood pressure. Isolation and solitude can also weaken your immune system. So maintain your friendships and social bonds; it will do you good.

Stress And Anxiety

It’s almost common knowledge at this point that stress has a huge negative effect on our bodies.  Stress  almost  always  manifests  itself  through physical symptoms:  migraines, grinding teeth, lightheadedness, nausea, exhaustion, heart palpitations, insomnia, and a decreased or increased appetite. Constantly worrying and carrying a burden of stress has been  linked  to  early  aging,  high blood pressure,  chest pain,  and  a weakened immune system. People who are stressed are less likely to take care of themselves,  sleep  and  eat properly, and thus are more likely to get sick.

According to the American Psychological Association, stress is a complicated condition that is closely tied to a myriad of health issues:

Stress can  make existing problems worse.  In  one  study  for  example,  about  half  the participants saw improvements in chronic headaches after learning how to stop the stress-producing habit of “catastrophizing,” or constantly thinking negative thoughts about their pain. Chronic stress may also cause disease, either because of changes in your body or the overeating, smoking and other bad habits people use to cope with stress. Job strain – high demands coupled with low decision-making latitude — is associated with increased risk of coronary disease, for example.

Learning how to reduce your stress could be one of your best investments — exercise, eating healthy, and giving yourself “me” time as well as a chance to relax and unwind     will go a long way.


Shock, or trauma, can cause both short-term and long-lasting consequences on both     your mind and body.  Shock typically involves an unexpected situation that throws an unprepared person off their feet,  and  leaves  them  unable  to cope  or  react properly. Psychological trauma occurs in the brain,  and  can actually change the structure of the brain in the area where the frontal cortex, emotional brain and survival brain converge. Physical symptoms  that  occur due to shock  or  post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) include sleeping and eating issues, sexual dysfunction, lack of energy, and chronic pain.


It’s called heartbreak for a reason. When you’re experiencing deep grief or sadness, it takes a toll on your health, too. One study from St. George’s University of London found that it is actually possible to die of a broken heart,  bereavement increases your risk of heart attacks or stroke by nearly double  after a partner’s death,  the  researchers  discovered.  “We often use the term a “broken heart” to signify the pain of losing a loved one and our study shows  bereavement can have a direct effect on the health of the heart,”  Dr. Sunil Shah, is a senior lecturer in public health at St. George’s, said in a press release.

How does psychological stress affect people who have cancer?

People  who  have cancer  may find the physical,  emotional,  and  social effects  of the     disease to be stressful.  Those who attempt  to manage their stress  with risky behaviors  such as smoking  or  drinking alcohol or who become more sedentary may have a poorer quality of life after cancer treatment. In contrast, the people who are able to use effective coping strategies to deal with stress,  such  as  stress management techniques,  have been shown  to have lower levels of depression,  anxiety,  and  symptoms  related  to the cancer and its treatment. However, there is no evidence successful management of psychological stress improves cancer survival.

Evidence from experimental studies does suggest that psychological stress can affect a tumor’s ability to grow and spread.  For example,  some studies have shown  when mice bearing human tumors were kept confined or isolated from other mice—conditions that increase stress—their tumors were more likely to grow and spread (metastasize).  In one set of experiments,  tumors transplanted  into the mammary fat pads  of  mice had much higher rates of spread to the lungs and lymph nodes if the mice were chronically stressed than if  the mice were not stressed.  Studies in mice  and  in human cancer cells grown in the laboratory… have found… that the stress hormone norepinephrine, part of the body’s fight-or-flight response system, may promote angiogenesis and metastasis.

In  another  study,  that women with triple-negative breast cancer who had been treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy  were  asked  about  their use of beta blockers, which are medications that interfere with certain stress hormones, before and during chemotherapy. Women who reported using beta blockers…. had a better chance  of surviving their cancer treatment without a relapse than women who did not report beta blocker use.  There was no difference between the groups, however, in terms of overall survival.

Although there is still no strong evidence that stress directly affects cancer outcomes,  some data do suggest that patients can develop a sense of helplessness or hopelessness when stress becomes overwhelming.  This response  is  associated  with  higher rates of death, although the mechanism for this outcome is unclear.  It may be that people who  feel helpless or hopeless do not seek treatment  when they become ill,  and  also give up prematurely on or fail to adhere to potentially helpful therapy, engage in risky behavior such as drug use, or do not maintain a healthy lifestyle, resulting in premature death.

Also Tom Laughlin discusses the 6 psychological factors that predispose one to develop  cancer, from his book,”The Psychology of Cancer.”  Discovering how these factors work in one’s life, and then transforming them, is essential for the cancer patient, and it is also an incredible tool in the prevention of cancer. This is a must for every cancer patient and for those who are afraid of getting a cancer.

For over three decades, John Kehoe has earned worldwide recognition for his pioneering work in the field of Mind Power. He has lectured on every continent and his seminal book, Mind Power Into the 21st Century, has topped the bestseller lists in over a dozen countries. His teachings relate directly to the powers held within every person to conclusively shape his or her destiny

THE WHAT? SERIES: is a non-profit cancer education web series presenting honest questions  and  answers.  That are constructed in the hope of removing some of the fears around cancer, empowering the viewer with knowledge and understanding. In this series you will be introduced to cancer fighters,  medical professionals  and  caregivers from all walks of life sharing their experiences and their understanding in the support of others.

This program is an extension of the feature film WHAT THE F@#- IS CANCER AND  WHY DOES EVERYBODY HAVE IT?. Both  created by filmmaker Allison W. Gryphon     in response to her April 2011 stage 3a breast cancer diagnosis. THE WHAT? SERIES is brought to you by THE WHY? FOUNDATION.

We (YouAreCreators) created this channel to share one of the greatest secrets of the universe, and the secret is, we literally create our reality!  (Quantum Physics now proves this) We are all governed by a set of Universal Laws,  and these laws created by GOD,  to  aid us in creating a life we desire. One of these laws known as the “Law Of Attraction”  or the Law ofReaping and Sowing“.

   This law simply states, whatever you give out in Thought, Word, Feeling, and Action is returned to you. Whether the return is negative, or positive, failure or success, is all up to what you give out.  Many  authors  and  celebrities  such as, Wayne Dyer, Oprah Winfrey,  Will Smith, Jim Carrey, Steve Harvey, Rhonda Byrne, and many others have testified to this amazing Law Of Attraction. Its time you learn this wonderful secret…


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