Ken asked me to give you a little on my story, here you go. I have stage 4 aggressive, ductal, triple negative breast cancer with mets to my lungs and liver, I was diagnosed In March of 20 14. Prior to this diagnosis, I miscarried almost all my life since 19 when I only had one viable live birth. My eating habits and patterns where the worst, I was addicted to meats, sugars and white foods such as potatoes, rice and breads.
I didn’t eat many fresh vegetables or fruits it was mostly junk food and processed foods. I am obese an have been most of my life, mostly because I just didn’t get food and how it worked. At 40 I suffered a TIA or small stroke, I always had dense breasts with fibroids so it was difficult for me to find any tumor or changes or lumps since it always felt the same to me.
In 2013, I am from Canada and moved across the country and had to find a new doc. Going through new investigative tests for her. She asked me to do a mammogram which I usually refused knowing it wasn’t safe for me and knowing it would be an embarrassing and painful event as it had been in the past, I did it anyways and it was since I have large breast which required two pics to get the full picture.
That’s when it was found and when I was called back my head went ‘Great, it’s cancer?’ Why else would you get called back. My heart sunk…. then I went into my normal frantic mode. What should I do and how ?? I had a friend who was an RN…. who put me on to Dr. Lorraine Day.
I listened to what she had to say, I made up my mind I would not go conventional as it holds nothing for me especially after my needle biopsy which I never recommend to any women to do the damage from the procedures was long lasting, over a month of a completely bruised black and blue breast, ( never again would they do that to me).
So I met with the oncologist almost immediately and a general surgeon who tried a biopsy prior to the needle one and missed the tumor all together yet she offered to take it out ! I had no confidence in her so left with nothing being done. Had a good long talk with the oncologist who had to work really hard with me to convince me to do chemo?
After telling me that it wouldn’t be responsive to the chemotherapy but they would like to try to shrink it? I though why try if it’s not responsive? And if so…. how do they think they could shrink it? Nothing she said, made any sense. I had already talked to cannabis oil people and started using it. Not an easy process and very pricey.
So I Told her about it as she laughed at me and that was enough to tell me I was in the wrong place. Told me if her mother or sisters had what I had she would never tell them not to use chemo? I felt her lying to me… so I walked asked for time to think it out and never went back. Thereby, began my journey looking for and trying to find ways to help myself to get well. I began slowly with changing my diet, juicing kale and ginger making what I called the mean green drink…. with kale spinach, asparagus, lemon, green apple and so on…..
I learned to let go of sugars and processed food not an easy task but never got too upset with me for my slips just jumped back on the bus immediately after and finally keeping a calendar of how long between eating meats etc. I developed ways to measure my food and cutting things up getting them ready to go on a moment’s notice. I checked around on the Gerson diet. However, didn’t feel good about limiting anything to my body. Since I know I lived that way before and it needed all the help it could get.
So I ate all fresh organic foods juiced and kept eating salads and learning how to make alkaline food more fun for me. A whole new world began to open up and my health was improving but my stressors were not fading. All the while I was going through my own battle my partner, developed some health issues, and finally culminating in him having esophageal cancer.
So we turned to looking after him as he was being stomach tube fed from January on after losing more than half his body weight from November to January. He’s now doing very well after having surgery to remove the tumor…. which was found completely dead. Nothing but scar tissue verified by the lab and after having removed 17 lymph nodes only one had a live cell.
So the oil and the supplements had done it’s job on him as he was getting all I could get in him prior to surgery, by November I had added Transfer factor for both of us and super charged his immune with 5 caps of TF 3 times a day. I stayed on the cancer dose of 3 times 3 per day. Helped him and I with more energy and felt full of live while feeling lots of stabs and pinching around the tumor site in my breast so I just kept going.
I was left to my own devices by my docs who I think were watching for me to get worse, which I didn’t . I got better and felt healthier while I lost weight, lost my diabetic meds in the process and my A1 C1 has been great ever since with no issues at all. I even kept going even with all the stress. I couldn’t meditate yet…. too much in my head and no real peace but I finally began in February to find some peace and it slowly came when I took the time to meditate.
Since March I’ve done way much more cannabis oil than the 60 grams in a few months. And I’m still on it. Not willing to leave any stone unturned and using what I learned from empower your health Facebook groups and and many others. I used mainly the Mari protocol, but not correctly, until lately when I switched from the pill forms of the protocol to more liquid forms of it. It then made a huge change for me in my body.
I was starting to get pain from planters fasciitis in my heel and my hips and lower back was hurting, when I changed to liquid magnesium 1000 twice a day no pain no nothing in less than a week!! Am I done tweaking my protocol, no but I know it’s working cause of my investigation while considering a lumpectomy to jump start my healing faster. They found the main tumor is dying in the middle showing narcosis on the CT and MRI scans done.
But we discovered it had spread to also my lungs and liver. So no surgery or lumpectomy. IT’s natural all the way or not at all. I believe in the power of our bodies to heal themselves when given the proper ingredients in the right doses for us. I believe my immune is my key to my health so I search for all immune boosters such as TF and soul ‘s rain and core if it’s good enough for athlete’s it’s good enough for me.
I learned to lose sugars and processed foods and embrace organics when I at first didn’t. I do now whole heartedly. I’ve had to learn to live, love and find my laughter again through all this. I live in the day I’m in and make sure I get out in it wind rain, sun or snow. I’m out walking our little Yorkshire pup, a few times a day.
Do I like it?? Nope!! Snow can be flipping cold !! No one I know loves ice and snow ! lol I run up and down the building stairs inside my condo and walk down every hall way great work out. At first getting up two flights of stairs just about killed me. Now I can run up all 10 flights and then I break a sweat. Has this been easy? Nope! Will I give in to this cancer? Nope!!
My feeling is I’m trusting my process and tweaking it always to keep my aggressive cancer wondering what it will hit with next! However, more than anything. I have accepted and found my peace, I’m not afraid anymore, I have moments. But they never last very long then they pass. I love music it soothes my soul and connects me to many things inside me.
I have taken the time to grieve over the loses of all my babies…. over the years. And now understanding it was my own diet that did it to them and to me. So only I can change what happens next. I believe God is there…. he loves me perfectly and if He thinks I should stay I will if not then nothing I will do will change it. It’s his will not mine now… and I’m really okay with the idea of it as my desire is to get as many years as my mom who is 83 now and I’m 57 so I have some living left to do I’m determined to do it!
If what I’m doing is helpful to me it may be helpful to you so I share what little I know. Thank you for listening but listen to your body more than anyone. Learn what it’s telling you as you get messages all the time. Just need to open your ears to them. I’m not healed yet. However, I am healthier now than ever before in my life I started tis at an unhealthy 273 pounds and now sit at a healthier 225 pounds. My weight today is still coming down a little every week because I made serious changes and still am.
This is My Journey and I am sticking to it no matter what. SO Here’s to Wishing you all the best in your journeys, just never give up. As that’s most likely when things will turn for you. So hold on and enjoy the ride and learn all you need to achieve in your goals of good health.
I’m fighting breast cancer using only natural things and I’ve just had some very thorough tests at the Drs. I’ve been told that my tumor is now dead in the middle. It is dying from the inside out. So for about $1000 @ month this is my daily routine!!
½ lemon juice, hot water, baking soda ½ tsp.
Fresh juice: lemon, line, green apple blue berries, raspberries, strawberries juiced wi…th asparagus and spinach leaves and 3 kale. Take half the juice in a glass and 1 ½ Cup of Keifer mix and take it all down.
Take other half of juice mix in one full dropper of each of these mushroom extracts of chaga, turkey tail and reshi and two droppers of lugols 5% iodine, and two to three tablespoons of magnesium liquid
Upon waking I use baking soda in boiled water every two hours to help me relieve my coughing from lung cancer. Works like a hot dam. Just put ½ tsp in with hot water drop a towel over your head and stir and breath in deeply.
I take in 4000 Iu’s daily of liquid vitamin C
I drink 3 cups of taheebo tea daily usually put lemon juice in for flavor. Or lime for changes?
I take 3 caps of Transfer Factor 3 times a day
I take 3 packages of soul daily and one package of rain daily
I use almost a full gram of cannabis oil daily with coconut oil
I take liquid selenium 400 iu’s twice daily
I take in up to two gallons of remineralized distilled water daily
I use Dr. Millar’s tea twice a day ½ Cup
I use up to 25 drops of food grade hydrogen peroxide in water daily
I eat no meats, no rice, pasta or flour, breads no cheese of any kind, usually fresh veggies all kinds as mu ch as I want but I pick mostly celery, cucmumbers and broccoli and cauliflower, kale, spinach up to 4 to 6 cups a day with onions mushrooms etc.
I eat lots of a wide varieties of fruits daily up to 4 cups a day and usally with keifer.
I use avacados baked with an egg and salt & pepper usally one a day
I eat nuts of all kinds, and small amounts from sunflower to peanuts.
I use organic sulphur and Soul with pancreatic enzymes and it’s a super food and Zeolyte.
Thank You Ken for allowing me to share a space:
Jo Ann Grant