Dear Ken:
We live in the Middle East and 2 years 11 months ago, my husband was told by a prominent Urologist and surgeon that he had stage T2A bladder cancer which was aggressive. That to survive …. my husband would need to have Chemo, radiation and radical surgery to not only remove his bladder, but also prostate, his intestines and have a neo bladder built from them so that he can pass urine.
Fear is a terrible thing and fear is so ripe when we hear the word Cancer. The saying, “Frightened to death” is really what happens to the body once you believe there is only one way to treat this terrible disease.
We spoke again to the Urologist and told him we needed more time to research alternative treatments and modalities, and we would not take the Chemo just yet. AS we were already looking into different therapies, both of us are concerned with the quality of his life after surgery and both of us needed time to digest all of this dreadful news, the Oncologist and the Surgeon try to impress on us that we need to think very carefully…. about the surgery, the Surgeon had already got a date in his diary…. to proceed…. with removing his bladder, within the following 6 weeks…
We felt like we were being railroaded into the surgery far too fast and we needed to slow it all down a little so we could have time to digest everything. Something was screaming at me to take some time before making this radical decision.
I began first researching this natural cancer cure in the form of Essiac, given its name by Rene Caisse (“Caisse” spelt backwards); this herbal cure consists of four main herbs that grow in the wilderness of Ontario, Canada. The original formula is believed to have its roots from the native Canadian Ojibwa Indians.
My husband started on this medicine within a week of him being diagnosed, Then we made an appointment with a naturopathic Dr and we asked for her help in co Doctoring my husband each step of the way as we try the alternative approach. Dr did all of his blood tests to find out what he was lacking to make his immune system be so depleted and we found out he was almost completely depleted of vitamin D even though he lived in a hot and sunny climate.
We put together a plan of action to continue to work with the conventional tests MRI and scans and also many vitamins and supplements and complete diet and lifestyle change. The conventional Dr’s gave my husband 18 months to two years to live if we did not do the surgery and the chemo. We did none of them, only natural healing with vitamins diet and lifestyle change and cannabis oil.
I first saw the movie about Cannabis oil as a medicine in November 2012 but it took me until April of 2013 to find the oil made with a natural food grade Alcohol. It has been hard work for me as a wife, I have also never stopped my research…. for one day in the last 35 months. However, today I can say 35 months after my husband’s first diagnosis that he is cancer free and still has his bladder in tact.
He has been cancer free now for the last seven cystoscopies, one every 3 months and now 4 monthly so 23 months Cancer free. In June 2015, he has no metastasis to other organs. He had an MRI in July last year to check his whole body and which will be performed once yearly….
We have every one of his medical records, every laser surgery to remove tumors has been recorded on Cd’s and we even have the biopsy slides with pieces of the tumors that were graded as being aggressive and muscle invasive. ( owing to the fact we traveled from here to Uk and back between two surgeons)
We still have to have regular check ups but to think he was told he has 18 months to live if he did not remove his bladder, prostate, a part of his Intestines and to have chemo and radiation, I am so happy to also say as side effect of all we did, his cholesterol went back to normal as did his blood pressure, he looks ten to 15 years younger and feels so much better than he ever did….
Bottomline: My husband Stopped smoking 30 cigarettes a day, he began a spiritual healing therapy called Journey work, he completely changed the way he eats, he has no dairy or sugar, no white flour or white potatoes, he has mainly a plant based diet with a little fish or chicken and no processed food, pastries meats cheeses etc, has green juices and smoothies daily and lot’s of execize.
The protocol consisted first with EssiacHe had mega doses of vitamin C and D3, vitamin B17, K2, detox powder’s initially, then he had DHEA to build his immune system back so that his body could heal itself, then a year after doing all of this. We found proven oil and added that to all we had done, he did 90 days on the oil and it was the hardest part of our journey. He has now stopped taking cannabis oil for the past year and half.
He no longer takes mega doses of vitamin C or D but continues to do everything in a lesser dosage, he has added Tranfactor 4 life supplement which is made from grass fed cow’s colostrum, similar to Mother’s first milk, an immune booster for babies. We continue to monitor his health closely. It has been hard for the past 2 and half years, but we are slowly getting our life back to normal. He will never go back to eating or treating his body the way he did, this was a wake up call for him to change the way he lives, but it is a success story which I will continue to tell the world about.
It is shocking that we are led to believe that there is no cure for Cancer, our story is living proof there is another way and I am now consumed. Like many other’s in the world with only getting the word out that Cancer “does not need to mean death.” We just lost over two years or more of our lives to cancer and yet it has turned out to be the most important time of our life too.
I found what I was put on the earth to do and that is to be part of something life changing, as the world wakes up to there being another way to heal Cancer and it is just through natural healing and giving our body just what it needs to repair itself!!
Taking Control of your own body means you too can heal yourself, first and foremost with proper diet and nutrition and vitamin therapy, a complete lifestyle change and Natural God given plant extracts. I wrote a book about all we did and it is now available on amazon.
Alyssia Sade’ “Taking Control” I am using the proceeds of this book to help other’s tell the world there is another way, through documentaries. If you can not afford my book, I will gladly send it to you free of charge. I set up a face book page under my pen name“ Alyssia Sade” please have a look. All my research is on there and you can contact me if you have any questions. Thank YOU
Carol Smith
Although Daily Mail UK did a story on us… and it was shared on social media more than 20,000 times. They twisted the story a little to make it sound all about the cannabis oil…. I would like to share that we went though a credible source with a proven background in dealing with cancer patients!!! Our Story Was Based Upon Much More Then Just Oil!!!
She is you.
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