Hello Everyone, my name is Azhar and I have Pancreatic Cancer advance stages, I have had most of my Pancreas removed and also my Spleen, as well as 9 months of a 6 cycle very Toxic Chemo regime.
I was told last July almost a year ago that I had weeks left to live and that if I Immediately started more Chemo and Radiation treatments that I might perhaps extend my life to a year.
I refused to do there treatments as I felt that it was there Chemo that allowed my cancer to re-occur and my Tumor to grow back even bigger then the one they removed.
I had started to do my research about half way through my Chemo and learned that Chemo Not only Does NOT cure Cancer but in fact KILLS the patient as it sidelines the Bodies own Natural Immune Defences and system.
So I started to do 2 things
1-Boost my Immune System
2- Kill Cancer cells with proven methods
Morning when I Wake
– Turkey Tail Mushroom extract. 1 dropper
– Reishi Mushroom extract. 1 dropper
– Chaga Mushroom extract. 1 dropper
– 3 TF+ pills
– 2 Moringa pills
– 1 cracker with 1 drop of Cannabis Oil
– Liposomal Vitamin C 4 Teaspoons
– Chinese Meds ( I will be calling you with this info )
I then carry on with my day and eat 3 B17 Kernels throughout the day and drink the juice of Soursop that we make fresh at home
Evening Time after 6
– 3 4Life-TransferFactor+ pills
– 25 drops of Hydrogen Peroxide in Distilled Water ( you have to build
up to this amount, I started with 3 drops and increased by 2 drops every
other day until I reached 25 drops)
– Chinese Meds
During the day I snack on fruits and would take daily naps even for a
little while because when your body is at rest – sleeping is when your
cells and body heal
I can not Emphasize how Important it is to have No Stress and I know that is easier said then done and here is how I do it, I have Accepted what God has in store for Me, if I am to Die of This Cancer then So Be It as I have No control over what happens to me. However, I do have control over How I deal with what Life throws at me and I choose Not to go Quietly into the Night.
I choose to Fight and make a lot of Noise but Seriously. The best way to deal with While Stress is also Accepting your Fate and be Thankful for what you have as one thing I have learned very early on is that No matter ….How bad you have it…. There is Always someone out there that has it worse off then you so take the time to appreciate your loved ones, your Family and Friends.
I am THE LUCKIEST MAN ALIVE as I have the Most Amazing wife who is my Life and 3 Beautiful children that make me proud and Friends Old and New. That bring me Peace and Joy so in closing do what I do about Stress……I only worry about that which is in my Control. I don’t worry about things I can not Control …. YES it is as Simple as That!!!
A lot of my healing came from napping and while napping I would imagine
Ninja Cells going around my body and zapping and killing the Cancer.
Trust me this actually works, it’s the power of your Brain….
So today almost a year gone I am not only just alive but Thriving !
By November of 2014 I had managed to Stop the Cancer from Spreading and had Stabilized my 2.8 cm Tumor and last March on my last CT scan it showed that my incurable Cancer was still Arrested and not spreading but more importantly that my 2.8 cm Tumor has Shrunk by 50% and is now 1.4 cm.
I have separated my healing into 3 parts
1- Physical
2- Phycological
3- Emotional
Believe it or not your Physical health is the least of your worries and if you are NOT healthy Phycologicaly and Emotionally then you Do not stand a chance with your physical health.
I have now made it my Mission and Goal in Life to help others and I welcome any and all to reach out to me should you have any questions or require any further information.
God Bless
Azhar Khan
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