The Irony of Life


In those 403 days from the time my father heard the cancer had to run it’s course     until his passing on 4/03/2006.  Reflecting back onto it today it was an incredible time hardly seemingly like 9 + years ago.  It was hard times filled with severe depression and     a time. I thought for the first time in my life I would never ever see daylight again.

I remember vividly a friends wife at the time telling me in the aftermath of the experience. The time spent until the final tear drop would be a blessing years later looking back at it. It all begin exactly one month prior for me. On March 3rd, 2006 and attended mass in Carey, Ohio at the Shrine for those having lost hope.

I made the 1 hour 45 minute drive there for a solution to the misery…. my misery at the time being severe depression. Little did I know the next morning things would turn worse with a priest being called  into the house for  the Anointing of the Sick.  However, with morning turning into afternoon.  I felt it in my heart I had to GO to Centerville and sitting there on a stool in the middle of a 1/2 price book store a Chinaman approach in my aisle.

March 4th turned out to be a highlight for me during this whole ordeal and changed     my outlook on life forever. That afternoon, Mant from Kettering Ohio explained a lot of   my own perplexity of living going through my head at the time. This stranger whom just happen into my life through chance ….being in the same place in time what’s the chance    of that happening.

He explained a lot  in a very short time  being he was a cancer survivor  himself from  China.  When  he  relocated  to the United States  it  was  like culture shock to him how       we treat cancer here stateside. He stated, “in Western Society when chemotherapy and radiation fails people just give up and die.”  He  also  stated,  “it’s primitive, and a little barbaric to administer chemo without any form of supplementation.”

That was an outsiders first impression how it works here all for the sake of the almighty  dollar.  In Eastern Culture they have many many things that can make it work he stated.    If one thing doesn’t work you try something else….  something else beats  trying nothing  but what you were trying you also know it doesn’t work.

Within Eastern Philosophy:  you start out in increments small dosage for the individual.     While maxing out when you see it not working anymore then dropping back to what was working. Everything in correct dosage equaling maximum strength is how he put it.  It’s that one statement today that still resonates in my head today ”  correct dosage equaling maximum strength.”

That purpose of connecting  wasn’t immediately recognized  or  realized back then.        What Mant explained to me was his Mega Pill Theory,  which was hard for him to put        to words because  of  it’s  complexity  to  understand.  I wouldn’t want to try to change anything either for fear of the back fire effect.

The back fire effect  being that when you try to change the way things are  to what you think  they should be.  Human nature  tries  to prove you wrong  in a condescending way and everything reverts back to the wrong way anyway. The more thing s change tne more they stay the same mindset kinda thing…. know what I mean?

What we talked about that day was how all the organs work in unison and how medicine can throw that action off.  We talked about how the heart supports  the kidneys  and if the kidney doesn’t do it’s thing you have fluid retention. Mant stated, “it’s important and vital to take Hawthorne Berry  to help protect the heart  and cranberries to flush the kidneys to protect both.

With  a little Milk Thistle  thrown  in  to  keep  the  liver  functioning  at 100%.  Because cancer begins and ends in the liver….  and it has to do it’s job and that’s to get toxins out of your system. In his message: we also talked about the importance of Beet Root for iron and keeping your energy levels.

Also  stated,  it’s  important  to keep your blood purified  and  it  was  his opinion many herbs do this. But Red Clover extract does it better then most.  Burdock Root  is  also good but he thought the best way to get burdock root was visiting a Chinese Store and preparing it like you would carrots.  With carrots also being important because beta carotene is good for cancer patients as well.

Mant went on to explain  his very important vitals  for  a strong immune system  being from beta glucans medicinal mushrooms,  vitamin C  and selenium. With selenium being one of the answers I was looking for…. because our all about the money medical system in the United States always stated that my father was deficient in selenium but thought it no big deal while pushing drugs instead.

In some ways the Chinese view money the same way.  Cordyceps Mushrooms are called      caterpillar mushroom. This is because Cordyceps  actually invades the body of the native Himalayan caterpillar and consumes it entirely.  By June,  the caterpillar  is transformed into a mushroom.  Even in July, conditions up in the mountains are harsh.  It can still be freezing, the UV-radiation exposure is significant. When you are picking up mushrooms   at 3 miles above sea level, you have to be accustomed to very thin air to barely survive.

But the income potential is huge. Wild cordyceps sell for as much as $1,500 per pound. Have ever wondered how and where wild Cordyceps Sinensis medicinal mushrooms are harvested, watch this video. You will see how farmers and villagers from 9,000 ft. above the sea level migrate to 13,000 ft. levels in the mountains of Bhutan to find and pick wild Cordyceps.  Finding Cordyceps  for the local people is similar to founding gold  or  oil  in your own backyard!

Mant thought  magnesium  was   another  mineral cancer patients should have checked because most are constipated and medicine depletes the body of this key mineral. Also B12 injections should be considered for energy levels when you’re taking medicine.  Also along with constant monitoring of vitamin D levels… because when you’re sick  you stay in doors more. When your body is insufficient of vitamin D you tend to have more pain.  As his last word for me was to  checkout the book “The Calcium Connection.”

In the end there was a reason why,  this Chinaman whom came into my life Temporarily through Power of Prayer.  And I thought that true reason in hindsight was in all our years of helping one another.  Towards my fathers end being…. I could no longer help him and through that helpless feeling gave me depression.

What Mant taught me  was the purpose of life  and  there has to be an ending to it.         That the human body wears out through all those years of living it up. Therefore, we        best prepares ourselves for old age  by taking better care of ourselves.  Also knowing        for ourselves what is best for ourselves. It’s through this awareness that may prevent    open heart surgery or cancer in the long run and gives us a better life in the end!!!

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