I believe that God speaks to each of us, if we are contemplative and open enough to listen. When I was healing from a prognosis of “terminal” cancer in 2010, I relied on God’s whispers through alpha, journaling and body awareness to guide my way back to health. So On This Valentine’s Day Open Your Heart & Listen
Reading back through my journals from 2010 helps me reflect on where I used to be and where I am now in life. In The Artist’s Way author Julia Cameron suggests …. writing 750 words every morning. At first there was a lot of emotional “dumping” in my morning pages, but eventually jewels of wisdom began to emerge. I would often write letters to God, asking questions and sharing concerns. If I didn’t get an answer right away, I would almost always encounter signs later that day or the next that helped reduce my anxiety and gain clarity and peace about my course of action.
We define alpha (Optimum Health Institute’s style of meditation) as a state somewhere between prayer and meditation, where you can both talk to and listen to God. On more than one occasion, God has spoken to me directly in the alpha state. A couple of months after I began practicing alpha at OHI, God reassured me not to spend any energy worrying about my recovery. Instead, I was directed to walk alongside others on their healing journey, inspiring and encouraging them. The seed was planted for my career at OHI.
OHI transformed me from a powerless victim who had been told by my oncologists I had a “zero percent chance of survival” to a powerful victor by changing my awareness of the body’s amazing ability to heal. Dr. Bruce Lipton says, “The moment you change your perception is the moment you rewrite the chemistry of your body.” I believe God has give n each of us the spiritual gifts of intuition and body awareness (what I call body wisdom) to use in our healing.
Peg Harvey is the OHI Director of Program Development and Training. Come meet her, and hear more inspiring stories. Then experience your own personal transformation in body, mind and spirit at OHI in San Diego or Austin, Texas. Our caring team can help you achieve your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual goals for optimal health. Visit our website at www.optimumhealth.org, and call us at (800) 993-4325 to make your reservation.